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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. I have to say AMEN to that too. Happy Birthday by the way. I say it's time to start JP, he obviously couldn't do any worse than what DB did yesterday. I have always backed Bledsoe and thought that it wouldn't be wise to use Matthews and it might be to early for JP but the hell with that thinking, bench Bledsoe now before he ruins things completely!!
  2. LMFAO .......when a rather attractive clerk approached him and asked...
  3. Amen. Don't get me wrong, Willis had a good game but now is not the time to trade depth at any one position just because someone new to the lineup played well. This is why TD drafted WM, to add depth in case of an injury. Basically the same situation with McGee for Vincent, Price for Jennings, Tucker for Teague and so on. You don't trade depth just because you "think" that your depth is worth something to someone else. It doesn't work that way. If, say the Bills were to trade Travis today for a draft pick and WM's knee goes out in the first quarter next week against Baltimore, would you feel comfortable with Joe Burns and Shaud Williams as legitimate starters in the for the rest of the season???
  4. He might try to play tonight since the game is at home. He didn't play in Tampa Friday night with the hamstring and it's possible they were giving him rest so he could play tonight. I'm not much of a basketball fan but since I live in Orlando and the Magic are the only "professional" sports team in town, I've been following them a little bit. I'm looking forward to the games against the Heat this year since I think the Magic actually are going to have a pretty damn good team and should give Shaq and the Heat a run for the division.
  5. The last time I had a DTV installer out when I moved, they told me that there is a $75 charge for any line that they have to install with a fish (running a line from the attic down an interior wall). If you are having them install a DVR or multiple lines, grease the installer with a few bucks and ask for an 8 way multiswitch instead of the standard 4, just in case you wish to expand into other rooms down the line. In discussing this with a few friends that have DTV, they all have worked out "deals" with the installer for additional lines installed. Just have some cash around for them and tell them what you would like.
  6. Sorry for the moronic comment, I didn't catch the sarcasm either. There are so many posters in here that would say something like this and mean it that I just thought you were one of them Bossman, sorry. By the way, if anyone does think that the Bills should trade either of their running backs now, they are moronic.
  7. The recurring problem with the Bills D is that they tend to leave the TE open a lot. How many games now do you see the opposing TE running wide open across or down the field without anyone even chasing him. It's not the the TE is beating anyone in particular, there just doesn't seem that anyone even has coverage on him. The question is, does the Bills D require the safety to check the TE first at the line and try to assess if he is going into a pattern then have the safety drop into coverage as help to the corners or is there possibly a miscommunication as to reads between the safety and LB? After Wire's comments following the New England game, is it possible that the safeties have to many check/reads at the line and get confused as to which coverage to be in? Also, the don't seem to be in on the play to often in run support and I'm thinking that they are just too confused on where to be at any given time.
  8. I'll take a win no matter how ugly it is over a loss like the New England game anyday!!!!
  9. I don't think that there is or was a problem at all with Lindell's leg strength. Yesterday's conditions easily could have assisted Lindell's kickoffs into the end zone but why would you want to do that when the wind is blowing and swirling. My thought and obviously the coaches thought was to make the Dolphins attempt to catch the ball and return it rather than give them a free play without fielding the ball. The was the wind was moving pass attempts around, it must have played havoc on the returners yesterday. Just my thought on this.
  10. Moronic!!!! I can't believe I'm even wasting my time responding to this but it was such a stupid post I couldn't resist.
  11. One of the smartest moves by a Bills coach in years!!
  12. Both Priceline and Hotwire are great ways for booking hotels and cars. I'm not sold on booking a flight only because you aren't guaranteed times with those. I don't have a preference either way but I have used both and find them more than accomodating. Priceline tends to give you a little more bang for your buck, ie: 3 star is at least a better than average 3 star, if not 4 star. Hotwire narrows down the locations better than Priceline. I dont think I will ever book through the hotel sites again unless I have to be in one particular location. Hotiwre and Priceline are the way to go. I have never heard of anyone that I know, that uses them, disappointed with either.
  13. Forecast for Orchard Park, NY Sun Oct 17 Few Showers 51°/41° 30 % That's from the weather channel. Personally, I'll be watching with these conditions: Forecast for Altamonte Springs, FL Sun Oct 17 Mostly Sunny 81°/65° 10 % I love the Buffalo/Miami games in late November and December with temps in the 20's and snow on the ground but sometimes a change of pace is nice, especially for the Bills traveling down to Miami in December. Here's what they might expect: Date Normal High - Normal Low - Record High Year - Record Low Year 12/5 79 64 87 1978 45 1968 Coldest Maximum Year Warmest Minimum Year 67 1957 75 2002
  14. I do agree to an extent that TH should be criticized for his lack of blocking but it seems to me that on a few occasions, the decision on which of the oncoming blockers to block has baffled him. The point is, the line isn't blocking anyone and when they do, they seem to be blocking the wrong ones. I might be incorrect in this but, the line is supposed to pick up the interior rushers first then concentrate to the outside whereas the RB's are told to look outside first since that is supposedly where the free rush should be coming from. Lately, the Bills have been letting rushers penetrate up the middle and the backs seem to be looking outside. Maybe I'm mistaken but my guess is that the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing here. I'm not defending TH here, I know that his blocking skills are mediocre at best but I don't think he should be receiving the criticism that's being leveled on him.
  15. I always loved Boo Berry but since that isn't available here, I go with either Fuity or Cocoa Pebbles, Yummy!! Drinking the leftover milk after Cocoa Pebbles is an added bonus.
  16. It seems that rigamortis has set in down here!!
  17. I really can't discount "Angry Man's" argument, he makes all good points. I guess everyone really should stop complaining about TH and if you have to complain, B word and moan about the poor blocking up front. Put TH on most any other team in the league and he might actually put some great numbers up, not that he hasn't done that already with a very average at best, line in Buffalo!!
  18. Stella Artois has always been one of my favorite Belgian beers but only if it's draft, not bottled. I will take that anytime but unfortunately, it isn't the easiest beer to find anywhere. I know of a few places in Orlando that carry it so those are usual stops. Just about any beer produced in either Germany or Belgium are great beers. Most of the American beers are pi$$ and should be drunk only to get a buzz and not for enjoyment of taste. I personally have found myself drinking Busch as a low cost way of catching a buzz. It tastes like Bud IMO so why spend the extra $2-$3 for Bud or Mich when I can get the same out of Busch. Also, if I drink anything from Coors, it's Original, Light is just horrible. It's water with a weird flavor and takes about 20 to get you a buzz!!
  19. I am not surprised by the tally so far, bunch of bleeding %^&*ing hearts in Buffalo!! So many people get brainwashed from birth by the left wingers that they wouldn't understand common sense if it came up and slapped them upside the head. You would think that the people in Buffalo area would have woken up by now, after getting taxed to death and screwed by the liberals for the last 30 years, and tried to change their Democratic liberal voting. I guess not. Geesh!!!!!!!!
  20. If you look at the Houston-Atlanta matchup realistically, the Astros are a much better team. Atlanta won their division by beating up on the likes of Montreal, NY Mets, Philadelphia and even Florida who didn't have their pitching staff healthy for most of the year and their offense is almost as bad as the Bills. Houston on the other hand, had to struggle through the early part of the year with a pitching staff that was hurt and took some time getting it straightened out and some injuries to other key players while playing the likes of the Cardinals, Cubs and Reds, who started out pretty hot this year. It's no wonder the Astros should win this series without blinking. I'm not an Astros fan but they should sweep this series or at worst, take it in 4.
  21. I wasn't able to peon it for some reason, damn filter. Anyway, nice to know that the Bills are getting props overseas.
  22. Would any of the work of Neil Diamond be considered "mainstream" or for that matter, would he be considered a band since he has a singular name but always had a collection of bands and orchestras playing with him? Bases on the choices, I would have to say Van Halen only because they actually produced some quality work until 1984. They were very mainstream but still hit into the heavy metal areas too. My personal choice though, not from the list, would probably be The Band or even Grand Funk. Both were great in their time and sometimes get overlooked for their contribution to American music history because of the era in which they were famous. The sixties and early seventies band don't get the recognition because many people thought that they groups of that era were too politically motivated. I also have to say that the Beach Boys were a large part of what American mainstream music is today. Without some of their work, I don't think that "American" music would have been able to keep up with what was being produced in England. Just my opinion.
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