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Everything posted by Irv

  1. I don't think there are a lot of other fan bases that would be doing this! LET'S GO BUFFALO! HEY HEY HEY!
  2. I'm not sure dude. Bills/Pegulas money is just as green as ours!
  3. $17 donated. Dalton probably wishes now that the curse was 87 years old! My Business Name : In Memory of the Flutie Curse. R.I.P.
  4. Del Rio lost control of the animals on his team. Look at that idiot Lynch and Crabtree suspensions.
  5. So it is a fact that the NY taxes hurt the Bills. Thank you.
  6. No it didn't. Please don't pollute this site like you did on BBMB. And don't insult the members of this site by calling them not serious about the Bills.
  7. I find this funny. Here is a good example. I have bought three houses. During the negotiations we were often haggling over $5, 10K. Pretty easy to give away $5K in the blink of an eye. But two weeks later, if some dude walked up to me and asked me for 5 bucks I would have laughed in his face.
  8. Not true. One game each against the Jets and Pats. Also high tax states.
  9. I know. That is a big deal and it hurts not only the players but anybody in the building trades. Check your spelling. Simple math. I have an equal offer from a Florida team or the Bills. Unless you are a moron you take the offer from the Florida team.
  10. OK that's a really good point. So not only do you need to factor in where you play your home games but also who is in your division. I'm sure these agents must consider it. A little embellishment on my part. But, don't forget all the other taxes and fees. Sales tax is a good example.
  11. I have to imagine it hurts any team that is in a state that has high income taxes. Why would you play in NY and pay 20, 30, 40% of your salary to the state when you could go to Florida and keep it all.
  12. If I am free agent X and I have a choice between signing with the Dolphins, where there are no state income taxes or signing with the Bills, I have to imagine that I am going to have to ask for more money from the Bills to cover the cost of my income taxes. So at the end of the day that will eat more into the salary cap and the Dolphins have a huge advantage. Does the NFL adjust for this in the salary cap in any way? Yes. I am bored.
  13. If you had 20,000+ posts on BBMB you were allowed to post anything. Anything less and the moderators treated you like you stole from the handicapped. Place was dominated by jack holes who also probably killed themselves after the board shut down. Thanks to 2BD.
  14. BBMB sucked. Mods probably committed suicide over their loss of power after that dump shut down. This place is way better.
  15. 115 likes out of almost 10K posts. Hmm.
  16. We are going to beat the Pats. Then we will lose to the Dolphins and miss the playoffs. This is the Buffalo Bills and that is how things go down. They Rip your freaking heart out. Can't take anymore pain. Can't. No more pain. For the love of God.
  17. Bush is a cheating piece of garbage. Adios loser.
  18. Gilmore is softer than a pillow. What a wimp.
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