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Everything posted by Figster

  1. You know John, I think anything being posted negative about the Buffalo Bills helped contribute to its downfal IMO. Thousands of unhappy posters and the site itself is expected to protect the integrity of the franchise. It can't be done.
  2. I think you guys also had a real tough time defending a franchise that had struggled for many years. BBMB had inside connections that leaked sensative Bills intel. Myself personally, this is what brought the house down in my humble opinion.
  3. dog 90210 was also a holy Trent worshiper Wonder where that S O B went to...
  4. Interesting If we are exploring QB to QB coach the better choice from an innovative standpoint would be Ryan Fitzpatrick whom has worked closely with Chan Gailey for years IMO. From a leadership standpoint Fitz checks all the boxes IMO. The bearded one has Gaileys playbook memorized and knows how to use it. Davis Webb will make a great QB coach IMO. Fitz If interested in coaching might be just what the doctor ordered to give Buffalo and Dorsey a shot in the arm of innovation. Fitzmagic baby. Fitz and Allen even think alike. When all else fails bludgeon the opposition with your body. Amen
  5. Hey man, I hope all is well. Josh Allen probably more then anyone takes anything team related personally. Do you think its possible the Damar Hamlin visit to the locker room may have inadvertently caused players to revisit the trauma they experienced a few weeks earlier? I ask this because the Buffalo Bills played like they had just been shell shocked. Perhaps mentally they were. Any thoughts?
  6. So much of what? Opposition trying to throw a monkey wrench in the game plan?
  7. Its understandable considering the talent Buffalo has at the QB position Bills fans want to see improvement from one season to the next and advancement in the playoffs. AFC championship. Superbowl. I get it. KC on the other hand has the same idea. Cinci, the same goal. Make it to the Super Bowl and win. 3 elite QB's and only one will go to the Super Bowl. Myself personally, all things considered. The adversity Buffalo has faced this season. Losing Von Miller, the Damar Hamlin collapse and still recovering. Replacing a very talented OC from within the ranks. It was to much to overcome. The team or the Bills coaching staff couldn't focus properly going forward into the playoffs. Calling for any drastic changes all things considered would not be a wise thing to do in my humble opinion. I think to much of an emphasis is being placed on one loss...
  8. The solution is simple. We need some Fitzmagic. Start him as QB coach. We pick Fitzys big brain and like magic Chan Gaileys whole playbook appears. The bearded one knows how to use it. Innovation at our finger tips. Besides that Fitzmagic and Josh think alike. Punish the opposition with your body when needed. What say thee @Mark92
  9. Sure https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/profile/28637-i-am-the-egg-man/
  10. I don't think it helped the team concentrate on the task at hand.
  11. Seeing Damar Hamlin, the way he was coming in and out of view, made me forget about the game for a minute. It also felt like a dream to me. Got teary eyed for a moment. It was about the only good thing that happened on Sunday for me. The game itself was a nightmare...
  12. As do I John I think its a fair question to ask with all due respect to the folks that may find it a little difficult to discuss. Myself personally, I think the heart of the Buffalo Bills simply stayed with Damar Hamlin. It never left his side. I'm not sure there is anything you could do to change it.
  13. We do still have Von Miller as a team motivator and Miller is very good at it IMO. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/245385-motivation-brought-to-you-by-von-miller/
  14. There's not much of a drop off if any when you compare the 2021 regular season Bills O under Daboll to 2022 regular season Bills O under Ken Dorsey. While the rushing numbers are also similar the play calling of Dorsey has shown better game management skills IMO. I realize Bills HC McD has in all likelihood had some influence. Its McD's influence on the coaches around him including Ken Dorsey is what other teams want a piece of in my humble opinion. When you look at the immediate success Daboll and the G men have shown. Combined with the Bills O ranked near or at the top of the league in all major categories this season. Ken Dorsey may not be with Buffalo next season. On a side note and I know I sound like a broken record. Ryan Fitzpatrick knows the Chan Gailey play book as good as Gailey.
  15. Possible Tommy John surgery keeps popping up. Thanks for the clarification. Yes sir, while I think the misfires are few and far between. Always things you can work on. The whole team is coached up in this manner and all part of the ongoing McD process IMO. Josh Allen leads by example.
  16. I agree with you on some of the choices Allen makes from time to time. Adrenaline junky is what he is , lol The Bills 3rd down conversion abilities have been very good.
  17. Myself personally Alpha, and with all due respect. The Dolphins went into the game with the intentions of stopping Buffalo's sneaky good ground attack IMO. It was tough sledding and you have to give the Dolphins some credit. Well coached and talented football IMO. Josh Allen and company beat the Dolphins with another 300 + yards passing, and 3TD through the air. No complaints on Dorsey from me my friend...
  18. Myself personally Shaw66, with Dabolls departure I expected a few growing pains under Bills new OC Ken Dorsey. I also think opposition change from season to season. How the league evolves defending against Mahomes and Allen. Weather conditions and many other factors figure in when comparing this seasons Allen to the previous two seasons IMO. To me Josh Allen is making to many good throws to believe the elbow injury is a big issue for him. Allen is a cannon armed, lower trajectory, high velocity gunslinger and hes going to take chances. Defenders on the oppositions side do what they get paid to do sometimes. No matter what Josh Allen does, someone, somewhere will always be whispering accuracy problems. Shhhhhhh Go Bills!!!
  19. Lay your troubles on my shoulder Put your worries in my pocket Rest your love on me a while
  20. Season ticket holders and fans that buy tickets on a regular basis deserve the most consideration when an idea like this comes around.
  21. Having the game played in a stadium that provides equal opportunity for both fan bases involved from a travel standpoint would be important IMO.
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