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Everything posted by BillsFanSD

  1. I don't know how to quantify or really even define something like this, but after two weeks it feels like this team is "dialed in" in a way I haven't seen a Bills team since the SB era. I'm talking here about guys playing with a very high degree of intensity, tackling consistently, hitting hard, taking full advantage of blocks, and generally doing the little things right that allow you to dominate instead of simply winning. It feels like everyone across the entire roster is playing with a sense of purpose, from our all-world QB down to the 53rd guy who was happy to dress this week. Everyone's turning up when called upon. Not sure if this is sustainable over an entire season, but if it is . . .
  2. Miami has a good roster and a mediocre QB. Obviously if you let Tyreek Hill run free behind your secondary, you're going to pay. They'll be in the WC hunt, but they'll never get beyond that level with Tua.
  3. Beat him up? Probably not. That's a 15 yard penalty and automatic ejection if he throws a punch. Stiff-arm him into oblivion? Of course.
  4. It's not at all disrespectful to Mahomes to note that he was throwing to wide-open receivers against a terrible defense. He was playing on story mode last Sunday, while Allen and the Bills had to deal with Aaron Donald and Jalen Ramsey (who is good except when he plays us). Totally fair to take degree of difficulty into account when evaluating a player. I wouldn't get all excited about Allen hanging 40 points on the Lions, for example. We all understand that while our defense was good last year, their stats were inflated by getting to play against a parade of mediocre to terrible quarterbacks. It's not disrespectful to anybody to acknowledge as much. We can pay Mahomes the same courtesy when he beats up on a punching bag like Arizona's defense. Edit: Mahomes is an elite, top-notch player who should be in contention for MVP again this year. I like the guy, but I'm sure he would agree that Arizona didn't put up much resistance.
  5. I love living in a world where we can say things like this and it's totally 100% serious and everybody who watches football would agree.
  6. Well, the Titans are a significantly better team on paper than the Giants. If they play that game a million times, the Giants would lose a majority of the time -- probably like 70% or so. (I don't recall what the line was). When you have the inferior team, variance is your friend. That's why going for two at the end was such a good decision. Their odds of pulling off an improbable upset are quite a bit better if you roll the dice on one play from two yards out than if you play for overtime. As for the Titans missing a FG, Daboll doesn't play defense. He made a call that put his team in the best position possible to win the game. That's a good thing for coaches to do.
  7. We play Miami in a couple of weeks. Any doubt about who is winning the division should be resolved then.
  8. Bills RBs better be working on ball security.
  9. Also, Diggs was a known commodity. Jefferson wasn't, if we even get him which we didn't know we would necessarily. No worries on this trade at all. Good deal for both sides.
  10. I think he was expecting Dillon to be there as an outlet.
  11. That PIT-CIN game was like watching seven games.
  12. Cincy getting the ball back with 96 seconds and one TO. Terrible offense by the Steelers. Just terrible.
  13. And the Bengals take a 15 yard taunting penalty to get the Steelers out of the shadow of their own end zone.
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