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Everything posted by DaBillsFanSince1973

  1. watching some of this he looks more like a 2nd or 3rd round prospect but I'm no expert. he just wasn't all that impressive to me.
  2. I would have no problem with you or the likes who have their agendas toward any player. the problem that I have, that pisses me off, is the name calling. if you were to express your agenda without disrespecting members/fans with the name calling, it would be all good. I have no respect for folks who try and belittle others just because they don't agree with your/their agenda. carry on son.
  3. I'm not here calling people names. I'm not here puking an agenda all over the place. you are. emotions, that's funny, your the emotional one. you do nothing but ball like a little kid who had his candy taken away, poor boy. bottom line, I and many others are fans of the team, TT is part of the team. but you and a few of your cronies are not fans of the team. just blow hards on a message board. lastly, you wont ever tell me where to go kid. you really give this place a bad rep.
  4. fanboys\CoT. you're real classy kid, real classy... actually. you're real classless. you're not not a fan of the team, you're just some kid that gets off on puking his agenda all over a message board. pathetic
  5. many things actually. his personality. he's meticulous. he has already shown there will be a culture change. he has brought in a decent staff. and unlike the previous regimes I have a sense this man will get the job done. many have had the opportunity to succed as a HC and failed. not many have real success. this man seems driven to succeed. if you need anymore than that watch his latest presser. again, it's your given right to see only doom and gloom and base it off the past. I, again, see a chance here for success with this man and will give him the benefit of the doubt... GO BILLS!!!
  6. again, on you, how you see it. keep thinking like that, keep expecting failure, it's what you do and your given right. I'd rather look at it as there are chances it could/can work out. I don't give two ***** about the so called realists around here that look for failure because it's how it has been, so it will be. new stone is being turned over here and if I felt like it had no chance at success or foresaw failure, not only would I stop watching but I would stop supporting the team. no sense in watching or supporting a team that I feel had no chance at turning it around. I'm going to watch and allow it to play out with the thought that there is a good chance at success, but that's just me.
  7. that is your fear. doesn't mean it's true. I disagree, you do focus more on today as today's focus can determine the future. and so far, it looks like he is building not only a staff and team but a culture that should not cause worry but bring encouragement for tomorrow. sometimes it's best to look for the positive possibilities then to see nothing but negative results that frankly, haven't even transpired yet, and may not. McD is building for the present and the future and personally I think it looks like chances are good it will be a bright one under his rein...?
  8. well, if that's the case, and say it does fail. don't you think McD would find a replacement going forward if it did fail rather than keep him (Dennison) and ruin the so called drafted pocket passer QB, assuming they even draft one? I think before crying fail it would be best to allow it to play out as you or I or anyone on this board (aside from those who are very adamant about TT failing) do not know if the Dennison/Taylor combo is going to fail or succeed? you may try to not put the cart before the horse or exaggerate about it failing.
  9. where do you get Dennison's offense is only designed for TT? who was it designed for in Denver? Did McD bring in Dennison because he only had a designed offense that would only cater to certain players, in this case TT? I think your exaggerating here.
  10. I'm really taking a liking to McD and he hasn't even been on the sidelines yet...he is making a hell of an impression so far.
  11. cue the "it was only two games he played well" crowd and he has reached his ceiling. nice post though OP, shows that there is some real potential and hopefully under a new staff, some added players and those coming back healthy this offense can remain it the top 10? as well as the defense turning around and the kicking/st game hopefully improving. looking forward to the season.
  12. very partial to the present helmets. looking back at the red helmets, they were unappealing. I also like the throwbacks
  13. so what would an expert, one who claims the team isn't any good anyways, use the first pick for? mocks and smoke always give the impression of what player they may draft but I know a lot of so called experts have them going defense, not QB or WR at 10. I feel they go defense or they could surprise by picking OJ Howard at 10? anybody's guess at this point
  14. sitting for a year or even two would be the wisest approach with a rookie. that would include any on that list. Arians wants to draft one so the smoke screen tactic is being used here imo. would he move up? maybe the bills could trade out of 10th? no, they wont do that.? for a pick or two?
  15. the OP had good intent. just too bad the thread got derailed the way it did...
  16. forgot all about it... new season ahead, who cares about 2016?
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