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Terry Tate

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Everything posted by Terry Tate

  1. From my uneducated perspective, I thought Crowell did better backing up TKO this week than Fletcher last week. Last week he seemed to be out of position on every play (sometimes of his own accord). This week he made mistakes too, but he also made some good plays. I don't enough about it to give a fair evaluation. Can anyone give a more useful review?
  2. Q: Outsourcing? A: Insourcing! Just got a job offer for a worldwide software company HQ'ed in France (!) at a location here in Florida. Sounds like a very demanding job (but normal working hours) with good compensation - hope it works out. I'm certainly going to do everything I can. I've been sweating out the last year big time. I was making very good money in California, but the demands of the job were extreme in regards to hours and shifts, and most importantly, we had no family within 350 miles. I quit my job, sold my house and moved my family to Florida. With no degree, I was unable to get any good job offers, so I spent a large amount of what money I had left taking courses at a local commercial tech training school to get some certifications. I'm still working on them, but as soon as the basic certifications showed up on my resume, I began getting calls for interviews. Finally got an offer today. Now I can continue to work on school and career goals without the constant stress of watching the savings account dwindle. What a great day! Viva La France! It's been a long year. Now I need to get cleaned up and take the family out to dinner.
  3. Hurts to see TKO go down, but I'm thinking of how they back fill now. I thought Crowell had a better outing subbing for TKO than he did last week subbing for Fletcher. He looked lost in the middle against Tampa, but was able to make some plays yesterday. Not great, but better. Does anyone else think so?
  4. Not during a timeout. I thought the same thing, until I realized timeout had been called to review the play.
  5. It's true; Jacksonville was a controversial pick for an NFL market from the get-go. I didn't know they were still doing that this year, but they have in the past with the NFL's OK. Their stadium is pretty big (about 77,000) for the market area (somewhere over 700,000 - big enough with solid support, but certainly not a large market). College football is a much bigger draw down here than the NFL; they increase the capacity to 80,000 with bleachers for the Gator bowl and sell out. Last year they blocked off 10,000 seats. Not saying it's right or wrong; here's one opinion piece on the Jax blackout issue. Their home opener sold over 65,000 tickets; would've been over 10,000 short of a sellout. That was an improvement over the last couple years of mid-50k average attendance.
  6. Seems he gives 100% no matter what he's doing. That's an unusual trait. No question. I don't look to the NFL or any other entertainment venue for role models, but they do appear from time to time. People like Chris Spielman are rare, wherever they are found.
  7. And all of them have a stellar record of 50/50 or worse picking winners straight up. Why even bother with these yahoo's - you have as much information here (or more) than they have on the strengths and weaknesses of each team. And you have a 50/50 chance of being right - just like them.
  8. That'd be kinda funny, because if Dom Capers is fired, Jerry Gray might be considered for his head coaching position in Houston. That ever happen before, where two coaches ended up in each other's jobs?
  9. Doesn't sound to me like coach M singled anyone out, it was reporters who drew a bead on McGahee. From within this article: Mularkey also admitted that he and offensive coordinator Tom Clements have to do a better job of calling plays to establish the run. ... Mularkey said his comments about McGahee's play should not be interpreted harshly. "I've talked to everybody I've felt could've had a better game; that was a lot of players and a lot of coaches," he said. "I wasn't picking on Willis. He was part of it, and I've addressed everybody who was a part of it." Sounds reasonable enough. But the article headline? "McGahee's play under fire from coach"
  10. No one's asking you to correct your running style, WM - just please do it in a forward motion.
  11. That's what makes the difference. Not that there's anything wrong with people changing which team they root for, just rare in Bills fans. Also see: Steelers, Packers, maybe a few others. It's a small(er) town thing. Big city teams may have the same core number of die-hards, but that's also where most of the team-swapping W's come from. Seldom heard words: "I used to be a Buffalo Bills fan, but..." or "I used to root for the Bills, then..." - I've heard those types of comments in reference to quite a few other teams.
  12. Players with single-digit body fat percentages (probably everyone who's not a lineman) are prone to cramps/muscle pulls in the heat; the fat guys weaken from losing 10-20lbs. Short of getting an IV during the game, there's not much you can do at that point. Strength and conditioning coaches usually get on them 1-2 days in advance to get hydrated. One player cramping up is not bad; if there were a bunch of them, someone's not getting the job done. Hopefully that's all it was, and he'll be back this week.
  13. "Ingredients: 3lbs or so of meaty wings. Serves: for me? 1" I think I'm going to have to share, but they sound good. We'll give them a try this weekend, and maybe David Reinhardt's version next week. I can appreciate the saving the wing tips for stock mention - we always put stuff aside for stock in our house. It always surprises me to see people throw good stock starters away.
  14. First you tell me there's no one else left on earth to vote for, then you give a perfect example of why they shouldn't get my vote anymore. Flip-flop, flip-flop.
  15. No, Mickey. Crazy is when you keep voting for the same parties over and over again, expecting a different result.
  16. Wow, what are the odds of a Bills fan with a nipple in the shape of a standing buffalo? That is so cool.
  17. Don't worry, Takeo will probably fine himself $10 each for the Six Days to Sunday and NFL Playbook interview quotes.
  18. What's different now? Unfortunately, just me. I'm affixing blame to both parties, whereas before I blamed only Democrats. I don't think a line item veto would be enough to change my mind at this point. The President has supported too many enormous spending items I disagree with to regain my support by scratching out some additional pork. I appreciate what you're saying, I just think it's emptying a bucket with a eye dropper - I want to kick the bucket over.
  19. I don't know that I care about a line-item veto. It would shift more of the scratch-each-other's-back politics of bills to the White House, which may not even be noticable to us unclean outside the beltway. It would allow the President to cut out individual wasteful items, to be sure. BUT, it wouldn't stop him from continuing to fully support some of the biggest wastes of money on things that, IMHO, are not a function of the federal government. And that's what I'm really p.o.'ed about.
  20. Atlanta's a very good team, but they're on a tough three-game stretch - 1. big emotional game Monday night at home against Philly, then 2. short-week travel to the west coast to play Seattle, then fly cross country back home to practice, then 3. travel to Buffalo for the game on Sunday. Whew! Going on the road after a west coast road game has got to be tough. Good time to meet them.
  21. No need to stop there. Include the farm subsidies, NCLB, Medicare rx's, etc. etc. And that sums up why neither Republicans or Democrats will get my vote from now on.
  22. Considering how early in the year you're asking, should've included all head coaches. Out of this list, my best guess at this point in time is Tice.
  23. How did his pocket composure compare to Pro Bowl, 7th year QB Daunte Culpepper playing at home? Pro Bowl 7th year QB Daunte Culpepper playing at home: Passing 22/33, 233yds, 0 TD's, 3 Int's, Rushing 3 times for 19yds, long of 10yds. JP first road start against same team: Passing 12/28, 113yds, 0 TD's, 0 Int's, Rushing 4 times for 13yds, long of 7yds. Could've been worse. Nearly matched DC's three interceptions. Not the last QB who's going to have a hard time against Tampa this year.
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