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Everything posted by Logic

  1. One thing I worry about with the Bills is their level of physicality. The Bills at the moment are — and I hate to say it — a bit of a finesse team. Can they go toe to toe with the Titans or Ravens and punch them in the mouth?
  2. I think, if anything, people tend to overlook the importance of pass blocking, pass catching, and knowledge of the (huge) playbook when it comes to running backs. Is Williams the better pure RUNNER? Maybe. Even that is a small sample size. But does he check those other three boxes?
  3. Is there a "disagree" emoji? Or do the "meh" and "laugh" emojis cover that? Sometimes I want to indicate that I disagree with someone without necessarily laughing at them.
  4. I see "overreaction Monday" is in full effect this week, even though it's Sunday. So far today, I've seen "Milano should have been benched" and "Daboll is dumb and needs to be gone immediately". I mean......wow. Just wow.
  5. I'm gonna go ahead and guess Yeldon will be active. He's more of a "sure thing" in the playoffs. I'm guessing that both his pass blocking and pass catching skills are superior to Williams. That said, regardless of who gets the start, I expect Singletary to take 80+ % of the snaps.
  6. I wasn't disappointed in the classical sense of the word with yesterday's Bills performance. I'm a firm believer that "a win is a win", ESPECIALLY in the playoffs. Just ask the Patriots dynasty. They won PLENTY of unconvincing squeakers over two decades. A win is a win. Overcoming adversity and finding a way to win a big game when you're not on your "A game" is really important and was a big growth milestone for this team. I WAS disappointed in the sense that I know the Bills are capable of playing much better than they did yesterday. After seeing how well they are capable of executing the past few weeks, how creative Daboll's game plans can be, etc, I've come to have high expectations for this team. I was trying to understand how I was feeling after yesterday's game. Normally, I would be euphoric. I was happy, to be sure, but more so, I was just relieved. Relieved because I know the Bills are good enough to compete for a championship, and because they didn't necessarily play championship caliber football for large stretches of the game, but still managed to get a win. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my EXPECTATION LEVEL has been raised. Squeaking out wins or winning one playoff game are no longer good enough. We're past that now. The expectation now, for me, is championship. THEN I will be euphoric. Each win along the way will make me happy, but more so, it will be a relief, because it means the Bills have cleared another necessary hurdle on the way to the real goal, the BIG goal, the ONLY goal.
  7. I agree that Allen checked a very important box yesterday, but not "the final box", in my opinion. That would be the "can he play effectively in the Super Bowl?" box. If he can check THAT box, we're looking at a likely Hall of Famer.
  8. Allen became the first QB from the class of ‘18 to win a playoff game. Gabriel Davis is a star in the making. Bass is cold blooded and has a cannon for a leg. The Bills played a B- or C+ game and still won. THE BILLS WON A MOTHERF’N PLAYOFF GAME FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A QUARTER CENTURY!!!
  9. Personally, I disagree. The only thing I had a problem with was the lack of the jet sweep and pre-snap motions with McKenzie. McKenzie, though, may well have not been healthy, since he was barely seen in this game. One or more Bills players said they felt like this was the toughest defense they played against all season. The Colts defense routinely controlled the line of scrimmage. They have 1st team All-Pros at DT and LB. They're well coached and disciplined and fast. Furthermore, a lot of the runs today seemed to be "check with me's" that Josh audibled into. On other occasions, the execution was poor. On still OTHER occasions, the Bills were repeatedly starting drives from their own 10 yard line or worse. With all of that said, the Bills still scored 27 points. Was it Daboll's best game? Absolutely not. I thought it lacked a little of the creativity and diversity we've come to expect from him. But to say it was his WORST game since whenever? I don't know. I didn't see it.
  10. Allen WAS the Bills offense today. Not only was he their entire running game, but ALSO, some of his biggest passing plays were made off structure, when the Colts had our play-call stopped dead to rights and Josh just made something happen. The scoring drive before the half that put us up 14-10, for instance, was all Josh (with a little help from Gabriel "toe drag swag" Davis). I forget where I read it recently, but it's true: He's gone from being a quarterback you can win with, to being a quarterback you win BECAUSE OF.
  11. Thanks for the write up. Important win for the growth of this team. They were mentally tough. They overcame adversity. What’s McDermott always saying? “Find a way”. They did.
  12. Thanks for the write up. Especially liked the part about the “final boss”. I believe that McKenzie must have still been ailing today. He was well enough to be active, but not well enough to contribute. Maybe he re-aggravated the ankle early. His absence meant that the entire jet sweep element he presents went out the window. Here’s hoping he gets better by next week’s game. He makes the Bills offense more diverse and more potent.
  13. It would’ve been 1st down. They would have only needed to get up to the line and spike it. I think they could’ve accomplished that for sure. It would’ve been a long attempt (55 yards or so?), but still.
  14. Absolutely. He played those last few Colts plays PERFECTLY. He ensured that the sidelines were well covered and congested. He said to the Colts "If you're gonna beat us, it's gonna need to be with a Hail Mary". That being said, the moment from when the ball left Rivers hand to when Hyde knocked it down was the longest moment of my life. And while we're at it, credit to McDermott for calling that last timeout when he did. Had the Colts completed that play, they would have ALREADY been in (long) field goal range. Perfectly coached and executed ending there by the Bills D, sealing the victory for Buffalo.
  15. They got pressure all game long, played disciplined zone defense with fast defenders who communicate well, and at times dared the Bills to run. If the Bills don't win a championship this season, I'd be willing to bet that lack of a threatening run game will be the thing that sinks them. Beane said that playoff losses often show you in stark clarity what your team weaknesses are. The failure to score enough last year against the Texans brought us Stefon Diggs and Gabriel Davis. The failure to run the ball this year, if it ends up costing us a playoff game, may well bring changes to the running game in the offseason.
  16. People have covered pretty much everyone so far, but... I have to give a special shoutout to Gabriel Davis. Without him, I'm not sure the Bills would have won today. He plays well beyond his years and well beyond his draft status, and he looks to be a star in the making for Buffalo. Between the contributions of Davis, Bass, Moss, and even Epenesa today, this draft class looks like another strong one from Brandon Beane.
  17. No, they don't. Until the Bills prove they can actually run the ball with their running backs, Allen is about all they've got. Besides, you don't just consciously choose NOT TO USE a weapon as lethal as Allen's running ability.
  18. I know I'm late to this thread, but... That was one of the most horse doo-doo calls I have EVER seen in a football game. Just outrageously, ridiculously, OBVIOUSLY the wrong call. The Bills beat the Colts AND the refs today.
  19. Today was huge for the growth of this young team. They showed that even when things aren't going perfectly, even when the opponent is outgaining them and controlling the clock, even when they're losing the field position battle, even when the refs try to steal it from them....they can overcome adversity and get a win. It's #4 on the list of McDermott-isms: "Find a way". Today, they found a way. They were mentally tough. This was a significant marker of growth. Hopefully, this by-the-skin-of-their-teeth win will have them digging in, re-focusing, and realizing that they need to play even better next week. I bet they will.
  20. Being on the west coast is great for highly anticipated games like today. Only need to wait til 10am for kickoff!
  21. I think he was called up as a safety measure in case either Beasley or Diggs can't go. If both of them play, Duke will be inactive. "Elevated from practice squad" does not necessarily mean "active on gameday".
  22. I just read in an Athletic article that Josh Allen led the league in EPA against Cover 2 defensive looks -- which just so happen to be the Colts defense's most used look throughout the season. I also read that their pass defense overall has been struggling since week 10 or so, particularly against intermediate and deep passes. Between those factors and starting corner Rock Ya-Sin missing the game, I just don't see how their defense is going to adequately slow down the Bills offense. I just watched Peter King on NBC Sports talking about how Frank Reich remembers the Super Bowl gameplan the Giants used to beat the Bills: Run the ball, run the clock, limit possessions. If the Colts can do that successfully, they've got a shot. But no matter how many different ways I look at the matchup, I can't convince myself that the Bills are going to lose.
  23. I had season tickets for a number of (bad) years. Witnessed the 6-3 Browns game, the Kevin Everett injury game, the Browns Monday night loss, the 56-10 Patriots game, the Stevie Johnson drop game....lots of long, cold drives home after bad showings by bad football teams. Aw man, I just realized looking at that list that I had season tickets during the worst part of the drought. Was at some of the most memorably bad Bills losses in history. Ah well, it makes the current success all the sweeter. Moved to Oregon and thus no longer have seasons, though I still try to see 1-3 games a year. Was most recently at the Texans playoff loss last year (ugh). Cannot WAIT to get back to Orchard Park for a game next year!
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