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Everything posted by DaBillsFanSince1973

  1. why would you even post such a thing? much of the fan base has moved on? so, you and that fan base going to keep watching the bills, since, you know you've moved on? maybe you'll move on to the team that drafts your avatar? he must have a pretty large fan base. you have his avatar, you have a poster on your wall of him too? you going to tear it down when the bills don't draft him? fan base, ridiculous. a fan base follows the team...
  2. During the draft, one team is always on the clock. In round one, teams have 15 minutes to make their choice. source: http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/nfl-draft2.htm
  3. well when you say likely, it still leaves the possibility he wont be. no doubt they should be looking whether this draft, next or the one after that. they should always look for the possibility. workouts and dinner dates don't mean they pick them. it means they're evaluating as you know. my point, I wouldn't say likely the face of the franchise, that's kind of getting ahead of the cart. they thought they had the face of the franchise with 2013's first pick. going to be an interesting draft for sure
  4. have they ever dined with a prospect and not picked him? either the smoke is getting thick or they may pick this kid?
  5. could he be a sign (see matt simms, matt lienart) and cut? no, he should make the roster. he did a decent job under center in helping the texans get in to the post season and even winning a playoff game against another then rookie andy dalton. they couldn't get past the ravens but his resume' is not terrible (not great either) and should serve as the 3rd string or could beat out jones for the back up spot? he certainly is no matt simms, that's for sure...
  6. you are doing the same. you're also repeating your TT agenda over and over here as well. The issue we probably have the most trouble with is "crusading". The bottom line here is that there isn't a single poster on this board that has the power to make any change with the team. And because of that, there is no reason to try and make every single person agree with you by bludgeoning everyone with the same opinion endlessly. Make your point once. Make it twice. Make it when appropriate. Just don't make the same point in every thread, every day, day after day. It just pisses people off.
  7. that's like asking to remember the "snow bowl", being beat by the browns 8-0.
  8. cautiously optimistic. willing to give him a chance before proclaiming failure. makes watching the game more interesting. if I knew or proclaimed failure whether a player or coach, looking for failure, I wouldn't even waste my time watching the game...
  9. never being a HC does not mean he wont have success. they all get their start somewhere and you have no clue whether he fails or succeeds anymore than I do. where do you get he's not comfortable in his role from? I know, because you post it, it must be true.
  10. it is interesting to say the least. just thankful he and his circus are gone...
  11. not to really knock the thread JM. but it is pretty much irrelevant now with the circus rolled up and long gone. they're under a new regime now that seems to be putting things together pretty well so far under McD. should be an exciting season ahead. off the rails. why would you say that? sure the first wave may of been a little over whelming but it seems to have settled down some. I just wonder if some, like yourself, may of rather shut the door in the face of the new members rather than welcome them?
  12. bitcoin is the way of the future. it will be all digital soon enough, possibly even in my time although it better get here before the next 15 or 20 or I may not see it. banks are the ones in favor of eliminating cash. I also read somewhere that the $100 bill will be phased out soon and others will follow until all paper is gone and nothing but digital will remain. the one you don't want to see is the fedcoin. I have seen some things about that I don't really like. they will be able to track every transaction... edit: at this point I don't use it. but I do not use cash much anymore. the little chip on my debit card serves well for me now so really, I don't think I would miss cash. but my thought would be, what if the systems completely crash, no recovery? it would seem unlike the cash under your mattress, losing that data, you might be **** out of luck?
  13. facebook. although I find it annoying with posts about what they ate, how many times they sneezed or their hind end itches or even worse during the political campaigns. it still has been a real good source to keep up with family and friends whom I live quite a few states away from now since I moved from my home turf many years ago...
  14. yo yo. glad you don't agree with tanking, right on. no problem you don't agree with +.500 or 10-6. but man, I can not agree with 3-13. all good though, opinions, everybody has one...
  15. this comment is funny, thanks for the afternoon laugh...
  16. this is actually kind of cool if he works out. don't see it too often, if at all and certainly not as much as the other way around. NFL to AFL
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