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Uffalo Ills

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Everything posted by Uffalo Ills

  1. I love a good argument that uses detailed analysis and a broad set of statistics. This is not one of those. A lot of what you said was essentially: "Don't disagree with me or you're stupid" or "I'm too lazy to actually research some stats behind what I wrote, so yeah." I don't think your entire premise is incorrect, but you just saying this adds nothing. There's no prof behind what you say and very little grasp of statistics (as in the math subject).
  2. As an Angels fan, still waiting on that ring for Trouty. If we could just get a decent rotation going and Left Fielder who's name I recognize, he could get there. There's a reason he has a ridiculous WAR, he puts on a one man show.
  3. I kinda have developed a hatred towards Chiefs fans. They seem so oblivious to how bad Peters was in coverage this year. He was a liability in quite a few games. Also, there is this persistent argument that Darby only covers #2 receivers. That one makes me laugh. It's almost like they don't know how NFL defenses work, smh.
  4. Why wouldn't we? It's hard to come by good LTs and we don't even have a good RT. That would mean we would need 2 OTs. I think we have to resign him, so we will get it done no matter what.
  5. Wow, way to diss us teens. I have suffered through a playoff drought most of my life lol. Whiskey, right? And yeah the quality is kinda meh on /r/buffalobills. Lots of shitposting (which goes on here, but in a less obvious way) and tons of stupid content. Plus over here you can count on news to be timely with YOLO around. /r/NFL is pretty good though...
  6. Please be true... I need someone I can feel good about to replace the loss of Henderson. F5
  7. We have a long history with Mike Williamses
  8. I like the California Chargers/Bolts or Golden State Chargers. I know they used to be the LA Chargers, but that doesn't make it sound any better to me.
  9. Yeah I knew that, but honestly, the SD Chargers has a much better ring. Although, he did say when buying the Bills, "If I wanted more money, I could just drill another well." That aside, I wish he had voted no. It doesn't make me think less of him that he didn't, but I just think it would have been a nice gesture. Especially considering Ralph Wilson's legacy.
  10. Hopefully they keep the name San Diego Chargers like the Niners did. I realize it's a bigger change in general, but I don't think LA Chargers sounds right at all.
  11. The Sabres and Bills are both referenced in Bruce Almighty. And Andre Reed is referenced in Jerry Maguire.
  12. I don't think we should freak out about this (but who am I kidding, of course you all will). He's not gonna be a DC. He has had success in the past being a LBs coach for the pats and he's been a half decent DC in the past occasionally. We are essentially getting the experience of a DC in some assistant Dline or LBs coach. I don't think this is a good move, but it's got more upside than anyone here seems to be giving it credit.
  13. I answered no, no, and no. I don't think the hire is bad, it just seems silly. Which will get us on hard knocks. Which is uneeded attention. I don't really like Rex, but I think we will be better this season (finally). I think he just needs some time and eventually he'll be a servicible coach for this team. This meaningless hire means very little and could actually have a positive effect on how our team plays in the end (our LBs need help).
  14. Mo Wilk would be good, but I'm not sure we should overpay to get him especially with that injury in the final game. It looked bad from what I saw. Sanu I like, ditto with Jones. I really would want Von Miller but that ain't happening. He's a guy we should overpay to get. Do you really want to cut Corey? I'd rather draft a safety or sign one in FA and have him as depth. Then cut Leodis or trade him.
  15. I hate Rappaport. Dude sucks Brady off and is always slinging bull ****. I guess it depends on the person who you decide to trust.
  16. We could've prolly beat the Chiefs and Steelers too. None of those games were pretty. Yeah the Chiefs put up 30 points, but honestly they should've won by more.any good team could've won by 50 based on how the Texans were playing.
  17. Let's just see: I can count about 20 players that Whaley has brought in that have improved the team. Without his decisions, we would have been 5-11 this year.
  18. Marrone won't cost much because he's getting a paycheck on the side...
  19. I like Collinsworth and Al Michaels a lot. They are the best crew by far. Gruden and Tirico are a distant second, but at least they don't make me want to drink bleach.
  20. Brooks is a good gunner, but a below average corner. Hopefully Easley gets well soon because we might need his ST prowess more than ever next season.
  21. So true. For the last half of the season, he pretty much was the entirety of our pass game.
  22. I don't want Rex gone, but how exactly is he proven? He has had 2 winning seasons in his career.
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