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Bob Malooga

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Everything posted by Bob Malooga

  1. I just cannot take someone seriously if they cannot even spell the player's name correctly. There is a reason Jim Schwartz got his first head coaching position a long time before Mike Pettine. Aaron Williams will replace Jairus Byrd just fine, and be healthy a lot more...and someone will step up for that vacant SS spot now. Just the same, someone will step up for the injured ALONSO...most likely being Bradham, who was rated higher and had better measurables than Kiko, coming out of the combine and into their respective drafts. Nigel Bradham was one of the highest rated linebackers coming out of high school and he ended up starting games at Florida State as a true freshman, I believe. I know he at least played in 13 games as a true freshman. He can run like a gazelle and hit like a mack truck, and he is not as big a liability in coverage as many think. He is a perfect 4-3 OLB and nearing a contract year. (He was rated very highly by PFF last year.) Losing Kiko Alonso sucks, but it is far from having a direct impact on the "foundation" of the defense "crumbling." Between Bradham, Rivers, Lawson, Powell, Brown, Johnson...someone will eventually step up and make a name for themselves at OLB. And again, just the same...between Searcy, D. Williams, Meeks and Ladler...someone will eventually step up and make a name for themselves at SS. Nothing has ever been won or lost in mini-camps and OTA's...there is plenty of time to get it together...better now than in October. (And people are really bashing the jobs Nix and Whaley have done turning over and improving this roster? Wow, those are the clueless people who just like to B word about anything they can find to B word about...it's absolutely absurd...they've done a hell of a job, with every single aspect of this rebuild...we're finally respectable!)
  2. I don't know if this was posted...but Bills management contacted Mike Pettine about this, and he's not happy. Richard Stand ‏@4RichardStand · 1h Members of #bills management have been texting with Mike Pettine about @DonteWhitner tweets. Pettine is not amused. @viccarucci (He was run over by a car as a little kid, maybe that is why he is so stupid? I hope there was no damage to the car.)
  3. I think you put a little too much thought into this..."He straddles the difference of Gragg's speed and Chandler's size." Chris Gragg (6-3, 244) and Tony Moeaki (6-3, 252) are just about the same exact size. Also, Gragg ran a forty time of 4.46, while Moeaki ran a forty time of 4.69, and Chandler ran a forty time of 4.78...I would say Moeaki's speed is closer to Chandler's.
  4. Quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever read on this message board. I bet you were a big Brother Wease fan, probably listened to a little Kimberly and Beck, huh?
  5. He's not quite there yet, but I think he takes a big step forward this year...and down the road could become that type of guy. So, going against the popular opinion here...I'll say Nigel Bradham. (I could see Preston Brown filling that role, as well. But, if I have to pick someone RIGHT NOW...there is no doubt it is Brandon Spikes. We haven't had someone like him, probably since Talley...unless you want to count Fletcher and Takeo.)
  6. Thanks, Uncle E! :-) I just think it's absurd that people think he is "small," and won't be able to hold up...with his hand in the dirt, just like last year. With players such as Mario Williams, Kyle Williams, Marcell Dareus, Alan Branch, Brandon Spikes, Keith Rivers/Nigel Bradham and Kiko Alonso (all who are decent at stopping the run, in my opinion)...Jerry Hughes has ONE job, get to the Quarterback. That's all he has to do, and he does it well. If for some reason he fails, I believe it will be due to the scheme and those around him, not because of Jerry Hughes himself. (But, on the other hand...I wonder if we'd be better off trying to trade him to Cleveland, with the coach he's seen the most success with.)
  7. Some of the best 4-3 DE's in football the last few years... Robert Quinn - 6-4, 264 Osi Umenyiora - 6-3, 255 Demarcus Ware - 6-4, 258 Cameron Wake - 6-3, 258 Chandler Jones - 6-5,265 Willie Young - 6-4, 251 Chris Long - 6-3, 265 Rob Ninkovich - 6-2, 260 Kamerion Wimbley - 6-4, 258 Cliff Avril - 6-3, 260 Chris Clemons - 6-3, 254 For comparison, Shaun Phillips at 6-3, 255, made a flawless transition last year, at the same position. Jerry Hughes played the majority of his snaps last year, with his hand in the dirt. Manny Lawson was a bookend to Mario in college, he is a big guy with strength. There is nothing to worry about here, at all. We should be able to now... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/bills-pass-rusher-hughes-thriving-under-new-coordinator-20140620
  8. Mike Rodak is an idiot, seriously...his "biggest fallers" of OTA's were, none other than... 1. EJ Manuel, starting QB 2. Mike Williams, starting WR 3. Sammy Watkins, starting WR 4. Scott Chandler, starting TE He is as about as clueless as they come...it's downright embarrassing.
  9. Jim Kelly, Eric Moulds, Travis Henry, Kent Hull, Kyle Williams, Daryl Talley, Jairus Byrd.
  10. Is it bold to openly talk about your own life experiences? Or is it bold to try and twist someone else's words around? Did you even read it? A. Nothing was referred to as "ALL Bills fans." B. My post was not even in response to ANYTHING from this thread. C. I was simply adding how I felt about the situation, and used a response to an ESPN comment, to help get my point across. D. Out of everything there...that is the only thing you could come up with to respond to? Thanks for being a jerk! (EDIT: I'll be sure to not chime in on conversations here anymore. Take it easy.)
  11. Well, thank you. I am one who usually won't speak out or post something, unless I feel it with my heart, and know full-well exactly what I am talking about. This is just something that is really eating at me lately. Like I said, I have been through a lot. I never like to seem like I am making my problems bigger than anyone else's, but as a kid who pretty much had everything growing up...I really pooped the bed a couple times, and let myself down. What would have happened if I continued down that road...or listened to what other people were saying about me? What would have happened if certain people didn't know about all the community service I did as a kid, or about my work with children as a teacher's aide or a coach? I don't really know, but I do know that I never wanted to find out and I am glad I never had to. I realized my potential as a person at a pretty late stage in life. I am now 31 years old, and pretty much just starting to get my life in order. Does it make me worse than anyone else? I'd like to think not. I just had some struggles that other kids my age never had to deal with, which resulted in me being a "late bloomer," if you will. The only thing I know for sure, 100%? I never want to let another person down in my life, but I definitely do not want to let myself down again...because that is where you take the wrong turn, and go right back to where you started. I REALLY hope Marcell Dareus realizes and understands this. I also hope you all understand it and support him....but most importantly, I hope his teammates and coaches understand this and support him. Without them, he has absolutely nothing. It is hard for me to talk like this and about this stuff...but who am I if I don't use my life experiences to better myself, bring an understanding to a conversation, or use those experiences to try to help others? I'm nobody. Just the same person I was before it all happened. And that is the last person I ever want to be in my life again. Go Marcell...Go Bills!
  12. So, I have been wanting to relay my thoughts on this for a couple days now...and since this last fiasco, I figured I might as well chime in...this is what I commented, when I saw someone say we need to cut Dareus and make an example out of him. (I did not know how else to put my thoughts out there, so I basically took what I said to some guy on ESPN, and brought it here. This is the best way I could figure out how to get my point across, exactly how I was thinking...some know I'm not good at that. Lol. I usually do not get involved with comment sections of articles, but I feel pretty strongly about this, as I have been in a position like this before...and thankfully, I was allowed a second chance to correct my mistakes.) This was his original comment..."i say cut this guy let the team know who is in charge and sends a message to the players, we don't have time for this we have games to WIN!" My response? This is the issue in Buffalo...fans want a team full of choir boys, rather than talented football players who will help the team win. This is why we haven't been to the playoffs in over a decade. Everyone makes mistakes, including you and I. Where would we be if it were not for those who stuck by our sides during difficult times, and helped us learn from our mistakes? I know full well, I probably would not even be alive right now to be able to have this discussion with you, that's for sure. This is a 22/23 year old young man, who has some serious personal issues. On top of that, he has somewhat recently lost his Mother, his Brother and his Grandmother. I'm sure we can ALL agree on how hard that must be, especially on a young man who lives so far from home, in a place that is so different from where he came from, and a place he really doesn't know anybody but his co-workers. I know how he feels from my time in Myrtle Beach, SC. It will be very sad if people cannot get wise and stand by this kid's side. He needs support. He is a good kid who has never gotten in trouble before...and he is a pro-bowl talent who was the #3 overall pick in the draft...you do not get better by throwing someone like that out the door, for an immature mistake. There are players who've done much worse, and are still supported by their team/fans. If these incidents are the worse Marcell Dareus brings onto himself...then I think the kid has a very bright future, and I 100% support him. None of us are "perfect," and we all have been given a second chance, at one point or another, and in some form or another. We deserved it, and so does he. The rash of other legal issues the league has seen, has nothing to do with the Bills, so we shouldn't care, as it does not effect our team, our players, or our wallets, for that matter. Not to mention, those other guys...well, they beat women, shoot guns at people, etc...Dareus comes nowhere near that stuff. I understand your sentiment, but this is not that bad, compared to others. If they do try to make an example out of Dareus, when they have guys involved with domestic violence...then we ought to boycott the NFL as Bills fans. But, the bottom line is...we need to win, like you said. Winning will help all of this. Winning will bring a new sense of self-worth and importance to these players. They will find a new sense of appreciation for what they are doing, for themselves and their teammates. They won't want to let each other down. I know this firsthand...when I got in trouble back in high school and suspended and couldn't play football, I let my team down. It sucked. I cried myself to sleep every night and took on a bad attitude, which led to more trouble. Once Coach (A.D.) Foster (who wasn't even MY coach at the time) pulled me aside and spoke to me, it nailed me right in the face...these are my brothers, my soldiers that I go to war with...how could I let them down and make them battle without me? I am hoping this is exactly what happens with Doug Marrone, Doug Whaley, Marcell Dareus and his teammates. They need him, and he needs them. Sure, I was in high school and he is in the NFL...but it's all the same. It is sports. It is football...it is knowing that man next to you will do anything to not only help himself succeed, but help you succeed...that is what this is all about, brother. (EDITED to format paragraphs.)
  13. And what shirt(s) did Stevie wear that Doug Marrone's ego could not handle? *I'm not trying to be a d*ck, I just think you are looking for ANY reason to hate Doug Marrone.
  14. If nobody else will point this out, I will...because your arguing strategy is "all over the floor." http://espn.go.com/n...on-penalty-flag "Bills coach Chan Gailey benched Johnson for drawing an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on Sunday when he celebrated a touchdown catch by lifting his jersey to reveal an undershirt that said, "Happy New Year!"" Hmmmmmmm...
  15. Also, reading Joe B's blog, it looks like Leonhard already served his purpose in Buffalo. http://www.wgr550.com/The-time-is-now-for-Bills-Duke-Williams/9034669?pid=405285&do=1&stnBlogPage=true "The safety cites both Byrd and former Bills player Jim Leonhard as two veterans that really took him under their wing and trained him on how to be a professional. Whether it was through studying the playbook, doing extra work on the field after practice or taking proper care of his body, Williams took his cues from a duo that have each found success as starters in the NFL." I have pretty high hopes for Duke Williams...he is long and athletic and likes to hit. I think he'll be a solid player for us!
  16. I thought for sure that this would be the replacement for Jim Leonhard... http://espn.go.com/blog/nfcnorth/post/_/id/65138/meet-the-free-agent-s-john-wendling Especially given the connection to Schwartz and Crossman, and the need for some special team's "aces." "He will be a player who will eventually be brought into a camp by a team that struggled on special teams coverage last season."
  17. Keith Ellison is crying somewhere. What? Rex Ryan took home a ring in 2001, when his Ravens defense set records for fewest points and rushing yards allowed, and while only giving up 23 points in 4 playoff games. Maybe you meant as a Head Coach, but nonetheless, he has won a ring.
  18. Buffalo and Seattle have the two best backfields in the NFL. (Bills were #2 last year and improved!) However, San Francisco will not be far behind once Marcus Lattimore gets healthy and Carlos Hyde gets acclimated. Not to mention, they have Frank Gore, Kendall Hunter, Lamichael James and Jewell Hampton. With a dual-threat QB and a stacked stable of WR's...the 49ers have a completely stacked offense, unlike any other team. Within probably a year, Lattimore and Hyde could be potentially one of the best RB duos we have seen in a long time. They were the only two running backs in the last 3-5 years that I have really wanted the Bills to draft. I think they are complete studs. (Especially a healthy Lattimore.) PS. I think Boobie Dixon finds a bigger role, with more playing time, at fullback...like out in San Francisco.
  19. Worried about Mike Williams being a good teammate to a rookie, at the same position? No, not at all. He realizes the better Watkins is, the more coverage he will see...the less Williams will have to deal with. Absolutely zero reason to mention this even being close to something we should "worry" about.
  20. To be fair...there is a reason they drafted Cockrell, in what, the 4th round? He is a big CB and I wouldn't be surprised to see him as the #3 CB by the end of the year. I like Robey, but this team is clearly trying to get bigger and stronger...which is fine by me. (Didn't they try Ron Brooks at free safety last year or the year before?)
  21. I absolutely think he would be worth bringing in and seeing what he can do in training camp. He is definitely a better QB than Thad Lewis and Jeff Tuel, there is a reason they were drafted (or not) where they were. Not to mention, his skill set is much closer to EJ's than Tuel's is, at this point. I also believe he could win games if need be, especially with the weapons at his disposal that the Bills have on that team. I am much more comfortable with him, than Lewis and/or Tuel...and he wouldn't cost much, at all, by this point in time. With all that said...I highly doubt it happens, they don't seem to feel like they need to upgrade their backup QB, which is scary.
  22. It would cost absolutely nothing...and teammates rallied around Riley Cooper last year and came to his defense. Football players are willing to take risks on elite talent, if it will help them win. I want a smash-mouth football team, not a church choir.
  23. Meanwhile, Colt Lyerla signs on with the Packers. He would look great in red and blue, and I would bet his buddy Kiko could help keep him in check. The risk is well worth the reward...just like I said about Vontaze Burfict (1st round talent, undrafted brain), and nobody wanted to touch him.
  24. I agree this draft was a home run, but I also wanted a tight end...mainly Austin Seferian-Jenkins. I also wanted to draft our own running back, but I like Brown's potential. I guess the only thing I didn't really like is the picks we gave up, and I'm not sure the Stevie trade helps them.
  25. I absolutely love this pick. I said all along I wanted him, even as early as the 4th or 5th. This kid has tremendous upside if he can fly straight. Awesome draft. (I love Tampa's first two picks as well, Evans and Seferian-Jenkins.)
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