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Everything posted by Governor

  1. You’re not paying attention. AOC and the others are keeping the left flank, which allows Biden to be perceived as moderate when he really isn’t anymore and is pushing pretty progressive legislation through. Biden wants these folks screaming from his left. It keeps him dead center and strong with independents. It’s been pretty masterful. Klain has a great pulse in the electorate.
  2. You guys are stuck in this idea that we only pick black running mates to deliver black communities, and I just don’t think it matters that much anymore. Very rarely does a VP candidate actually deliver a state in the first place. Thinking that H. Walker can win a senate seat in Georgia basically tells us how racist and desperate the GOP is.
  3. Depends on the map. Whitmer looks ready to me and she lost weight and looks pretty hot these days.
  4. You’re way further along than I am due to your profession. I understand the frustration but we’re dealing with children here. The minute Biden isn’t out there pushing vaccinations, they’ll claim he’s committing genocide on red states. Don’t believe me?
  5. I don’t think it’s that at all. We just don’t want you filthy cretins cramping our style.
  6. Newsom is all I hear about in political circles. Women LOVE the guy! Can you believe he used to be married to that gargoyle Kimberly from Fox?
  7. I’m not sure I would count Cuomo out yet. He would beat DeSantis to a bloody stump and both guys will have the same amount of baggage by then. That would be really interesting. Newsom would beat DeSantis pretty handily.
  8. It’s no longer Covid-19. This is a different virus. If you booger eating meatheads don’t get vaccinated we’ll be fighting Covid-37 a year from now.
  9. Which bill? We don’t really know what will be in either one when it passes. I would prefer to have money for high-speed rail throughout this country. The Medicare expansion is a big one for me. Hopefully that makes the reconciliation bill.
  10. I’m not using no commie internet. I’ll go back to Netscape dial-up then I’ll set myself on fire.
  11. The only thing Team Biden misjudged so far is just how incredibly stupid the average American is. He had to go on TV today and address these people like they’re 5 year olds and he’ll probably have to continue doing that and be everyone’s father over the coming weeks. However, the CDC made a terrible mistake lifting masks. Some of us knew that the day it happened. The masks should’ve never come off. Now they have to change it back. Biden can’t be concerned with vaccinated people being sad about putting a mask on. He’s the president of the whole country and he can’t just let millions of pig-faced, southern mutants kill themselves on his watch. With freedom comes responsibility.
  12. I’m pretty sure the WH isn’t too worried about DeSantis. He’s still a few presidential cycles away from being a serious candidate. He will probably run just to get some experience but he definitely isn’t a gifted politician and he’s pretty dreadful on the stump. He could improve, but it’s not happening this time around. He actually reminds me a lot of Jeb.
  13. Time for Nancy to work her magic. Republicans should pay attention. They’ve never had a House leader that can maneuver like the master. Manchin is already onboard with the reconciliation package. He’ll do his usual whining along the way but we have his vote in the end. Everyone wins in the end. GOP senators look good after being blamed for the last administration that wasn’t capable of introducing any meaningful legislation in 4 years. Progressives get their grab bag of goodies and expansion of programs. There will be something similar to Manchin’s recent voter bill proposal added to wreck the recent red state suppression laws. Biden gets to do the victory lap and enjoy a nice bounce. His legislative agenda will be nearly completed and Dems can pivot to HC heading into the midterm elections. Trump and his cult snowflakes cry and continue hating police and America while chasing weird social issues that no one cares about. Mitch has a Lara Trump problem. There’s no way he can take back the senate if they give away the NC seat. He’s gotta get her out of there and find someone electable to run there or he’s doomed.
  14. You and your kids will have to get vaccinated or you’re not going to be allowed outside into the public square 6 months from now. I could’ve told you that well over a year ago. We never actually had a choice so you might as well do it now before you get Delta and do permanent damage to your loved ones and then end up being forced to get it anyway after the fact. I don’t know what some of you are waiting for or what you thought was going to happen. You’re being the illogical one. Just trying to help you out here. Months ago everyone here discussed this and listed ways the government/business would compel you to get vaccinated. Well? Did you not believe that was going to happen? All of those things are already in motion and will be introduced the day after the FDA approves this thing.
  15. We leave no man behind. All he has to do is stick to the plan. Trust the process.
  16. You gonna get you some of that “Long-haul disability” aren’t you? I see what you’re up to. Tricky tricky.
  17. If you’re on Team Blue, you already received your instructions.
  18. It’s not messy at all for me. I’m in the yellow/moderate section of the map that has the highest percentage vaccinated county in the entire state, if not the entire country.
  19. Found another Pelosi Republican. Out! Out! Out! Sellout’: Anti-vax conservatives come for DeSantis https://www.politico.com/states/florida/story/2021/07/26/sellout-anti-vax-conservatives-come-for-desantis-1389008
  20. We’re now entering the most crucial period. Look at the US map today from the CDC. Team Blue, you know what to do.
  21. Minneapolis is gone? A pile of rubble? I had no idea. What election were they trying to overturn? I need to get caught up on the news. I guess I’ve been so busy that I didn’t notice we were missing a major city.
  22. I don’t remember anyone in Minneapolis storming the DC capital trying to overturn an election they lost in embarrassing fashion to please a cult leader. I’m pretty sure that only happened once and every person that was involved said Trump told them to do it. Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, not the Anarchist party.
  23. They were Republican Trump supporters. Having a difficult time accepting that you belong to a Christofascist cult? That’s pretty common for most cult members.
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