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Terry Tate

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Everything posted by Terry Tate

  1. Thanks for letting me off the hook for the killing children thing - for the moment, at least. I am responding as I do because every solution presented so far involves the government, either in passing new laws or assuming control of choices for people (law to force employers to provide insurance, forced coverage and a national insurance register, all-out nationalized health care, etc). The reason for this is because there is simply no solution to provide health care for everyone who doesn't have it - government solutions are the only ones that would even come close (I hope it's recognized they too, would fail), and the cost would not be only in dollars. My solution is to do what I can when I can. I volunteer and donate my blood, time, money, food, clothing, furniture, appliances and other goods to nationwide and local charities and fundraisers. As much good as they do, I understand they cannot possibly help everyone. My answer to government intervention is still I'm very sorry, but no. More government is not the solution, it's the problem.
  2. I can't judge OL quality; I can only witness the turnstiles or penalties when they occur, like any fan sees. I asked before the season started what people thought if our starting OL was the current one, and to their credit, many posters saw this coming. I'm beginning to understand why. Clements, OTOH, is not necessarily a bad playcaller - he's a bad playcaller for the personnel he has. If he had a good OL and a good veteran QB, I think he'd have pretty good success with the gadgety type of offense - but these guys just can't run it. The OL can't protect the QB, the QB is too inexperienced to run it. He needs to make the gameplan complexity reflect what talent is available. Even simple plays are successful when executed well.
  3. Of course, that means everyone who thought that after week 4 was right.
  4. Today's game plan: 1. Give the ball to Willis on the first play from scrimmage. 2. Gadget play time! Woo-hoo! Next week: the return of the end-around / reverses.
  5. Yes, I am all for killing children Mickey. Nice objective look at it. Perhaps you should run for office, and your campaign can be "People have problems. Government should fix them. If you disagree, you're killing children." The only difficulty you will have is there are already two major parties full of demagogues, so competition will be fierce. I only have one basic driving principle or core belief that I want to try to adhere to in as many cases and as often as I can, and that is liberty, or freedom, if you will. Your solution (which you admit is crappy) concentrates more power in Washington DC, so I respectfully submit it is crappy enough to end consideration.
  6. I'd hug it out, but I don't want anyone drawing wood.
  7. James Traficant - beam me up! "When I get out I will grab a sword like Maximus Meridius Demidius and as a Gladiator I will stab people in the crotch."
  8. Watched the trailers on line. I'm a sci-fi fan, and this looks to have some really good writing, so I'm looking forward to seeing it. Never saw the show. I wonder if I am going to have any clue what's going on, or if I should rent dvd's of the show first.
  9. Napoleon Dynamite: Do the chickens have large talons? Farmer: Do they have what? Napoleon Dynamite: Large talons. Farmer: I don't understand a word you just said.
  10. Likely that someone has car insurance with medical liability coverage. I wasn't in on that meeting. Can we vote again? Because I have a different interpretation of "needed", and it doesn't include a poison oak infection on your johnson.
  11. I agree completely with blzrul #1 and blzrul #2. I think blzrul #3 has to remove the emotion from it and see the big picture. Let us know how it turns out.
  12. Which is the same reasoning I used when I passed on it as well. BTW, I did significantly increase my auto insurance medical/accident coverage when I dropped health insurance. I'll be lowering that back down when I enroll back into a health insurance plan in a week or so.
  13. Eww. I've had poison oak infection all over my arms, and I used Technu products on it for relief. Didn't even think about going to the doctor. Of course, getting it on your johnson is a whole 'nother story. Well worth $168 to cure.
  14. And yet, you somehow managed to survive without nationalized health care, even through the russian roulette of public restrooms.
  15. When I learn there are people that go to a clinic to get a prescription for poison oak, for all my concerns, I realize I sorely underestimate how much of a CF a national health care system would be.
  16. People who actually have health insurance perish from accidents and illness all the time. I may be fortunate on a personal basis; on a statistical basis, I'm the norm. I believe options are out there for people that desire it. You mentioned COBRA (I passed on that myself). You mentioned discounted insurance at Costco. There are fliers sent home at the beginning of every school year for some sort of discounted insurance. I didn't read it very closely, but at a glance prices seemed low enough to be able to afford on a modest salary. They were included in the packet with the application for reduced price lunches, which I also ignored. Some people's priorities either do not include health insurance at all, or place it below other things, whatever they may be. The only direction you can take the argument to cover everyone is governmental control, because some people will not purchase it, regardless of the price. It would have to be free. Only one institution is going to be willing to do that, and it's not in the commercial world.
  17. I don't know the answer to this, all I know is we have to have a federal government program to provide cradle-to-grave health care nationwide - not only for citizens, but everyone who is on our soil. Otherwise, we're turning away bleeding babies at emergency rooms and old people will be dying in hospital parking lots, probably after they finish their last meal of Alpo. Anectdotes are fun. TRUE STORY: My family and I have been without health insurance for over a year. Nothing happened.
  18. Dang it. Just when he finished cutting every last bit of fat out of the federal budget, too.
  19. If you you never saw Sam Cowart play before his injuries, all you really have to know is after two devastating back-to-back knee and achilles injuries, he is still good enough to be a starting MLB in the NFL. Just incredible.
  20. Crowell backing up Fletcher was a nightmare; he was out of position unblocked as well. He seemed to do better subbing for TKO; made some mistakes, but also made some good plays. Count me among the surprised Stamer wasn't in there for TKO; I guess we know who the coaches think is top backup.
  21. No, that's different. Overlooking a receiver is when you don't go through you're progressions properly and don't see EM wide open for 6 points. I'm not sure what exactly caused the overthrows; I suspected it was fear of INTs, and being flustered by too much going on all at once. I know I've heard that one-hopping passes is often a result of gripping the ball too tightly because you're trying to throw the ball harder than it needs to be. But I do know a green QB + shaky pass blocking = uh, a lot of swearing by yours truly. I'm hoping my language cleans up as the season progresses. I think it will, but no promises.
  22. The WR's were definitely overlooked in the last game. Repeatedly.
  23. What an amazing statement. Tough to argue with a guy who admits right up front his reasoning is, well, lacking. You both agree he's wrong, yet he insists on doing it anyway.
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