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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. He might have been waiting for blocks on some of the runs but he still doesn't have the burst that he had when he was at UofM. I do think that he looks quicker now than he did during the preseason and I'm not sure if he looks any quicker than he did against Miami. If anything, he looks a little more confident and a little less hesitant which might make him appear quicker. But in actual quickness or burst, I think that he is still a year away from being back to top form. He is already there in the determination department though.
  2. Ok, now that the Bills BEAT Arizona soundly yesterday, what do they have to do different against the Jets this upcoming Sunday? Sure, Arizona isn't the best team in the league but leading up to the game yesterday, they were proclaimed by a lot of media as a team on the rise and that Buffalo just stunk. Well, I'm sure the "stunk" part was fairly accurate to a point but as we know, Buffalo is a much better team than their 1-5 record showed. Granted the Bills have a tendancy to shoot themselves in the foot at most every opportunity but they actually have looked decent the last few weeks. Take away several interceptions by #11 and some questionable officiating two weeks ago and the Bills have strung a few strong performances together. With that said, what do they have to do to win against the Jets? The first thing that comes to mind is that Mother Nature needs to show up, lol. Early forecast for Sunday: Showers High 45°F Precip 40% Wind: WSW 14 mph Besides that, playing with a minimal amount of mistakes and breakdowns in the secondary are probably the most necessary things that come to mind.
  3. Nope, sorry Ramius, I would have taped it for you if I had known. By the way, where in Florida did you move to? I thought you were in Tally? Did you move in with the new chick? lol, just kidding.
  4. You are right Fez, he did move up but what happens when the opponents rush up the middle? Believe me, I would love to see Drew produce more than anyone, I'm just being realistic here. After watching every game this year, either he locks into Moulds a little to often, he did that early in the year, or he has no lateral movement when the pocket is pushed into his face. I'm not necessarily saying that JP needs to be thrown into the fire as soon as he's healthy, I just feel that the adjustments either need to be addressed on the line or Drew has to lose the ego and learn to run and avoid the rush a little better. Granted he wasn't sacked yesterday, he really didn't attempt that many throws. Thank god the line finally got their stevestojan together and decided to run block for a change!!!
  5. I was wondering the same thing, I didn't see any coverage on the Fox broadcast.
  6. LMFAO!!!!!!!!! That is just too damn funny. KzooMike!!!!
  7. The line still needs some work but played a pretty decent game which made thing easy for Drew. I still firmly believe that Drew is on a short leash with MM and if he blows it again against the Jets next week, he's history. I'm not bashing Drew but the fact is, he can't move to save his life which makes it very difficult for the offense to produce when the opponents decide to blitz up the middle against us. Why the Cards didn't do it was a testament to the Bills game plan to establish the run early and often. If they find themselves behind in a game, forget it, there is absolutelly no chance for Drew to lead this team in a comeback, he just isn't mobile enough to avoid a serious rush.
  8. I know it's against my better judgement to respond to this post but........ YOU ARE AN IDIOT RUDY Have you ever been to a game there? Better yet, have you ever been to a less than pleasant (weather condition wise) game there? I didn't go to the game since I'm in Florida but I've been to my fair share of unpleasant games at the Ralph (Rich Stadium actually). I was there the last time the Cardinals were in town, similar conditions except even a bit colder with hail blowing in everyones face instead of rain. The stands were full up until about 8 minutes left in that game too, which coincidentally was a blowout. Get with it Rudy, people were cold, wet and probably had to get home to take their children out Trick or Treating. Please think before you post again Rudy, you really show your true colors of being a complete idiot and make the rest of us Bills fans look bad being associated with you!!!
  9. Thanks for your advice but during the last election, I lived in Orange County and there weren't any problems there. It was a simple connect the arrow type of ballot. Fill in the line on the broken arrow next to the candidate you want. This time I'm in Seminole County and all I have to do is fill in a little bubble next to the candidates name. I think I can handle that. The problem is the idiots in Palm Beach County who are so far to the left that they couldn't look enough to the right of the ballot to see who they were voting for!!
  10. LOL! Stats? NYC is a hole! I enjoy visiting but would never want to live there! Interesting comments. I'm not the biggest fan of NYC but in comparing crime to capita, it actually is safer than some. Still, it's a large city and with much more of a diverse population than people from Buffalo could even fathom. I say don't judge unless you've been there. On the other comment that NYC is a hole and wouldn't want to live there. I pretty much say the same thing about Buffalo. Buffalo is a friggin hole if you compare it to other cities in this country. Boarded up buildings, lousy transportation system, over taxed, under developed, it's a hole. Crime is out of control and more people are probably leaving the Buffalo area than most other cities in this country. If you're going to bash some other place, look in your own backyard first.
  11. Sorry to hear about your problems Aussie and I can't help you. All I do know is that ever since I started with an 80 Granada and several Fords after that I finally vowed NEVER to buy a Ford product again. I have been given the runaround by Ford so many times over the years that I just can't do it ever again. My case in point: had a poor quality (which several mechanics have verified) radiator in a Thunderbird that went, $500, which caused the head gasket to go, $1200, which shortly after caused a lower engine oil pressure problem to occur, new engine $1500+. Poor quality, poor service and very poor customer service. Take your chances and go to an outside mechanic not related to Ford and see what they say, it's probably a faulty switch of some sort and will cost $100. Just a guess but I've learned that unfortunately dealing with Ford.
  12. I know he hasn't had to much of a problem blocking the ball out of his hands this year. Seriously though, he hasn't been to bad at downfield blocking but that's against someone his own size. Given the fact that the Bills haven't had much need for downfield blocking this year, it's really hard to tell how anyone is doing with that. Putting him in the backfield to assist in blocking would probably get him killed and even make things worse than they already are. He is just to small to handle 240+ backers and 280+ ends and tackles.
  13. Great report Lori, thank you for the info on what took place during the meeting. I have to apologize to anyone on the Booster Club who took offense to the remark I made about all 8 people showing up. I was kidding and basically said it in reference to the frustration that all Bills fans are feeling these days and the fact that the meeting was held in the Red Zone and the Bills offense wouldn't know what to do if they were there. Sorry Thanks Jack for your report on the competition going on at the stadium and the fact the BM was out there donating his time and having fun doing it. He seems like one of the real good guys on this team and the Bills are lucky to have him. Thanks
  14. Skip dinner, get her drunk and just go for the gusto, lol!! Don't shave, she'll probably want to call you daddy sometime during the course of the evening!
  15. Hey, I'm sorry but I just got this. I guess I'm a little slow. Honestly, when I got it, I figured it was something the Left Wingers came up with since the election is right around the corner. Sorry about dumping this crap in here.
  16. That isn't even funny, clips of both offenses will send all 8 people running for the bathrooms.
  17. Ranked 32nd? Man, they are wacked, they are no worse than 31st!! Seriously though, being ranked anywhere from 20 on down pretty much tells the story. This team is awful right now and they should be ranked no higher than 30th. They have done nothing to warrant an even respectable ranking this year. Sure, they lost in the last seconds at home in their home opener which was their best game of the year. Decent teams don't lose those games. Since then, show one thing that they've done that would even qualify them as a respectable team? The only thing that this team has done right this year is sell out all of its home games and that won't last another one. Until the Bills do something impressive, they deserve being the doormat of the NFL!
  18. I hope you aren't expecting any Bills players to show up and speak. There is no way in hell that they will know what to do in the Red Zone!!
  19. My suggestion would be not to order a cocktail. It shows that you are thinking aobut her and not yourself. By the way, if she's not 21 yet and you're taking her out, congratulations!! LOL
  20. That was exactly my first thought when I saw this, "ok, so what about the people that were on the flight?" Like I said though, it's just interesting but I don't agree with any of it at all.
  21. unfortuately along the lines of something Michael Moore would produce but I thought it was interesting. Give it time to load, probably about 3 minutes or so but it is pretty interesting. I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any means but there were some interesting points made here. http://blacklinux.com/hosted/pentagonstrike/
  22. Personally, I don't care who starts at Running Back for Buffalo, as long as they move the ball. With that said, the offensive (actually has two meanings here) problems that the Bills have been hobbled with this year, last year and even the year before have nothing to do with who is carrying the rock!! Just in case you might have forgotten, TH was the one who piled up some pretty impressive numbers last year with a line that actually is worse than this years. Even going back a couple years, the offensive line was fairly weak and TH still was able to put up over 1200 yards on the ground. I'm not saying that Travis should still be the starter on this team, I'm just pointing out the facts that it isn't Henry's fault that the offense is awful. If any one move was being made on the team that actually deserves serious board time in here, it should be the move that JP is the new quarterback and Drew is moving to 3rd string. DB, IMO, single handedly has taken this team from being a team rebuilding, to a team with so much potential, to a team that just plain sucks!!!!!! I've always given Drew the benefit of the doubt but after every game this year, I look back and think, anyone could have done that, he is nothing special so why is he even here. It's time for change and it should be at the QB position first and foremost!!
  23. Do you think anyone on the Bills reads these GLARING statistics and might actually think that a change is needed somewhere?
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