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Everything posted by Irv

  1. The old boy has been scorched throughout the first half. I'd take Tre over him any day now.
  2. Subject Verb Object. Good luck.
  3. After further review I have concluded that less people are buying Raiders gear in Oakland because they are leaving and they are all too high in Denver to buy a jersey.
  4. Sorry you don't understand. Regards, Third Grade Reading
  5. Your spelling is disrespectful to your 3rd grade teacher. What other QB's play both ways on punts and kicks?
  6. Good point! I was at the game on Sunday. 20% were Pats fans and it was split 50-50 jerseys for Gronk and Brady. I don't think I saw more than one or two other nameplates. My brother-in-law and I joked about how many Bills fans were wearing jerseys of players who were not on the team anymore. After the retired players like Kelly, Freddie, Thurman, and gulp.....OJ......the rest were about 90%: Dareus Gilmore Watkins Lynch It's interesting.
  7. How can using Webb help Tyrod's confidence and performance? Webb is a warrior and plays great on Special Teams. And, I like McD but that can't help Tyrod. Seems like McD has moved on to next year. Right? Wrong? I don't know. What do you think?
  8. Agree. I like this guy. Let's give him a chance.
  9. You're right. Bad spelling. I got a little too french on my ass.
  10. The handshake end of the Pats game was interesting. Belicheck has lost more games as a coach than McDermott probably will ever win. I thought the respect Belicheck showed McDermott about the Gronk incident during the handshake and walk off the field showed a lot of class on his part and he seemed to respect our coach a lot. I liked that. Gives me hope for the future.
  11. I see your point. But how can Talib and Crabtree square off in a fair fight and get 2 while Gronk brain stem assaults a helpless opponent well after the play and gets 1? It can't be all marketability because both Talib and Crabtree are stars in the league. There's more to it.
  12. I totally agree. But this is one of the marquis, highly marketable white players (and I'm white) in a big market so we get a one game and an appeal. If this was a black, special teams guy on Jacksonville, it would have been totally different. Look what happened to Talib and Crabtree if you disagree. Two guys squaring off is a lot different than an unprovoked assault from an unrepentant d-bag. NFL and the NFLPA are a joke when it comes to safety. All about the Franklins.
  13. Per the CBA, Gronkowski has the right to appeal his suspension. What bothers me is, where are the rights of the victim? Is there anything in the CBA that lets White appeal the leniency of the suspension? I don't think so. Seems to me the culprit has all the rights in this case and the victim has none. Needs to change. Should sue that punk for assault.
  14. Was ready to give up on the Bills and just when I thought I would tell Lucy to take a hike, I am planning on kicking again next week. Am I nuts?
  15. Went to Miami for a road game in full Bills attire. Expected to get treated like crap like the Bills fans treat fans of the other team. Total opposite. I could have run through the stadium giving the double finger salute and nobody would have done a thing. Totally polite fans. I actually wished they were a little more into the game. It was a little too laid back. Unfortunately Moron Mike Mularky couldn't hold on to a double digit lead in the 4th and we lost. http://www.espn.com/nfl/game?gameId=251204015
  16. When he got off the plane I think he threw his first pass to Ed Kilgore.
  17. I played when I was a kid and it was a ball. You got up and took your hacks. But watch the Little League World Series. The kids are totally over-coached. Kids step out of the box with the bases empty, no outs, and 1-0 count to take a sign. What strategic sign could you possibly give the kid that would help the outcome of the game in that situation? Then they proceed to step out every pitch thereafter to take a sign. It's maddening. The game's a mess starting with little kids and it goes on from there. Boring. And while I'm on a role, what is the story with all the extra crap the batters wear now? Cheek guard, elbow bad, ankle bad, batting gloves, wrist bands half way up your arm. Everybody has to have a filthy helmet and pants that are three sizes too long. And what's with the dumb rope necklaces or whatever they are. These guys are cartoonish. In a couple of years they'll all be wearing full hockey equipment sans skates. Funny.
  18. I tried to watch one inning of the World Series tonight. Twenty or so pitches. Three strikes. Half-an-hour of the batters stepping out of the box to adjust their junk. Another half-an-hour of the pitcher shaking off signs or blabbering on the mound with their mouth covered by their mitt with the catcher. Every player is wearing pajamas and 75% look like overweight Rumplestiltskins. NO THANKS. Lets's go Bills Thursday!
  19. Sorry to quote myself but want to be clear - Clip Smith was a class act too!
  20. I went to UB from '83-'87. It was Irv or Clip Smith. Went with Irv. Class act! https://youtu.be/LL6fE3yNO54
  21. Some real hate on their GM! Reminds me if the Whaley hate. Some serious love for Beane and McD. Folks in Carolina think we stole this guy despite a few posts about KB being a lard ass. http://www.carolinahuddle.com/boards/topic/143370-buffalo-reached-out-to-us/?page=4
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