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Houston's #1 Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Houston's #1 Bills Fan

  1. From my understanding, he's available (and probably still in great shape!) But, after watching part of Terrell Owens "A Football Life", dang, maybe give him a call? He does have the key to the city.... I mean, could he really be any worse than what we currently have? For reals!
  2. This!! Rambo hits WAY harder than Meeks and Blanton combined. Duke hits hard, I'll give him that, but he's so lost in coverage it's not even funny! Get me Rambo!!
  3. Yep, that's not a good stat. It seems like EJ's record might actually be better on that stat. Would have to look it up, though, and it really doesn't matter!
  4. I don't care if people think the Patriots are a "better" team. We have to believe we are and forget all this BS about the past. Get pressure on Brady (LORAX/SHAQ/HUGHES) and make him feel like a 39 year old quarterback should. TT needs to open his freaking eyes. Maybe take that damn visor off his helmet. That play where Clay was WIDE OPEN and he ran out of bounds will not get it done against the Cheats. Hell, call me crazy, but I'd almost be happier if EJ started. He can throw it downfield and WILL. Maybe even dress Cardale and let them figure that out! The point is, this game is winnable. The Cheats are not invincible. We beat them in their home stadium. They didn't stop us. And that excuse of poor, injured rookie QB doesn't fly when they blanked the Texans the week before. As for the Seahawks, yes, I see that as a win, too. They are not the same team. No Lynch is a big deal.
  5. I didn't wear the correct combination of Bills attire this week. I wore an SRT Hellcat t-shirt Saturday afternoon/evening. While I had a Bills shirt on in the morning, I changed it to wash the car. It's definitely my fault. I can see that now.
  6. Just let the LORAX play both offense and defense. He's the only one out there that consistently has any HEART!
  7. And they wonder why newsprint papers are going out of business!
  8. Hahahaha....exactly!!! Oh and let's please stop trying to jinx it!!!!
  9. That was awesome! Literally made me laugh out loud at my desk at work!!
  10. Stupidest poll EVER. Listen, I hate the guy, but he's done more at the position than anybody else. If you're objective and not a bleeding-heart Bills fan, you'd clearly see that. More deserving than Favre, Stabler and Namath COMBINED. Sully, is that you?
  11. Let them be the favorites. I'd prefer to surprise people instead of these BS bandwagon fans and "sports analysts" picking the Bills. I've been a Bills fan my whole life - win or lose. I've enjoyed the OJ years (although a bit TOO young), the Chuck Knox years beating the Dolphins finally and winning the AFC East, through the Superbowl years, to the Flutie curse and beyond. The point is, I've paid my dues and I'm a TRUE fan.
  12. So Brady is going balls deep with Hogan? I've always wondered about those lacrosse players.....
  13. Are you saying the Cleveland Browns aren't having a good year? Maybe it's all part of the strategery.....as GW Bush would say. Suck for ______________ So far, so good!
  14. OK, great breakdown, but you fail to mention who Gilmore was covering if Darby f'd up? Because Gilmore had nothing but space around him on that play.
  15. Exactly! Re-watch the play and notice how Gilmore gave an "OH SHIIT" head movement the moment he moved forward and the receiver blew by him. Also, Aaron Williams should have had him tackled in the flat. That's what a SAFETY is for!!! Lastly, for those saying this touchdown didn't matter, the 49ers took the lead with that play and the game was still an unknown outcome. I was furious with that play and it "could" have been a turning point. I'm glad it wasn't, but playing like that against the Patriots, Steelers, or Seahawks will not get it done!
  16. OK, here's another game where this so-called "elite" cornerback got burned BADLY and the result was a touchdown this time. I mean, this is supposed to be one of the best corners in the league and the play was amatuer and rookie-like. Tell me again why he's worth $100MM?
  17. What's been nice is the consistency he's shown. Each week he's been a force to reckon with. I love it! I'm thinking I need a LORAX jersey!
  18. I'm actually flying up to Buffalo for this game. Bringing my 6 year old son to his first game. I told him that he would see the LORAX!!!
  19. As George Bush would say: Strategery..... It's only a penalty if they actually count the number of players!
  20. I will also agree that I've been on the "let's dump McCoy" bandwagon previously. I thought he was washed up and could see the field. That Ravens game really had me thinking bad thoughts. All is redeemed now. He is playing awesomely! And that was not an easy team to run on. McCoy is running good. One thing, though: When victory was sure (less than 2:00 on the clock), Rex still had him out there running. Maybe a little preservation would be wise. BTW - Where has Jonathan Williams been? Still hurt or just not getting snaps?
  21. I think we are SO conditioned to seeing victory ripped out of our hands so many times over the past several years. I believe it started in the '99 playoff game against the Titans and has been repeated so many times. Examples: Stevie Johnson dropping a touchdown in the endzone against the Steelers because God didn't want him to catch it; Leodis giving the Patriots the ball and the victory; Ravens ripping the ball out when forward progress was stopped; that Dallas home game in Prime Time; etc. I'm sure there are more, but that's all I can think of at the moment. I HOPE that our penchant for coming up short is finally turning around. Then, we as fans, can start to feel comfortable and expect to win games!! That's how it was in the early 90's. Every game was an expected win. Not one team scared us. Let's get back to that!! The big test will be the Patriots re-match. I'm actually coming up to Buffalo for that game!!! First game I've seen since the Bronco's home game in 2008. Long time coming and will be my son's first Bills game!!!
  22. I totally agree, however, people tend to forget that he's been doing this since he's been a Bill. He's like a higher caliber Leodis: Can play lights out at times, but then has really, really terrible games. The Jets game was atrocious; this one wasn't a whole lot better. Gave up a big first down play early in the game and then the ridiculous effort on not tackling Gurley, which allowed him to get the first down. He is NOT an elite DB and not worth the asking price. IMO - Keep Darby and Seymour and keep drafting good players. Save some green! Oh and one more thing: THE LORAX IS AWESOME!!!!!!
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