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Everything posted by GoBills808

  1. I would count gronkowski and Kelce as functional equivalents The Bills only have 1/3 of your equation come playoff time...that balance has to be made up somewhere
  2. The wideout issue is team specific I believe great offensive scheme and coaching alleviates the need for the kind of guy OP is talking about Short of that you need elite receiving talent ie real #1 caliber receiver
  3. You don't need an elite QB to win a super bowl either but it helps
  4. Chiefs have Kelce and Reid We have Kincaid and Brady Only in one of those situations is it acceptable to have league worst wideouts and expect good things
  5. I know and like I said I largely agree w you 😂😂 I'm just giving you a hard time
  6. Ok but if there's nothing at all to it you're spending a decent amount of energy defending the honor of a guy who's worth on the open market a 2025 5th round pick and negative 3 million dollars
  7. You can easily put everyone who thinks otherwise on ignore Wasting time worrying about those posts is just a waste of time
  8. My slightly irrational fear rn is that unencumbered by older, more experienced OCs w their own philosophies McDermott is going to have Brady install the kind of offense he told us he wanted in 2021: 'That has not been my message from Day 1, I can promise you that. If you were in the team meetings in training camp, you would know what style of offense I want. That identity needs to embody toughness'
  9. The overwhelming majority of negative posts re this latest draft are reasonable critiques imo op is tilting at windmills
  10. I guess you and OP can pat each other on the back from your emotional high ground? Like what is the point of this seriously, nobody thinks they know more than an actual NFL front office.
  11. I think it's convenient that people like to remind other people to practice humility when they have a difference of opinion on a particular subject
  12. I meant the fact that the FO knows more than the fans isn't in support of Beane and McDermott as much as it is in self deprecation if you think about kt Really anything we discuss here can be boiled down to 'the Bills know better'
  13. I am going to give you the green agree checkmark for this Don't let it go to your head
  14. I don't think knowing more than the fans is much of a flex tbh That shouldn't even be the minimum job requiremrnt
  15. Think this is the source of most of my frustration It wasn't a given that we would improve at those positions through the draft but they didn't even try
  16. 😂😂Hardly If they had any sense they would have dumped him after 2022
  17. I mean they convinced Pegula to spend $3M to not have him on the team , I don't need any more proof he was a legitimate problem
  18. Lol since when is that the standard The fact that people still carry water for this guy is a source of sincere amazement
  19. Except Maddy Glab, of course. And Tim Graham. Oh and anybody who happens to watch the Bengals game😂😂
  20. difference between us is that I can disagree w your assessment that they did enough at wr without calling it irrational
  21. Deepest wr draft maybe all time is what I kept hearing 7 drafted in the first round in fact...Chiefs had to trade up to get their guy even We get one single second round wr and now we're just going to pretend they weren't really that good...to me, that is the questionable perspective
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