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Everything posted by GottaRun

  1. Still thousands of unsold tickets on the Chiefs side, no blue seats (available seats) on Bills side, lots of upper deck on the Chiefs side. Guess they are banking on the game not happening... or maybe making the Conference championship so many times recently has reduced their interest in attending?
  2. Not a top level business person but having just read "Work in Progress" it seems more odd than it did to me before that we have heard nothing about Kim Pegula. Is that just the difference between a public company and a private company? If the company was public we would know more kind of thing?
  3. So.... the overwhelming favourite right now is "No Pick" , followed closely by Buffalo, the Bengals are a distant 3rd
  4. There is no group code, the code is individual for the season ticket account. You need to contact your rep
  5. I'm hoping against all hope that the Bills win and the Jags win. Really want to celebrate a Bills win with everyone I've tailgated with for the last 19 years and not just the handful that can travel... but 343 row 1
  6. Map at 10:35 am - all the blue are unsold - Bills side
  7. Lots of upper deck left, tons of singles scattered around the lower midfield ($750), tons of end zone still left. I just picked up 1 front row upper deck for $185.
  8. NP - mine is on the 30 yard line, the price would come down a bit towards the end zone, you know the deal. The thing with TM is they ding the buyer and the seller with fees, so anyone selling for what it cost them would lose money. Also remember the large scoreboard is at the end that says scoreboard, opposite the end with the Miller brewing pub, I'm not sure what it's like watching replays if you sit under the scoreboard. There is another smaller video board at the end with the Miller brewing pub.
  9. It's a recency bias. They looked about ready to score 2 TDs on their first 2 drives against us, therefor people think they were going to score TDs on every drive and that game was surely unwinnable.
  10. For reference, my 100 level sideline seat cost me $200 as a sth. It's not for sale but if I had to sell on TM the price would be likely near $270 just to offset the TM fees. So I'm not sure there's much room for those to come down.
  11. From my ticket rep - "prices will range $120-$750" I'm guessing Atlanta's version of club seats will be the $750 seats? Anyway, for $120 I can at least get in the door and I'll probably look around the $250 price seats as that's what I was going to be paying for Buffalo.... if we beat the Bengals... damn lot of conversation for a game we may not play.
  12. No presale codes, we get timed windows to buy and the email with the unique link only shows up within 1 hour of the window opening. Hell we don't even know what ticket price ranges are available.
  13. We buy 10 tickets to an event where we have no idea what day or time the event can happen... so uh yeah sometimes the tickets get sold. Only a mug sells those for way under the market value when a profit can be made and then sells at a loss when a loss is inevitable. We get forced to buy meaningless pre-season games at full value as well... but I'm sure you've cried tears for us all when that happens.
  14. 10 am tomorrow window, I'm guessing we are not getting our prices that are on our prepay invoices for this... anyone have an idea what seats will cost for this one? Have they released the ticket ranges by section at least? Will they know what side of the field each team will be on?
  15. With the pre-approval I can sign into account manage and see what I will be charged. The only thing that concerns me is this Technically the Bills wouldn't be hosting the game, neither would KC, if they use this to take advantage of a market and put the screws to the season ticket holders I'll be pissed.
  16. It shouldn't be a new "market price" I pre-agreed to a price for my ticket - $130 for a game in season, $160 for the wildcard round, $200 for the divisional round, and $250 for the conference game.... and that's what I expect to pay.
  17. LOL - no one was worried about us season ticket holders all the years (decade) when we were paying $120 up front for a seat that ended up being worth less than $20 by the last 1/4 of the season, now we're the enemies if we make a buck on a resale? I'll give you this much, I hope we are able to buy only the number of seats we have in our season ticket account. I have 1 seat and that's all I need to buy for Atlanta if the time comes.
  18. I think people have hazy memories of the past and think every Super Bowl winner was a perfect team anointed by God that didn't drop passes, didn't turn over the ball, never had a nail biter, never won because of a bogus penalty. Bring on the Bengals, like it or not the Bills earned this spot.
  19. Is there a reason why we don't use Singletary and Cook on the same drives? Seems to me that Singletary, Cook, and Allen would make a 3 headed monster and it would be harder to figure out who was about to run the ball. Singletary is decent at blocking. Or have we tried this and not had any success?
  20. From the stadium announcement fine print "Buffalo & KC season ticket members who previously committed to purchasing championship game tickets will have first priority" - So I'm guessing if you were automatically enrolled to take all playoff tickets you should be in.
  21. It's a charity event with other players attending, fits the tweet in a click baity kind of way. We'd all rather it be that Micah has been cleared to play again, we could use him (understatement of the year)
  22. The Micah Hyde charity softball tickets go on sale in a couple of days, hope it's not about that.
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