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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. What a moron. I hope he didn't hurt any innocent people by doing that. Guffalo, I love that quote from "Cheers" that you have at the bottom, CLASSIC!!!
  2. Thanks for clearing that up, I have a better understanding for what cleavage is.. I knew you were going to post some pictures, it was just a matter of time, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. The way I see it, the Bills MUST win this weekend. If Buffalo were to lose Sunday and win out the rest of the year, I highly doubt that they will make the playoffs based on head to head with the Jests, Jags, Ravens and their conference record. Look at the playoffs right now, it would be NE, PITT, JAX and DEN with the JESTS and INDY or HOU as the wildcard. Right now looking at the schedule, the Bills maybe could lose one game the rest of the way or the season is kaput. Losing 4 coming out of the gate really hurts any chance of making the playoffs. This Sunday might be the biggest game, playoff hope-wise, for the Bills in a long time. If they lose, it's basically over barring a collapse by everyone else in the conference.
  4. I love the Eden Corn Fest. Haven't been to it in years since I'm out of town but I loved going to it when I was there. There Beer Barn next to the softball field is classic!!
  5. This is too funny. Jeff, I do cut off people with Dolphin plates and junk on their car occasionally. I don't have any Bills memorabilia on my car so I guess they just think I'm an !@#$ or something but it's still fun to screw with them. I'm in Orlando too and I have to take I-4 everyday(downtown to maitland). I swear that most of the idiot drivers here have Dolphin crap all over their car. At least once a week I see someone with Dolphin crap weaving in and out of rush hour traffic. They're all just friggin morons in my book!! The tag thing though, I wouldn't do it, you're just asking for problems with these idiots. I used to have Bills things on my car and noticed that when I parked in a lot somewhere, I was the only one with new scratches, broken antennas and low air in the tires. Dolphin fans suck!! Don't stoop to their level.
  6. Yeah, tell your wife to interview somewhere else, lol. Maybe UNC, Duke or UCF in Florida. Don't move to the Buffalo area, taxes will kill you!! Seriously though, if you have to move there, Williamsville, Amherst or maybe out in CLarence are probably your best bets for schools. If not any of those, look even further east and tell her to deal with the drive everyday.
  7. Call this a hunch but I think that the Bills plan all along was to have Vincent move to safety sooner or later. He probably would have been there sooner if he didn't have the injury. The Bills do have the luxury of having pretty decent CB's to step up and fill the CB, Nickel and Dime positions. Thomas will probably move to Nickel and Greer or Reese will take over at Dime. Reese wasn't a bad Safety but Vincent gives the Bills a little more flexibility with their defensive coverages which might allow Milloy to cheat closer to the line and get man to man on the TE's which have been burning us this year. I like the move and am sure it would have been looked at earlier barring the injuries to Milloy and Vincent. Nice to see a pretty strong defense getting stronger. Things are looking up over at OBD. Also, in reference to wondering about McGee pulling double duty as a KR/CB. After he returns the kicks, I do believe the Offense takes the field and he should have at least a few minutes to get a rest. It's the same with Clements handling the punts. I'm not concerned about this being a problem. It's worked for some pretty good returners in the past, namely Woodson and Sanders.
  8. I'm going to second what ENVIROJEFF said about if you are ever in the Orlando area, I know of a few good places for wings and even more for beer, lol. Thanks for your shows on Empire and WNSA Howard, you will be missed greatly by us out of towners but hopefully WGR will start streaming again so we can get our fix of you on there. I will be sure to listen to you when I am in Buffalo and again, thanks for all of your hard work. Hawaiian shirt Fridays will be missed. Thanks, Jim in Orlando
  9. Sorry Jon, I should have probably phrased that a little differently. My whole point was that those are the 3 worse taxed states in the country and yet the people there still vote for the free spending liberals. It just baffles me every voting season. Like I said, I'm just glad I don't live there anymore because my voice would never be heard amost the libs.
  10. All I can say to this is thank god I don't live in New York State anymore. Clinton and Schumer are probably the most imcompetent Senators in NYS history and yet you people vote them in. Their interests lie elsewhere, either downstate or on a national recognition level. Your taxes go up drastically every year and yet you vote an incumbent left wing liberal like Schumer back in office in a landslide. Personally, though I feel sorry for my family that still lives there, I hope that some day soon 80% of your income ends up in taxes because you aren't that far off. Keep vooting in those do-nothing incumbents every election year, you'll all end up begging for someone new. BTW, all of the problems in NYS aren't Pataki's fault either, things start of the local levels and climb their way to the top.
  11. Voted, took just about an hour and a half but I got mine in. People will say that Florida got it right this time but I will tell you, things are still done half-assed down here. People in line 30 minutes after me were in and out in 5 minutes. What these ass-clowns did was divide the alphabet into A-G, H-O and P-Z. Everyone gets in one line and you move to your last name designated line. Well, we're all standing outside in the heat and humidity, about 85 or so and sunny. The gentleman handling the A-G line I believe was close to being on life support, he moved so slow that you thought he was dead. Everyone in my polling place's last name ends in A-G. One book to work out of which made it worse. Anyone who walked up whose last name ended between H-Z were shuffled to the front because the volunteers handling those books had nothing to do. They would then take up all the polling cubicles so that when the A-G line was ready to go, there weren't any available spots. Complete Ass-Clowns still down here.
  12. I for one am really going to miss Howard. He was there as soon as I get home every day, feeding me the latest information on the Bills and Sabres and whatever other sports news there was. I wish he was still doing the Bills post game show on Empire, that was always a rather entertaining show and Howard always would tell it the way it was. He might not be the greatest radio/tv personality out there but he always brought some entertainment and knowledge to the table that every sportscaster in Buffalo would be envious of. Good Luck in your new ventures Howard!! Us out-of-towners are really going to miss you.
  13. Well, I have very little respect for anyone that resides in NYS, MA or CAL. Though I was born and raised in Buffalo, it took a move out of there to realize that things aren't everyones elses fault but the fault of the people being narrowminded. Funny that those 3 states are also the ones with the most people departing. I wish more people would wake up that live there!!
  14. One major reason that I voted for Bush and have the love for him that I do is that I honestly feel that Liberalism has divided this country and has more to do with it's downward spiral than any one person could be held accountable for. GB is the man in charge but the big picture says that the peace and love, punish the rich, give to the poor, freedom of speechers and gay loving underbelly of this country has more to do with our division and lack of respect on the worldwide scale than what the President could ever do. Just my opinion but I feel that this country has been spinning downward for the last 15 years and Liberalism has everything to do with that and not who sits in the Oval office!!
  15. Personally, I hope the Lib Left is defeated once and for all. The Left Wingers have everything to do with the division of this country and have showed absolutely nothing to enhance or benefit the people. I hope that the people of this great country wake up and finally realize that Liberalism is dead and will never raise its ugly head again. I would like to know if any other country in its history was so divided by two completely different mindsets that when they were at war, they wouldn't stand together as one? I pray to god that Liberalism and the Far Left is dead and will never come back to try to ruin this country again!!!!!!!!
  16. I have no problem with the "old" Democratic party that used to be on the conservative side but they seem to have been taken over by this far left faction of liberals that feel that they need to punish anyone who works hard and makes money only to give it to the lazy and incompetent. They view this country as a stepping stone for a world government with peace and love. That will NEVER happen as long as there are billions of Muslims who would like to see every Christian dead!! Whatever happened to the decent Democrats that used to have a say? Did they all switch to the Republican Party?
  17. Can we get an AMEN????? AMEN BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. My first thought after hearing about the Kerry concession was who will the Reps run out in 08? You know that Hillary is going to be the choice for the left wingers and the first person I thought of to run against her was Rudy. Maybe have his VP Powell and save Jeb till 12 if something bad happens, which I highly doubt would. I don't know of any other Reps that have had the "face" time to run against Hillary. Thoughts?
  19. I agree whole heartedly, the Democrats had this election won two years ago if they put up a decent, conservative, non-liberal candidate. Instead, they roll out probably the most liberal schmuck they could find. If it wasn't for the media being so liberal and pro-Kerry, this would have been a slaughter similar to the Reagan/Dukakis fiasco!!
  20. That's my answer too. I hope to god that it happens sometime in the next few years though. Depending on where it is, I might be there, not necessarily at the game but in the city for the celebration. I was in Atlanta for the last one and saw it, honestly hoping that the Bills were due. Oh well, my vote was at a party which is probably the likeliest place that I'll be. I just hope it isn't from beyond the grave.
  21. I might be reading to much into this but it seems that the question was answered by TD but just not the answer you were looking for. He does answer your question but just used some political waggling to make it seem like he was beating around the bush. The word currently suggests that maybe the coaches don't feel the SM is up to the task and that possibly JP is just not healthy enough at this time to make a QB change. Everything he said was about right now which leads me to believe that once JP is healthy and has a good enough grasp on the system, he probably will get his shot. I've said it in other posts, I think DB is on a very short leash right now and he can feel JP's breath on his neck.
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