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Everything posted by Figster

  1. I was so depressed right after the game it had me close to tearing up. This loss hurt more then any regular season game that I could remember. I think what got to me the most was how close Buffalo was to defeating a team that had controlled the line of scrimmage throughout the game. It was a huge obstacle the Bills were about to overcome. Most games are won and lost in the trenches. The Tennesse Titans are built to do exactly what they did to win football games. The second Allen came up under center to do the sneak my heart began to sink. It was one of them oh no moments right before the hammer drops. My love and admiration for Josh Allen has exceeded every Bills player now and in the past. Judging by how many fans ( mods alike) going into defensive mode concerning his play when things go wrong I'm not alone. I understand how you feel. Nobody hurt worse after the loss then Allen. I'm confident the pain he felt had very little to do with his own personal feelings and everything to do with his teamates, coaches and for all the Bills fans that traveled long distances to stand behind him. The 12th man came in force. At the top of the list for Allen was Brian Daboll. In the aftermath a few days later I've accepted the loss and found the silver lining. This loss did not need to happen in the playoffs. While Buffalo's overall schedule is weak key teams like the Chiefs, Titans and Bucs will give the Buffalo Bills the experience they need to become Champions in my humble opinion. I Billieve...
  2. Thanks for the vote of confidence my friend. While casual may not be the best description. In comparison to season tickets holders and some fans driving half way across the country to make live games. It puts them higher on the totem poll. Then you have fans like Shaw, season ticket holder for decades. Not only does he go to live games. He takes the time to share his experience in a unique way only Shaw can do IMO. Guys like Shaw and Virgil really do take being a Buffalo Bill fans to another level. I also think many of the mods and admin on the Bills football forums deserve special recognition. Caught between the team they love and every crazy poster who flies off the handle when things go wrong. Or how about the owners. SDS has built TBD from the ground up to become the biggest Bills sports forum in the country. My good friend Foxx on our estranged uncle site. Giving me a small glimpse into the amount of hard work and effort it takes just to start a Bills forum. Its not easy. Most sites pale in comparison to what SDS has accomplished. Fans taking their Bills fandom to an even higher level. The DieHardRulers who rule us all. Most patrons on TBD probably view me as a big Billls homer that normally looks at the bright side of everything. If theres a silver lining, I'll find it. The silver lining of myself is my love for the game of football. Buffalo Bills football in particular. Along with all the ups and downs and everything in the middle. My love for the team and its fan base is enough for me. I'll let you guys do all the dirty work ; )
  3. I did at 1st also with the not like grieving stomach punch, but after giving it a day or two to sink in, I feel its better to experience this now then in the playoffs. Buffalo will become a better team in the process IMO. OK, who got punched after the game. If you answer my grandma, you might be a redneck.
  4. Explains why the ball came off his hand like he was slinging it without any grip. Thanks for the update my friend. Cheers
  5. One of my favorite things about reading Shaws reviews is the NFL history and insight he's able to apply to them. Shaw did a thread awhile back you guys probably remember. Which was basically his view of a casual fan of the Buffalo Bills vs a true die hard fan. Under Shaws high standards I was astonished to find myself in the casual fan category. Shaws high standard is the key to my placement. Shaw himself is the reason I finally admitted to myself he was right. Compared to Shaw my casual position in the Bills fan base became obvious to me. So today I give thanks and high praise to one of the biggest die hard Bills fans on the planet. While I have never met him personally. I know his love and dedication to the Buffalo Bills goes well beyond my casual embrace. Thanks Casual Bills fan
  6. So its all our fault then, Hate it when that happens...
  7. I suggest you go back and read Haps post in Virgils thread. So getting knocked off the line of scrimmage throughout the game means nothing. Awesome... Here let me help Again, this goes to my point - if you don't like the Baysian probability thing, call it macro-probability (overall success against any team we've played) vs micro-probability (probability of success given in-game observations against this specific opponent in this game). IMHO the overall analytics need to be modified to account for new in-game information of how the OL is performing against this team on this day.
  8. It hurt, but I'm ok with the loss. (Liked going for it on 4th) I think Buffalo learned valuable lessons about the Titans and how losing the battle in the trenches needs to help dictate the play call. The Buffalo Bills and Josh Allen will continue to improve in the process... Nice posting...
  9. Give the ball to a RB then who is more accustomed to hitting the hole made available fast. I understand where your coming from though, it was bang , bang, Game over...
  10. It still looks like Allen just ducked his head down and blindly tried to dive forward vs seeing where his Oline had given him enough push to get the 1st down. I'm not going to say Josh Allen played poorly. On the other hand I will say Allen was not at the top of his game when we needed him to be IMO.
  11. This may have been posted already. Is this more of a mistake by Allen?
  12. Being a GM its not just about the draft. We all know how hit and miss it can be IMO. Buffalo still has higher round draft picks developing on a young football team. Our 1st and 2nd round draft choices from the latest draft are a good example. Not difference makers, seriously? A WR drafted in a later round is considered by some to be one of the biggest steals of the draft. Thanks Gugs
  13. Lol, this is one popular post Nice job/post Fergy
  14. Josh is looking relaxed today. Getting there a little early before prime time tonight. I think all the Chiefs pressure cooker did last week was help make Buffalo stay at the boiling point.
  15. Chiefs > Pats I agree, never visited a Pats forum. Chiefs Planet sucks. The Pats poster that frequents TBD allot is a good poster...
  16. This is a very fair response and I'm going to let you have the last word. Thanks
  17. I'm sure most of us in all likelihood know adults whom have not been vaxxed. Myself personally, I have friends and relatives. Like many who realize the importance of stopping the spread of covid 19 I try my best to convince them. To me its like telling them don't go into deep water without a life jacket If you don't know how to swim. Our bodies in many instances does not know how to protect itself from covid 19 properly. Naturally we can't put on a life jacket every time we are near water. (mask) Vaccine teaches our body how to doggie paddle If we fall in the water. I understand people wanting to boo Cole Beasley. Fans are booing the message he sends in response. If you want to use a platform that reaches millions prepare for the consequences when most of them don't agree with you. The multi talented Bills WR is also a singer, song writter, and he gets it. Beasley's profession because of Covid is compromised now because of the mans beliefs and passions. I think its important for everyone to remember the freedoms he stands for and try to stand united for our freedoms even when we disagree on something. When it comes to Cole Beasleys profession the virus should not be part of the equation. Its not something he asked for, expected or prepared for and like the rest of us is doing his best to reach the light at the end of the tunnel.
  18. Its going to be a wet one in the house today! Let us hear you roar 12th man!!!
  19. It appears the new stadium design will help block most of the wind and remain open air IMO. With that being said wouldn't you think having the strongest armed QB in the NFL gives Buffalo an advantage? Thanks Shaw for another great review
  20. Allen is real good in a controlled environment and likes to stretch the field. To me a Dome makes good sense for year round activities. The season ticket holders are really the ones that should have a voice considering they may have to buy the rights to purchase.
  21. I think the new stadium design will block wind while remaining open air IMO. Allen also has the strongest arm in the NFL, advantage Josh Allen
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