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Bob Malooga

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Everything posted by Bob Malooga

  1. Nobody else wants him...why in the world would the Bills want him? Duke Williams and Kenny Ladler...those should be the safeties that are "next up" when injuries strike that position. (Or, Johnathan Meeks, whenever he gets healthy...but, I think he is on IR for the year.)
  2. Thanks Doug Marrone, Nate Hackett and EJ Manuel for failing to throw a pass for anything over 3-8 yards. EDIT: Marquise Goodwin is the next one who will be a 3rd round "bust."
  3. Somebody honestly had to do a "study" to figure this out? It's common sense. Lol.
  4. Still better looking than 95% of women in Western, NY...especially any and all Buffalo Bills cheerleaders, by a longshot. (Well, when they had them anyways.)
  5. This is exactly what I want and need to do with my life. I played, I coached, I scouted for high school and D-3, I'm 31 years old, single, with no kids. I'd give anything to be a scout (or coach again), at any level of football...just to be around the game again. (I played high school football with Ryan Poles, who is now a scout for the Kansas City Chiefs. He protected Matt Ryan at BC.) I wish I knew about this sooner, but I'm absolutely setting money aside from my DJ side gigs to do this next year, without a doubt. Thank you for posting this. EDIT: I saw the $1500 and didn't think it was too bad...but $550 to possibly get a foot in the door of a dream career? That's nothing.
  6. Anybody else think that Nigel was possibly picking up and/or delivering that weed to Kiko last year? Only if they are waived with the designated "waived-injured" label, or whatever. Here you go, this should help a little bit... http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/Injured-Reserve-rules-need-an-overhaul.html That is NOT happening with Kiko Alonso, for any reason...so, no need to worry about that. This is what the 49ers do with a lot of young players...Skov, Lattimore, Thomas, Acker, Reaser, etc.
  7. "We're not South Beach, we're not even Myrtle Beach." No, Buffalo, no you're not...but you know what? I left Myrtle Beach to come to Buffalo. And I could go on and on about why I chose to do so, but the bottom line is...I wanted to. (It didn't happen overnight like I had hoped it would, I had to make a brief detour in my hometown of Canandaigua, out in the Finger Lakes...but after getting my life back together, I am proud to say I'll be making the move out to Buffalo in the spring of 2015, after I finish my college degree I started so long ago...and I couldn't be happier about the decision to come back here and do this.)
  8. I really wouldn't expect this to be an issue for the Buffalo Bills and their fans for quite a while now.
  9. This is the best-case possible scenario...either get on board, or find another team to root for. The team is staying, that is all that should matter. But, Terry Pegula will do right by the fans of Buffalo, with both teams...as priority #1 is to win. He has plenty of money, this is not a business move to make more money...this is to win a Super Bowl. That is the bottom line, and all that should matter right now, today. "If I want to make some money, I'll go drill a gas well." - Terry Pegula (On whether he'll spend to the player salary cap, "We'll put the pedal to the metal as capably as we can," he said. "I don't know if it's wise to spend to the cap every year. But we're not in this to save money, that's for sure.") As someone else pointed out, this is worth a read today... http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/news/story?id=6147411
  10. The fan reaction is negatively over-the-top? Um, we have witnessed 14 straight years of absolutely pitiful and pathetic football. The Bills offense failed to show ANYTHING this pre-season, and good football teams don't do that. Good football teams also don't "hold back the playbook"...or start an undrafted WR, who couldn't catch on with 3 other WR-needy teams, over a former 2nd round pick, who was "the most NFL-ready WR" in his draft class. Here's a few more things good football teams don't do... 1. Completely decimate a pretty good offensive-line, for one position. 2. Use 3 roster spots on kickers/punters...or use a draft pick on a kicker and not let him compete for the job. 3. Take a player like Marquise Goodwin off kickoffs to "keep him healthy," and put another player like CJ Spiller in there and say, "what's the risk, players don't get hurt on kickoffs." (Talk about contradicting yourself.) 4. Go through damn near the entire free agent list of quarterbacks within 12 months...and then... 5. Sign a Kyle Orton-type backup to a $5.5 million dollar contract, as a backup. Doug Marrone was considered a good NFL head coach candidate because he "turned around Syracuse" with a 25-25 record...which makes me wonder what the hell a "turnaround" is in sports these days? (That's like saying Jauron/Gailey turned around the Bills.) I'm alright with giving up on TJ Graham, or cutting Alan Branch...good teams DO make THOSE moves sometimes. It's the other stuff that is absolutely completely mind-blowing...this is the best football team we have seen on that field in a very long time, and these fools are going to completely screw it up, yet again. (Whaley has done a good job turning over the roster though.) So, please help me understand how we are expected to act like everything is alright? I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of defending this team, over and over again, to be made out to look like a complete fool.
  11. Be sure to read the fine print before you buy a bunch of watered down beer for a Bills replica jersey that might not fit. http://stage.promorules.com/PL2020.html
  12. I have two of them... 1.) I think the Bills will have a top-3 defense, and the LB corps will be the biggest part of that. 2.) I think that CJ Spiller and Jerry Hughes make the Pro-Bowl...among others after it's all said and done. BONUS: Sticking with my gut...Seantrel Henderson and Nigel Bradham will secure starting jobs moving into 2015. (I would have said, 'Sammy Watkins wins Rookie of the Year,' but I didn't think that was very "bold?")
  13. I became dumbfounded with this comment...waiting until a week before the season opener, to find a competent backup QB, to your unstable "franchise" starting QB...proves how serious a front office is about winning??? That move should have been made weeks ago, not with a week to go...it actually should have been made months ago. And it is because of this exact reason that the team is not being taken seriously by much of anyone right now. EJ Manuel has not shown much progression in his development, and Kyle Orton lost his last starting job to Tim Tebow. I am as skeptical as I think I have ever been...they REALLY need to go out and make a statement in a week. (I do think this is a playoff-caliber team...*IF* the QB play is at least middle-of-the-pack.)
  14. Whether CJ is traded or not now, I highly doubt we have any chance at Todd Gurley in the 2nd round. This could be the year the trend breaks with no RB's going in the 1st round...Gurley is THAT good. (And I know it's only 1 game, but many others have said the same thing...he's too good to be a 2nd round pick.)
  15. Being he is our first round QB, and our only hope for being competitive this year...I think it's safe to say that everyone here is "rooting" for EJ Manuel. Do we believe in him? That's another question and another story. But, there is absolutely zero doubt that everyone here is "rooting" for the kid to succeed. We have no other choice at the moment. (My main gripe with him is that he does not have that "killer instinct" that the best QB's, and best players, have. He seems like too nice of a guy. Can anyone picture him getting in DJ Swearinger's face like Peyton did? I can't.) EDIT: And I say "only hope" because without him being at least average, we have no chance IMO.
  16. I will admit when I am wrong, and I was wrong about Chris Hogan (I think)...but, I remain sold on Bradham having a "breakout" year. And after seeing him in this defense...there is absolutely zero doubt that he fills in for Kiko Alonso just fine.
  17. In one season, Marquise Goodwin has already put up nearly half the touchdowns Roscoe Parrish did in his career. Goodwin had 3 last year alone, Parrish has 7 in his entire career.
  18. AS A PASS-RUSHER. Not once did I say "Mario Williams sucks against the run." I said the run defense has sucked since before he arrived, and if he was so good, why hasn't it improved? Quite a big difference.
  19. No kidding...please point out where I said they had to sign him to a "mega-contract?" (Hint: I didn't.) I actually said quite the opposite. Somehow, the great teams all find ways to keep their best players. Seattle could let someone like Chris Clemons go, because they had someone waiting in the wings to replace him. Buffalo does not have that replacement waiting for Hughes to walk away. THAT is the problem here.
  20. I can agree with the fact he is decent in containment...but he is a pass-rusher first and foremost. That was my point from the get-go. It's a lot easier to replace a run-stuffing big man, than it is to replace an elite pass-rusher. Bottom line is...we need to get to Tom Brady, in order to beat the Patriots. We need to beat the Patriots in order to win the division, or even have a sniff at the playoffs. Without getting to Tom Brady, none of that happens...especially without elite pass-rushers. Look at the Giants when they won the Super Bowl with those defensive lines. And obviously Stevie and Sammy aren't the same...but Stevie was the defacto "#1 WR," now Sammy is.
  21. Yet, our run defense has been atrocious since before he got here...and he did nothing to fix it.
  22. A pass-rushing defensive end? Yes, absolutely, and that is what I was referring to, as I said. Clearly, Mario doesn't defend the run very well...nor does anybody on that defensive line. (Or, the defense, for that matter.)
  23. This year they had to replace Byrd and Stevie...next year it could be Hughes and Spiller? They could probably sign him for half the money of Mario, and get the same production or more. You cannot keep letting guys go, and drafting their replacements every year, it has gotten them nowhere. Instead of trading Stevie and drafting his replacement, they could have drafted a pass-rusher and kept Stevie. So, now...they go into next year already having to spend a draft pick on a replacement player. I just cannot wrap my head around it.
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