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Everything posted by MR8

  1. when I'm at the store this weekend I'll take a look
  2. The best part I think is that the dude's friends no doubt have seen this.... for the rest of his life this video will pop up and embarrass him. This is AMAZING.
  3. OT Prospect? Get it done Beane!!!!
  4. When I think about this versus fly in the other thread I realized, nothing truly practical can come of this lol I guess I would spend my time trying to find a way to make money with my new found gift... but not sure what that would be. Though I did like what Jack O'Neill did when he was invisible in Stargate SG1 where he put a dog in the driver seat of his car and made it look like the dog was driving around. Pranks would be fun... but not a lot of practicality I can come up with... maybe I just lack imagination...
  5. Isn't the fact that we're all on a message board in the middle of the day proof that we ALL have some extra time, and doesn't the fact that we're all posting in this thread mean we're here to DISCUSS the topic? I didn't fight with you, I just asked you to explain your reasoning. I can't believe how feisty people are on this board, holy cow... I'm getting personal attacks earlier, being called an idiot, and now I ask why you think something and you come at me about how I have nothing better to do than fight, but nothing I said was hostile or fighting... Nice friendly bunch here at Two Bills Drive.... :sarcasm off:
  6. I have a good attorney, a good accountant, and I have a good financial planner and know 2 others all who I trust, so if I cleared $10M after taxes.... I would give $9M to my financial planners... yes I would amortize $3M each to the 3 I know and give them all a 3 year trial period to make the most return, winner gets the rest from the other two... With the Remaining $1M... Pay down my higher interest debt... Student Loans, credit cards (not much on there anyways but it's higher interest), and possibly my mortgage but that's at just 3.5% so maybe not Wipe out my parents and my wife's parents debts... screw our siblings, they can fend for themselves. Purchase mine and my wife's cars outright since we are still making payments on both... Put some money into our house to fix stuff we've been holding off on, but that's probably $25-30K max... new bathroom downstairs, new roof/gutters, repaint some rooms etc... With all that stuff paid down, ours and our parents, some construction on the house, and cars paid we'd still have like 825K in the bank of that $1M... Then, continue on with my life as is... No reason to change things up, my life is really good. I would just position myself to have a better financial outlook later in life, but for now I would just wipe out debts and get some ***** done so my wife and I can live even better off what we already make. No need to squander the money... but I wouldn't shy away from a nice trip and some fun.
  7. Now that's an interesting take... an activity where guys sit in a car for 4 hours driving in a circle is a sport, but one where men are out in the elements, performing physical activity and competing against each other is not a sport... please explain.
  8. Politics.... the league has contracts with other manufacturers, this is a smaller company without the ability to step in and not only produce at the levels necessary, but purchase the sponsorship levels that a Riddell or others can do. Plus it's looked at as something goofy or unproved comparatively to modern helmets that have been used for years. Ignorance and politics will be the biggest factor in slowing the evolution of game equipment. Its not that there isn't something better out there, its more about how slow the NFL as a league, the coaches, the trainers, the players and everything else will be to adapting to the new norm. Look at AB.... they want him to wear a BETTER helmet that will HELP him not get concussions and he wants the old one so bad he threatened to sit out... that's the kind of stubbornness and disbelief in new data you'll be dealing with across the board.
  9. Aww thanks skipper, I appreciate the pat on the fanny for a job well done. How head on back to not contributing some place else, people are trying to have fun debating... you know, without being called names for no reason what so ever...
  10. Thats more of a condition of a person... a person can be an idiot and still do activities and or play sports. So neither... Just like being a douche is neither, but you can be one while participating in both. Duh, SPORT! Yes but if my definition is flawed, then what is your definition which differentiates them?
  11. There we go, an intelligent response! interesting... so any activity where individual or teams compete for entertainment and has a physical component is a sport then? That means Log sawing, ax throwing, hell, doing those wonky obstacle courses on reality shows, are all sports? from American Ninja Warrior to Wipe Out to American Gladiators... All sports?
  12. So you're taking shots at me personally because I challenged you a bit? Sounds more like a YOU problem than a ME problem... I forgive you ...
  13. So being an astronaut is a sport? Fighter pilot? Roller Coaster tester?
  14. You ignored the rest of my post.... what about competitive eating... What about a pissing contest where 2 guys bet who can piss the furthest off a bridge? It's physical and there's money involved...
  15. I meant greco-roman not WWE... WWE is entertainment like ballet, theater, or making a movie... which also are not a sports... NASCAR is not a sport, I've driven 500 miles in a day... not a sport. if you make a caveat for "Skiing, Running, and Biking though can be both, all depending on if they're being done competitively." the same would apply for NASCAR, as 50/50... and I still argue no on driving in circles really fast being a sport... it's a competitive activity that takes skill, but it's not a sport. Astronauts have to be in good shape to withstand extreme conditions, does that mean launching into space is a sport?
  16. Some people age like fine wine, and others age like cheese sitting in the sun in Florida...
  17. Soooooo arm wresting is a sport? Hell, competitive eating is physical and has money involved, is that a sport? I ran track in HS, ran distance in HS, College, and I run now... in races... it's an activity. Have you seen some of the fat mother ***** who go out and run? Sure the best of the best are in superb shape, but if its something you can do around the house it's not a sport.... "hey honey I'm gonna run to the store" ... "enjoy those sports sweetie"... NOPE! Activity, just like Zumba or Yoga... Sooo shuffleboard is a sport too? How about Bubble hockey? Foosball?
  18. Prove me wrong ? This is definitely an unpopular opinion haha. Just fun to get people talking about it though... I have this debate in bars all the time to stir people up while playing darts. It's great to get into their head and get them thinking about that stuff while I am focused on the game and beat them ?
  19. Curling is proof that not all "Olympic Sports" are actual sports... Curling is an activity just like Bowling. Archery, and shooting bang bang sticks... also activities. Highly skilled activities, but activities just like Darts... Running is in the Olympics, but I still put that in the activity category. I am a distance runner who does 2-3 half marathons a year, even I'll say it's more of an activity than a sport, and it's one of the "Original sports"... it's a highly specialized group of people good at their physical activity. Just like Body Building and weight lifting... not sports... activities.
  20. Nope... activity... just like "Precision Darts" or "Precision ax throwing".... archery is in the Olympics... or was not sure if it still is... it's still an activity.
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