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Terry Tate

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Everything posted by Terry Tate

  1. It's the best tax proposal I've ever heard. That should be enough to ensure it will never happen. Compare it to the Tax Reform Panel's suggestions, then read Stuck in Cincy's post again.
  2. A cabbie picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring. He replies: "I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you." She answers, "My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive." "Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me." She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that: #1, you have to be single and #2, you must be Catholic." The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I'm single and Catholic!" "OK" the nun says. "Pull into the next alley." The nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush. But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying. "My dear child," said the nun, "why are you crying?" "Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied and I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish." The nun says, "That's OK. My name is Kevin and I'm going to a Halloween party."
  3. Got a scooter? Like rallies? I can see why. Biketoberfest is taking place in Daytona beach this weekend. It's like the regular bike week event, but only for a few days. Last night was the first time I had been to one of these, pretty neat event. ZZ Top canceled all Florida events due to hurricane Wilma (still far enough away that it didn't even rain last night), but the Blue Oyster Cult, Foghat, and other free concerts are going on as planned. Yeah, they're old, but so are most of the bikers. Every bar has it's own live bands from the local area and across the country. Thousands and thousands of bikes of all make and model to see; pretty interesting. There was no shortage of custom makes, either (btw, Jesse James and Orange County Choppers were here, but there's local custom bike makers too). There were some really cool looking custom designs, but the thing that really stood out to me were the Boss Hoss bikes - custom made bikes with chevy small block v8's in them. Now that is something to see. Daytona has cracked down on the public nudity and banned thongs; I don't know about where I was in Ormond Beach (couple miles north on US1), but I can verify there were boobies to be seen. Some I could've done without, and some that I didn't mind at all. Including a bar maid at one of the outdoor bars at the Hog Pen with a, uh, top that was made of paint only. And yes, they were magnificent. With all the people there, no one was rude to us (eh, I should make an exception for the "drown the clown" dunk tank guy, but he wasn't speaking directly to us, just some guys who apparently live an alternative lifestyle, and who's mothers all coincidentally know the clown in an intimate manner), I didn't see a single fight, and everyone I saw looked like they were just enjoying themselves. I've never seen that many people in one place where I could say that before. All the bars post signs stating "No colors. No attitudes." Don't think you're going to walk into the Outlaws' house and ask them how to join and you'll be fine. So come on down in the spring for bike week. I think you'll like it.
  4. I recall seeing an Bryan Adams interview years ago, when he was on the charts. He had a show the night of the interview and they showed him on his way to work. Not in a limo, or a tour bus - he lived in the same city (Toronto, maybe? He's from Kingston), so he just used public transportation, and got on the subway. No big deal. I thought that was pretty cool.
  5. BUFFALO, New York (AP) -- Local airlines' ticket personnel are at a loss to explain the sudden surge in ticket sales to the northwest United States. "Everything heading to Portland went first" ticket sales representative Tammy Wells said. "After that, it was 'get me somewhere close', from Eugene and Salem up to Olympia Washington. I don't know what's going on up there, but it's all guys that are leaving, too."
  6. "The company's first road car, the Vallelunga, had Ferrari-like lines but a Ford Cortina engine." Named after the town in Sicily my grandparents grew up in, and where all my uncles were born. A nice little city, quiet agricultural community - with a racetrack.
  7. DEAD MAN WALKING! I keed, I keed. Congrats and best wishes.
  8. Years ago in Okinawa I noticed an apple in the market priced at about $4.00. Individually wrapped in styrofoam with wax paper wrappers, they were the most perfect and beautiful apples I've ever seen. You know they grow watermelons square there? Grow 'em in crates; as the watermelon gets bigger, they put it in a bigger crate. Rounded corners, but dang things are square. Makes it easy to stack them. Hope you and the family are well.
  9. What, no one else thinks a teenager running a stop sign and t-boning another car is the same as a 37 year old man getting drunk, putting his car in the water, leaving a girl there, then spending the rest of the night covering his tracks? Tough crowd. BTW, it was a nice try Ted. Winds at 35mph, waves up to 5ft - in a 13ft boat? Not me.
  10. Crap, that makes two threads on this topic. Could use a merge here.
  11. Beats me. He did say high-ranked secondary, so maybe the point was overall defense was not as strong, and a lack of pressure on the QB makes the secondary more vulnerable.
  12. I bought Center Ice this year. As far as listening to Rick J and Jim L, there's a lot of variables that go into which feed you get: - Home or Away - Is MSG carrying it or another game - Is the opponent local to your geographical area, and is the local regional sports channel broadcasting the game etc. More important than whether or not you get to listen to Rick and Jim, is what freakin' channel is the game on? The information channel (220) shows what NHLCI channel the game is sked on - BUT you must take into consideration who the opponent is in respect to YOUR location. For example, when the Sabres played at Tampa, my NHLCI feed was blocked, and it was carried on the Tampa regional sports channel. From what I'm reading here, It appears the NHLCI feed for the rest of the country may have been the same Tampa broadcast I was watching, but since I'm in Florida, it was on the Tampa channel for me. None of this really matters if you're home and you can just surf around to find it, but I've already managed to TIVO a couple hours of blank channel while I was away. Luckily, it was a game MSG re-ran later that night. BTW, some of those other sports channels' broadcasts teams are pretty good, and sometimes not, but overall I don't mind mixing up the broadcasts.
  13. An Animal House Flounder moment! Week two of Kindergarten I was standing before the man. It didn't get any better from there, and went downhill when I became a teenager.
  14. I don't know about the defense. There was some pretty bad play at first, not very good situational awareness - panicking when they had time, or trying to hold the puck and make a play when there was too much pressure. They're still committing some turnovers, but - they've played against some pretty freakin' good competition, - there has been some improvement. Campbell gets a lot of grief here, but I don't think he's all that bad. I know he's not a top defenseman, but he appears to contribute a lot on offense, so I take that into consideration. Tallinder had some horrid moments in his own end against the Lightning - if you had only seen that one game, he'd be the weakest link, not Campbell. With the exception of McKee, they all make me kind of nervous in their own end. On offense, the Sabres are an absolute nightmare to the opponent. Lots of speed, always a defenseman jumping up, and no one seems too shy to throw it at the net (uh, except on the PP). Except when compared to the Senators - holy crap is that team fast - maybe the Sabres were just wrung out from 3 games in 4 nights. Their play in the offensive zone can sometimes look more like a chinese fire drill than standard cycling out of the corner, but they're getting a lot of opportunities that way, too - so I'm not sure what to think of that. Connolly has got a little of that Afinogenov-handle-the-puck-like-your-hair's-on-fire thing going on. Doesn't always work for him (or Max), but that's what I see, anyway. I don't know how that will turn out, but I can understand why the Sabres are hanging on to him. No question in my mind why Drury and Briere have the letters, and I'm really impressed with the overall performance of all the kids on offense. Anyway, hockey's back, and I'm loving it!
  15. Because the Bills don't have a single O-Lineman that could've started on that team, and probably some that would not make the roster at all. Rypien didn't have anyone within 5-6 yards or more from him for 5-6 seconds after the snap. The OL would often have the defense engaged exactly where they started before the play.
  16. It's not official, but I heard from a reliable source the team will be wearing the blue and gold Sunday.
  17. I added a Korean BBQ beef (flank steak) recipe - not an authentic Korean dish, but pretty darn close (the marinade is pretty much spot on), while still mild enough for the kids to eat. If anyone else likes it, I'll take the time to add some authentic recipes (sorry, no dog - we've never tried it). Tried BiB's wing recipe - pretty damn good. I like the sauce the way it is, but I'd like to know how to make it hotter for the wife without ruining it. Also tried BiB's low country boil, which was outstanding also. If you can boil water, you can make it - hardest part is not overcooking the shrimp at the end. Might want to use a 16qt pot - I made do with a 12qt pot by leaving out a couple of the ears of corn.
  18. Yes, for federal government jobs. Standard loyalty oath. Support and defend the constitution; affirm you do not belong to a organization that advocates the overthrow of the US government, etc.
  19. This is the kind of hidden indicator that is essential to an insider's understanding of the game. Unfortunately, I have no idea what it means.
  20. Now THAT's the kind of Bills' fan that you want to knock back a few beers with on gameday.
  21. I love that phrase, use it exclusively instead of rocket science and brain surgery. Run. Stop the run. Simple enough. Just don't go Joe Pendry on us on offense.
  22. May God bless. Mom's to do list: (x) Beat Cancer. ( ) Take over world.
  23. I've been reenacting a scene from Scanners in my living room every Sunday afternoon, if anyone is a fan of the movie.
  24. My anectode about FEMA's bureaucracy: A few weeks ago I applied for an in-house (Orlando) IT job there - spent all day filling out application paperwork, fingerprints, FBI background investigation - THEN was told there were no IT jobs in-house, but that I would definitely be called the next day about a field position. Two days later I called to find out the status of my app, and was told I'd be called later that day. Didn't happen. The heck with it, I continued my search elsewhere. A couple days later the recruiters that provided that particular lead called to congratulate me on my new job - FEMA reported to them they had hired me. I told the recruiters FEMA had not, and asked if they could find out what the story was. Thirty minutes later I received a call from FEMA: FEMA: May I speak to <my name>? Me: Speaking; what can I do for you? FEMA: I'm <name> from FEMA. I'm calling to see if you are working for FEMA at this time? Me: (stunned) You're calling from FEMA, to ask me if I work for FEMA? FEMA: Yes. (rather quickly annoyed here) Are you currently working for FEMA? Me: No, I (explained I applied, but was told I would be called back about a field position). FEMA: (interrupting) So you never took the oath? Me: No. FEMA: Okay - <CLICK> Me: (WTF?) A few weeks ago I would have gladly taken any IT job; I'm currently very glad it wasn't this one.
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