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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. You're an idiot!!!!!!!! I couldn't resist!! I have to admit that sometimes I just want to reply to a post and make the grammatical corrections. I'm not a teacher or anything relatively close but the proper use of the English language is something I've always been fond of.
  2. I agree, it's 2 games that we either dominated or played well enough to win. I'm not ready to pack in the season just yet, we did play two pretty good teams with very good defenses. The Bills problem is a overall lack of execution. Dumb penalties, prevent defense at wrong times (any time is wrong if you ask me) and a lack of cohesion on the O-Line. Maybe the bye week will be just what the doctor ordered for this team and these past two games are just a learning experience. Call it a hunch but I think the Pats are going to have more than their hands full in Buffalo on the 3rd.
  3. In reference to the question, yes I think he can.................... as a backup!!! I am not the biggest DB fan in the world but he still is better than some of the quarterbacks out there. Granted, he looked like stevestojan yesterday but that was a total team loss. Dumb penalties, lack of any type of threat on the ground, lack of spreading out the defense when EVERYONE knew they were going to blitz!! Lack of pass protection, lack of blocking and adjusting, lack of creating turnovers, lack of pressure on Gannon when it was necessary on 3rd and long and a lack of using the fastest guy on the team (until it was to late).
  4. I understand the whole half the distance thing but my question is, since it's a holding penalty and the infraction took place "supposedly" at the 1 yard line, isn't the penalty enforced from the spot of the foul? I always thought that was the case but maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, my head is still spinning in disbelief after seeing these first two games.
  5. Okay, I know that the holding penalty/safety might not have made a direct difference in the game but indirectly it would have given the Bills 2 more points and the ball back. Granted, we did hold them and get the ball anyway but it might have swung some much needed momentum our way. With that said, I do have a question regarding the call. After the penalty was called, from which the referee stated that the hold started on the 1 yard line, shouldn't the Raiders have been given the ball at the 1/2 yard line? If so, why, unless I missed a play, did they have second down at the 2 yard line? Maybe I missed something (beer or piss run) but I don't think so. It seemed that everything that Murphy's Law was in full effect for the Bills yesterday and I just hope that during the bye week, MM has a "come to Jesus" meeting with a few players and coaches. One thing that NEEDS to be addressed is the stupid f**king penalties on special teams!!! Another NEED is to have every player mentally ready to play or find someone that is. The dumb ass play by Thomas downing the ball after CLEARLY wandering out of bounds was just completely uncalled for. Nice catch though on the fake punt, though anyone could have made that play.
  6. That is too funny, dev, you just aren't right. Anyway, from the map that stevestojan linked to, it looks like Jeanne is heading right for Orlando. We seem to be right in the mix all season so far so what's another one. This one looks rather lame though so I'm not too worried. I didn't lose power through Frances and that B word lasted a couple days and was a bit stronger than this one. I wish it would just turn out to the mid-Atlantic though, maybe towards Bermuda, they haven't had one in forever, they're due. Good luck to everyone in FL though, I just hope it waits till at least Monday to hit so I can watch the Bills game Sunday, lol.
  7. I have to agree with this upset too. Besides the fact that it will be Pat Tilman day, I believe the temperature will be somewhere between sweltering and scorching hot. The Cards have at least practiced in this and should be able to handle it better than the Pats.
  8. Don't criticize me if I'm wrong here but aren't the infractions between 6 and 8 years old? Why did it take so long to investigate this? Who is investigating this, the same law enforcement people handling the Jon Benet case? Okay, so I was being a bit facetious there but if I remember correctly, the Niners had some salary cap issues themselves back in the early to mid 90's and were caught within a year and I thought that they had lost a 1st rounder along with cash. I might be wrong here but I'm thinking that Bowlen has some pull with the commissioner. Just my thoughts.
  9. How about Chicago? Six Flags Midwest is fairly close to there plus all the sights in Chicago. Just a thought. How about Boise? Just beautiful country out there.
  10. Is it my imagination or are there a lot of Bills fans here in Florida? I guess everyone got the hell out of Buffalo and that go nowhere, do nothing, no future area. I miss the Bills though, lol.
  11. You got that right BiB, twice in three weeks and Charley was the first hard hit in over 40 years. Damn El Nino or whatever freak of nature is drawing these at us here in Orlando. My guess is that it has something to do with Tiger Woods. He is having some bad luck this year and since he lives here, Mother Nature is taking a shot at him too.
  12. Thanks for correcting me Fez, it's a multiswitch that I have, a 4 x 8 which is great. Thanks again.
  13. LMAO!!!!!!! Was it the opener two years ago that they ran out of water and it was 90+ and sunny? I still don't understand why they don't let you take your own jug of water into the game, unless they think you're smuggling vodka or something.
  14. What happened to the old addage, "it's the thought that counts"? Seriously though, at least your wife gave you something, if she didn't, you might have an argument. I don't want to sound like a prick or anything but I think after you reach a certain age, other people stop sending cards and things. It's not necessarily nice but it seems that's how things are nowadays. I personally still try to send a card in the mail at least, it shows the thought.
  15. I have Directv and TIVO and all that is required for installation is a screwdriver, a six pack and some coax cable. It's pretty straightforward. Directv is as simple as simple gets. You actually can use your existing cable lines as long as you connect them to a splitter. The splitter would receive the coax from the satellite dish and from there, you can run as many lines as the splitter will hold. If you're doing just a basic install, don't forget to have an addtional line available where the Tivo is going to be located so you can watch one show while recording another. I hope I answered your questions.
  16. As long as they open by next Thursday at 10:30am, that's okay with me lol. Otherwise I'm driving up to Buffalo for the home opener, lol.
  17. Who cares why just as long as they do. BUT!!!!!! Nothing is more disgusting than to see a slim 250lb woman wearing tight spandex pants and seeing the thong lines. It gives me chills knowing that some poor bastard has to see that without the spandex on.
  18. Orlando is bracing for a pretty heavy hit as well. Hurricane Charley left a lot of destruction in Orlando and we still haven't cleaned up from it. But, by Sunday afternoon, Orlando should be safe from the winds but the chances are that many areas will be without power come Sunday, so if you consider being here without power, I would say it won't be safe!!!
  19. I honestly don't think it's feasible for the Bills to carry more the 5 WR's considering the QB situation. Haddad will be cut and Smith will be cut but probably brought back to the Practive Squad. Since the numbers are screwed up a bit with the QB's, the Bills are likely only to keep 3 TE's on the team too, though all of them have done enough to stay. Trafford appears to be the odd man out unless the Bills feel that they can use one of the TE's as a FB and not carry a designated FB on the roster. Just a thought and I doubt they would go into the season without one. Which leaves the question, where do they leave themselves thin so they can carry the extra QB? At CB? RB? LB? OL? It's going to be a tough call but I think the RB position might be left thin, 1 FB, Lawton or Shelton, 3 RB's, TH, WM, and either Simonton or Williams. They will probably carry 4 TE's with Trafford being the 2nd FB on the roster. By the looks of things, considering the QB situation, the LB position also will feel the effects and only carry 5-6 with at least 1 going on the practice squad but probably not anyone from the current roster. Just my thoughts but with Brown and Losman out, other positions are going to have to be thin.
  20. SO true Jeff, everyone left St. Pete and Tampa and came to Orlando during Charley only to get hammered here. By the looks of this thing, the best thing to do is go inland, say somewhere near Omaha, lol. Honestly though stevestojan, heading to Orlando or somewhere in the middle of the state isn't a bad idea, we are going to get hit hard here but it won't be as bad as where you are. There are dozens of shelters, plenty of hotel rooms, though that might be dwindling and even my house. I have hurricane shutters and a fairly decent size house with enough room, you just need to bring plenty of beer. Stay safe!!
  21. Just load up on the essentials: beer, beer and don't forget beer. Wife went out yesterday and picked up a couple 18 packs to go with the case that we already had. Make sure you have matches and plenty of candles handy. When Charley hit a couple weeks ago, we had candles sitting on the table and as soon as the power went out around 9:30, we fired those up. Make sure you keep your flashlights in a handy spot too because they're good to have close by when you have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. I think we are pretty set for this thing but we are contemplating leaving Orlando after it passes if it looks like we aren't going to have power for a few days. We have our flight reservations for next Thursday to Buffalo, but the airlines said they would just issue a credit if we don't use the tickets, which is cool. Good Luck stevestojan, Jeff and Dave and everyone else here in Florida, this one is going to be interesting to say the least.
  22. I just moved into my house recently and it has hurricane shutters on every window, door and all around the covered screened patio, so the house is basically a bunker. I barely heard anything when Charley came ripping through our neighborhood just north of Orlando a couple weeks ago. I was pretty drunk too so I guess that has to factor in but the house is pretty tight with the shutters. From what the weather forecasters here in Orlando are saying, it's going to be cruising on through here as probably a cat 2 with winds well over 100mph. Any trees that are left after Charley won't be left after this one, lol. I just hope that power is restored quicker this time, last time it went out Friday night and didn't come back on till Monday afternoon. I know others had it worse but a few days without A/C really sucks. I just hope that I can get out of here next Thursday for my flight up to Buffalo. I actually have thought about leaving Friday from here and driving up to Buffalo for the week, lol.
  23. I can't disagree with anything you said there. I just want to comment on MM. This guy has "football coach" written all over him. My wife said to me the first time he was introduced by the Bills and said, "damn, that guy just looks like a coach. He might be able to coach but he looks the part". After watching him the first couple pre-season games, I honestly think that this guy looks and acts like a coach that might be around for a long time in this league. Just to rattle off a few guys that looked like coaches: Bill Cowher, Lou Saban, Chuck Noll, Tom Landry, Bum Phillips, Bud Grant and Brian Billick, just to name a few. Some the didn't look like coaches: Wade Phillips, Kay Stephenson, Greg Williams, Les Steckel, Mike Riley, Bruce Coslett, Joe Bugel and Gunther Cunningham.
  24. Good Luck Jeff. Are you heading up for the Bills game next week?
  25. Hang in there Frogger. I'm actually with you on this one. I live in Altamonte Springs and work in Orlando. We are bracing for a pretty hard hit here again though I thought the last one was bad. Oh well, I just hope that the power companies figured out their shortcomings from Charley and we won't have to be without power for to long, if at all, this time. Maybe we will get lucky and Frances will jog to the north. On another note, DAMN the NFL for moving back the scedule a couple of years ago. If it wasn't for their greediness, the home opener would be this weekend and I would be flying out of Orlando tomorrow and miss this whole thing. Good Luck Frogger and EnviroJeff. Batten down the hatches!!
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