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Everything posted by oldmanfan

  1. I don’t want to hear anything more about Davis
  2. It does not have to be that the D is bad. It is because both offenses on that filed are playing great.
  3. Ok boys, let’s matriculate the ball down the field!
  4. But is one’s judgment clouded because one expects to see poor performance?
  5. Yeah, I should dial it back a bit. Thanks for pulling me back in. I just find it interesting that after two blowout wins some still look for boogeymen, and fixate on a player or two. I am certainly not saying Spencer Brown is an All Pro or anything, but I have been trying to pay attention to him specifically and to me he just doesn’t look as bad as many are saying. Can he be better? Sure, in pass protection especially. But he’s not a train wreck so why keep referring to him as such?
  6. You don’t like being told you might be wrong. Too bad. I will say again Brown certainly has room to improve.
  7. I am appreciative, but merely going by what he said. What he said is he saw one more pressure against Guy A than Guy B, each of which were facing tough matchups (funny how there only one guy was mentioned but not the other first round guy), but decided to cut Guy B slack vs. Guy A because he had already formed an opinion of Guy A. Stats 101 tells you that’s confirmation bias. I have said both in your thread and here Brown can certainly improve. But you are bound and determined to throw him under the bus regardless. In fact in your thread someone informed you that the number of times a guy got chipped to help Brown was much less than you said and you indicated that individual may be right since you actually missed a large number of snaps. Guess what that’s called? Hint - see above. Brown is not the best RT out there. He is good in the run game but susceptible in pass protection, to me because his height and overall size may work against him at times. He is to me the 5the best starting lineman All I am asking people to do is look at the guy with objectivity and not pre-conceived bias.
  8. Do you think it is fair to compare last year to this year given the injuries he was dealing with last year? Ladies and gentlemen, while I understand Brown can certainly improve, the poster is demonstrating classic confirmation bias.
  9. So the difference between Dawkins and Brown was one pressure, the Commanders have Sweat on one side and Young on the other, but Dawkins gets a pass and Brown doesn’t. Right. Uh huh.
  10. I’ll give you an example of a high scoring team with a great pass rush: The Buffalo Bills
  11. So now we have to nitpick? And tell me again how many Browns games you’ve watched.
  12. It’s going to be a helluva game Sunday. They’ll be tough to slow down but we did so last year in 120 degree heat and 4 non starters in the defensive backfield.
  13. As I pointed out since so many fawn over PFF around here, Brown is ranked higher. Sorry if that also escaped you. And since you brought up Jones as a guy that you apparently think is better than Brown, tell me how many Browns games you’ve watched.
  14. Yes. Inherent in that question would be a T who would be an improvement over Brown. Sorry that escaped you.
  15. Would be interesting to ask the brain trust for the Bills O about this So one guy? And not that I’m a big believer in PFF rankings but they have Brown ranked above Jones. Thanks for trying.
  16. The 220 some pound LB they drafted in the 3rd round last year seems to be working out. Rather than just random criticism, can I ask you to go back to that 3rd round or lower and identify a T that could have been drafted who is currently starting and playing at a higher level than brown?
  17. And if you watch him this year, watch him without confirmation bias, he's not doing that bad. He certainly has room to improve but he's not playing that bad. But because, if you look at the rest of the roster there are no obvious candidates, Brown is targeted for the negativity. Interesting points
  18. I know in my advancing years memories can sometimes be foggy, but I seem to recall in the first game against the Fish last year we had replacements in every one of the DB spots save for Taron, and we held them down pretty well. Given we have Tre and Hyde and Poyer in there and an emerging Bernard, plus McD calling what seems to be more aggressive play calls, I think we stand a good chance Sunday. We won't completely shut them down, but I don't see the Fish running wild.
  19. The Commanders with 4 first round picks on the D line were weak? That was last year. This year is this year. Out of the 5 guys yes, he's probably the least accomplished. But no one will answer what reasonable expectations are for the guy.
  20. Target. Hot seat. Whatever. There is a strange predilection around here to focus negativity on a given player. Right now it’s Brown. And no he does not, in your word, suck. He is good in the run game and needs to continue to improve in pass protection. If Brown shows marked improvement then the target will simply shift to another guy. One would have thought that it would be Bernard since.so much negativity in the off-season was about not having a MLB but surprise! - when he actually played he was pretty good. This is why I try to just watch the games and not let confirmation bias affect my view of how a given guy plays. Ironically enough there is only one guy on the roster who has played one truly sucky game, and that was Josh week one.
  21. There is none. The real question to be asked is this: if you know you're overreacting, then why start the thread to begin with?
  22. To address each of your points: 1. Spot on. He is good in run blocking, must continue to improve on pas protection. 2. Beane bought in Shell but he retired. He then brought in Ifedi. That's called addressing the position. And if we had drafted a RT and then stayed with drafting Torrence in round 2 the complaints would be that nothing was done to give Allen more weapons. 3. None
  23. I think for RT's it's Target you go to, but I'd have to double check.
  24. But if one actually watches the games thus far and focus in on him he is doing OK. Like any guy in the league he got beat a couple times. You tell me, what should we be looking for in terms of performance? No pressures or sacks given up? There's a name for tackles like that: HOFers.
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