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Everything posted by SoMAn

  1. For all the wing places that get high grades such as Gabriel's Gate, Bar Bill, Duff's, etc. - what makes their wings better than those from other wing places?
  2. I feel like that's something my wife would have said immediately before I turn the sound up on the TV
  3. I think the point was that there are (amazingly) adult Americans who can't differentiate between an entire state and Manhattan. Do these same people think the Seattle Seahawks play in the nation's capital? I love those man on the street segments where a correspondent goes to college campuses, Venice Beach, etc., and asks basic American history questions such as, "what year was the War of 1812 fought?" Blank stare. Confusion. I get that the segments are edited for entertainment, but there are a lot of ignorant dumb-asses out there who have zero curiosity about anything outside of their little world.
  4. I realize that defense wasn't the big problem this past week, but still I wonder how far the team can go without an All-pro level impact player as part of their defensive front 7. Don't get me wrong - I believe the Bills have good players in those positions. Just not anyone approaching the level of the Watt or Bosa brothers, Aaron Donald, Kahlil Mack, et. No game changers that opposing offenses have to plan around. The Bills have targeted the front 7 with top draft picks that last 4 years, starting with Edmunds, but so far, none of those players are a household name that puts fear in the hearts of the other team.
  5. So, if I'm from out of town and already purchased a non-refundable airline ticket, a game ticket for the Washington game, recovered from Covid in August, and don't need the vaccine or am at risk (pregnancy, etc), I'm screwed. I'd like to see the Erie Co. exec cite Covid-related statistics from the gathering of 70,000 on Sunday* that warrants the abrupt change in policy that may leave some ticket holders high and dry. * guarantee there will be no proof of outbreaks caused by attendees of Sunday's contest.
  6. I guess if anybody asked about my Bills, I'd have to reply, 'yeah, they won the Superbowl. They're world champs....but with an asterisk. They had to get in the playoffs as a wildcard. Another maybe next year moment [sigh] ".
  7. Here in Atlanta we're getting a AFC/CBS 1:00 game. Pittsburgh and Buffalo ?? 2 potential playoff powerhouse teams. Oh no. Instead, we get 2 teams with a 2020 combined win total of 5 games, the Texans and Jaguars. Yes, locals are treated to the electrifying Tyrod Taylor slinging it for the Texans. Maybe because jags # 1 draft pick Trevor Lawrence is a local kid, they went with that game. Is our local CBS affiliate going to bump top contenders for Trevor Lawrence all year? Who knows? Just glad I have the NFL Sunday ticket.
  8. I don't know if you were responding to my post from just before yours. My statement clearly said AFC Championship game, not SB.
  9. What problems? Just do it! I think the people involved create their own problems. How hard is it? Other major cities either don't have the volume of problems Buffalo seems to have or if problems arise, they solve them quickly.
  10. Why does every project take soooo long up there these days? The Empire State building took 13 months to build with 1930s technology. Why does it take 6 more years to complete a 60,000 seat open air stadium? Maybe if the people involved hadn't been dragging out endless feasibility studies for umpteen years, the cost to build could have been far less than what's now projected and Buffalo could be ready to host the January 2022 AFC Championship game in the shiny new facility. I'm in the metro Atlanta area where they've built 2 baseball and 2 football stadiums in the past 28 years or so. That's hardly more time than the period since the Flutie era of the late 90s when the first major renovations to Rich were happening. For all the money spent on renovations and upgrades to the current stadium, I'd guess they could have built one similar to the one being planned. Is it politics or just business people who have some financial incentive to drag this out? Or just stupidity? By the way...how's the signature Peace Bridge coming along?
  11. Not exactly. Tony Chapman was the original drummer (briefly). Charlie and Bill held down the groove while Keith could do riffs, fills, and weaving with Brian, Mick Taylor, or Ronnie. Keith was never a straight-ahead rhythm player. The amazing thing about the Stones live performances is that they're always right on the edge of the whole thing falling apart, but they always manage to keep it together. Have seen them 3 times. Twice in the 70's at Rich, and 2015 at Georgia Tech stadium. Last time I went with the Mick Jagger look-and sound-alike from our Stones tribute band. Since the show was work related, the tickets were tax deductible. 🙂 here's the tribute
  12. 872 mi. Northern Atlanta metro are 'burbs. It's about a 13+ hr drive.... unless it summer construction season. In that case, add at least another hour or two. Haven't driven it in at least 10 years.
  13. Eball, if you're still in the Atlanta area, you can come over and watch with me. Which part of this mutli-county sprawl do you call home?
  14. Not to mention convenience. With Directv Sunday ticket. It's on any TV in the house (that's connected) at the same time. It's on our big flat screen in HD that can be viewed by a whole room, not on a personal cell phone or tablet screen. With Sunday ticket, we have time-shifting flexibility, using our DVRs to record and start the showing after it's started (skipping through commercials) and having immediate access to review the recorded game. I don't understand the lengths some people go through in an attempt to get over on Directv. It's a wonderfully convenient service. Take it from someone who didn't live in WNY when the Jim Kelly era began and was starving for any broadcast or info that was available as the team became respectable. There was no home satellite service or sports bars to show your favorite team. I had to wait for a morning recap in USA Today. Later, we could subscribe to one of the weekly Bills newspapers that always showed up 3 weeks after the game it reviewed (if it showed up at all). I've had the Sunday Ticket for over 20 years. Compared to those bygone days, it's a luxury to sit at home in the fall with the fireplace going, roast in the oven, pets curled around our feet, wearing the same ragged sweats that we put on Friday after work, and tune in to Bills' football. Far better than the sports bar experience. I love my Sunday Ticket.
  15. Maybe it was your approach. I haven't paid for Sunday ticket for several years*. On top of that, I'm usually offered additional credits and programming benefits to retain me as a customer. There were a few times when I wasn't being given the deal I was looking for and had to try a different CSR at a different time. * a couple of years ago, had to upgrade receiver and get Genies. That came with a 2 year commitment, which took away some negotiating leverage. Had to pay discounted rate for the ticket that year. Well worth it still. I'm always polite and respectful when dealing with the reps. Frequently getting into (sincere) personal conversations with CSR that ease the business aspect of it. For some reason, I've had better luck dealing with reps who are stateside - where I think most Customer Retention reps are located. This year, I didn't even have to ask. I was one of the longtime loyal customers who is automatically receiving the ticket at no cost. Even though I don't think DirecTV has been as responsive since AT&T came into the picture, they're generally still better than most company's service departments. AT&T is no longer running the show. Maybe you've just been unlucky or could be your demeanor was off-putting to the person on the other end of the line. Enjoy the 2021 season! Now, let's watch some Bills' football !!!
  16. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/techland/directv-offers-free-season-sunday-ticket-some-customers-191540
  17. Just the fact that Mahomes walks like a girl tells me we got the best part of the deal.
  18. Bills' have more balance between running and passing. Knox will have a breakout year. Bass gives Bills Superbowl victory with field goal in final seconds. McDermott will break NFL record for most claps in a single half
  19. I called customer service for technical issue, and while on line asked about Sunday Ticket promotions. She checked and came back with the news that it's $0 for me this year, though I don't think it includes Max, just regular Sunday ticket. I was skeptical until I saw this thread. A bonus is there are no commitments/contracts tied to it. Whether the freebie will impact other promotional negotiation remains to be seen. I've been pretty lucky getting monthly bills for 3 TVs at under $70/mo.
  20. Your perception of wings is part of the reason there are so many inferior wing places. The sauce is only part of it. It starts with quality poultry. The sauce is supposed to compliment the chicken-y flavor, not mask a bland piece of tasteless meat. Also, the oil should be fresh, or well-filtered, and not used for fish or other products (especially breaded items.) The wings should be crisp. They need to be drained over the fryer for a minute or two. Some wing hacks think they get crispy by frying for an extra 20 minutes. No. All that does is remove any trace of natural juice and flavor. If they're taken from the fryer, still dripping oil, and thrown into a bath of sauce, they'll lose the crispiness. The simple answer to your question is there are multiple ways wings can turn out bad. It's a lot more than just sauce. Of course, bad sauce is another issue for which there is no excuse.
  21. Edmunds fits the culture of this team and by all accounts is smart and a good teammate. I like him a lot as a person. But I've re-watched numerous games to specifically focus on Edmunds' play. Apparently, I'm not smart enough to see what some of the 'experts' see to rate him as a pro-bowler and top tier LB. In my eyes, he's completely ineffective on run plays. I see a guy who takes bad angles, gets pushed out of the play by blockers, rarely makes the tackle at the point of impact, getting dragged for extra yards, and is more often than not is coming into the picture after a defensive teammate makes the play. I don't see a player with great tenacity or reaction time. I see a LB who's frequently tentative. According to many experts, I'm off base. It's just my opinion. He's now got 3 years NFL experience and still only a year or so older than first year players. Using trade value as a gauge, do you believe if he were offered up, the Bills could get a first rounder for him, say # 16 of better? I
  22. Back in the 60’s when I was in elementary school, they used to have assemblies (remember those?) where they’d show the film of the Buffalo Bills Highlights. One of the rare Bills items I have is the Media guide from 1960, their first year. The phone number Inside starts with letters instead of numbers, and there’s no zip code for the address. Not even a URL for their web site!
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