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Everything posted by Logic

  1. That's nice. It'll make it all the sweeter when the Bills beat the Chiefs this Sunday.
  2. As several have already said, this is clearly a "just in case" move, much like the Stills and Freeman signings. Good to have players already in the building, through COVID protocols, and up to speed with the team in case they are needed.
  3. Nothing is going wrong. Beane and McDermott are incredibly meticulous and prepare for all possibilities. Just like the Kenny Stills and Devonta Freeman signings, this is a "just in case" move, so that you have players up to speed, through COVID protocols, and ready to go if needed. Nothing to see here. You should probably get used to hearing form Sherman, since he'll be the Bills' CB2 next season 😝
  4. And, I would say, Andy Reid. I love Daboll. He's awesome. But Andy Reid has a long, consistent, unimpeachable history of excellence as an offensive mind in this league. Unlike Daboll, who has been really good for one or two seasons now, Reid's offenses have been changing with the times and have been good for over 20 years.
  5. It may be a popular take among Bills fans, but not so much among the national media. There may be one or two out there, like Hasselbeck, but I would venture to guess that the vast majority of national media and NFL fans would find this to be a controversial or laughable take.
  6. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/01/22/some-in-the-league-think-josh-allen-has-caught-patrick-mahomes/ Most would say that Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes currently is the best in the game. Some who know the game and who study it carefully are wondering whether Bills quarterback Josh Allen has caught up with Mahomes. Simms and I separately have been hearing talk along those lines based on Allen’s incredible improvement in 2020. And the point often made is this: There’s a difference when it comes to seeing Allen perform in person. Size, speed, mobility, accuracy. Incredible velocity when he throws. Uncanny ability to sprint one way and throw the other.
  7. I'll be honest... I think Chad Hall has just as much of a chance to be named the next OC as Ken Dorsey.
  8. Jamestown, NY native, and with the name to match.
  9. I wouldn't have imagined it before the season, but Davis has become a crucial part of our offense. When a play breaks down and Allen rolls out, the two guys he looks for are Diggs and Davis. If Davis is hobbled this game, it will negatively affect our passing game. I'm not saying we can't overcome it, given that we still have Diggs, Brown, Beasley, and McKenzie (and Stills?), but....here's hoping they're just being cautious and Davis is okay.
  10. I'm sure you were a big fan of the guy that just left office, though? I'm sure HE'D never use the office to line his and his family's pockets! 🙄
  11. Thanks for the response. I appreciate your perspective. The bolded are statements that I agree with. I find that, when it comes to what we all want, there are often more commonalities than most would admit. I, too, want to live in a country where working 40 hours means you can afford a home and a car and health insurance. I, too, want to live in a country with a strong education system. I want to live in a country where people aren't dying in the street because they have to choose between insulin and their next meal. I vehemently disagree with your assertion that democrats are somehow to blame for the ills of America. I believe it's quite clear which side has been the enemy of health care, of living wages, and of education, and it's not the left. It saddens and confounds me that anyone could actually think that the modern GOP cares anything about the values you mentioned, the hopes that you have. It seems quite clear that, while neither side is perfect, one side has fought for the common American far, FAR more than the other. Nevertheless, despite the fact that you blame the evils on "the evil democrats" while I think that's preposterous and silly....again, the fact remains that many Americans want many of the same things. You and I want many of the same things. We may disagree on the best way to achieve these ends. Let's give the new guy a chance and see what happens.
  12. Biden's inaugural address was so, so, so much better than Trump's inaugural address, which talked all about fire and brimstone and fear and American carnage. It reminded me that after hearing Trump's inaugural address, George W Bush returned to his seat and said to Hillary Clinton "Well....that was some weird *****". 😄 The poet laureate who spoke after Biden recited a really powerful poem, too. Wow. Great day for America.
  13. Can you define "the America you grew up believing in" in any more detail? I'm legitimately curious what you mean by this.
  14. John Brown had 8 receptions for over 60 yards against the Ravens. I agree he was invisible against the Colts, but that was not the case against Baltimore.
  15. Whenever anyone insists that an NFL team needs to #EstablishTheRun in order to win, I immediately know to ignore their opinion.
  16. Can we pencil in a corner, NT, or edge for the first round instead, please?
  17. There was an article on NBC News today about how there are still legions of QAnon people who truly believe that tomorrow is the "great awakening", where Trump will reveal the final stage of his coup, seize power, and hold mass executions of democrats. They're loading up on ham radios and getting ready for internet and electrical grid blackouts, pitying us poor souls who "live in ignorance" of the REAL truths of pedophilia, blood drinking, and other deranged Q nonsense. It really, truly is a doomsday cult. Lots and lots of people in for a rude awakening tomorrow, though I'm sure they'll just keep moving the goalposts and pushing the dates of the "great awakening" back. Gosh, what a bunch of absolute lunatics. Sad. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/increasingly-militant-parler-refugees-anxious-qanon-adherents-prep-doomsday-n1254775 Liesa Norris got a panicked phone call Monday from her brother. He told her to buy a ham radio. The radio, he explained, would be one of the few ways they could communicate once President Donald Trump launched his plans to take permanent power. "We were dancing around the subject, and then he just brought up that on the 20th, you know, the truth is going to come out," Norris said. "He was just going on and on about how we needed to have ham radios because we're not going to be able to talk on regular phones and everything is going to be dark." Trump has no such plans. But in the fractured QAnon community, which has turned to a variety of smaller messaging apps and YouTube to keep spreading conspiracy theories, evidence-free reports of a nationwide blackout and impending martial law Wednesday have become a last stand for true believers that Trump will be president after Inauguration Day. NBC News reviewed the social media accounts of Norris' brother, part of a sea of QAnon accounts that have become increasingly divorced from reality since the Capitol riot. Most of the accounts have expressed a belief that Trump will declare martial law and execute Democrats on Inauguration Day as part of the cult's long-awaited doomsday.
  18. Yes! I agree and have had the same thought. I do not think this is the last time we will be seeing Bills-Chiefs in the playoffs and in the AFCCG. Allen/Mahomes has the potential to be one of the most exciting rivalries in the history of the NFL. Two electrifying, rare, generational talents, who just so happen to have come into the league at roughly the same time. Amazing. Here's hoping it comes to be, and that we get the better end of our share of these matchups!
  19. Perhaps this may seem weird to some, but I was rooting for the Chiefs to be our opponents instead of the Browns. Why? Well... For one thing, I want to see how our team matches up against the Chiefs. The Bills have beaten a lot of good opponents this year, killed a lot of narratives, and proven that they're ready to be contenders. The final remaining challenge is to see how they measure up against the champs. And no, I don't count week six. That wasn't the Bills at their best. Additionally, though, I truly believe that a "no one expects us to win", chippy underdog Bills team always plays better than a favored-at-home, "pressure's on us" Bills team. The chip on the shoulder, underdog, "us against the world" mentality is a huge part of the identity of this particular team of guys, more so than many other teams in the NFL. Yes, ALL athletes hype themselves up in this way sometimes, but with this Bills team, it just seems to be a way of life. McDermott himself said that it's a big part of who they are as a team. And yes, they need to learn to still win and still perform well when they are the hunted rather than the hunter, but still...For this one game, in this one moment, I'm more comfortable with them as the underdogs that few expect to win. That's when I think they're at their best. As the Nature Boy would say: "To be the man, ya gotta beat the man!". I'm ready to see the Bills beat the man.
  20. I can't wait to see the Bills through the lens of those dope 8K cameras that CBS has. I also can't wait to watch a Bills game with Romo on the call. Has that happened yet this season?
  21. The Bills and Chiefs are preposterously, outrageously, frighteningly similar across the board.
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