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Everything posted by juno999

  1. McCarthy kept calling the wrong down as well. It would be 3rd and 5 and he would call it 2nd and 5. Should have hit mute button!
  2. Dareus is regularly double teamed to include last year.
  3. Not necessarily a bad thing. Those guys were awful.
  4. Usually that is correct but today looked pretty hot out there. Even the coaches were sweating thru their shirts. Used to live there. Weather is usually awesome.
  5. I read quite a few of the posts in this thread. A few themes are emerging. 1 - The Bills are kicking too many FGs. I agree but we need to patient. We are winning games. 2 - The trade for Sammy seems to be looking real good. He looked real good today and I wonder if he would have been great if not for the rib injury. 3 - Whaley has put together a pretty good team which has depth now. All kinds of contributors so far in the first two games. 4 - EJ looks better to me with each passing week. The progress might not be in leaps and bounds but it is steady. He is not getting hit as much and he throws the ball away if the play is not there. First place baby!
  6. If Cousins can put some good starts together, Griffin is pretty much done. Griffin got hurt on a non contact play of all things. Wasn't looking all that good and now he is out indefinitely.
  7. They did review it and the call was upheld. Not enough to overturn it.
  8. I was thinking the same thing. Wilson though will get huge money soon.
  9. Bills 24 Fish 17 Bills not getting much respect from the "experts". I thought the Bills put pretty good pressure on Cutler rushing 4 guys. Need to contain Moreno and get Freddy et al running.
  10. Saw the Fish/Pats game. NE looked like they were in preseason mode. They looked bad. Poor tackling - lots of broken tackles by Fish RBs. NE has Julian Edelman as a receiver and that's about it. Brady was rusty and looked out of sync pretty much all game. Miami did pressure Brady but much came late in the game when NE was down by 10 pts. Wake did sack Brady and cause a fumble in the first half. I expect the Bills to have the same kind of game plan offensively against the Fish. Defensively they need to focus on RB Moreno and limit his production. Wallace is their go to WR. This game is certainly winnable for the Bills. They need to go out and execute.
  11. You can clearly hear the whistle as Chandler is shoving him out of bounds. The refs had a tough day but got this one right.
  12. Thanks for the post Bill. Good stuff. I thought special teams looked real good especially Carpenter, Schmidt, and Easley. Defense looked pretty good - 2 sacks and 3 turnovers. I was a little bummed out that the defense couldn't stop the Bears and gave up the tying FG at the end of regulation. Graham and Preston Brown looked real good. Spikes looked decent but not happy about the penalty he got. The offense looked fairly decent. Good game by Woods, Freddy and EJ made some nice plays today. I'm losing patience with Chandler and Chris Williams did not impress me. I thought Henderson held his own for his first game. A nice road win!
  13. If you think things are crazy now just wait if/when they pull Manuel and put in Orton. It will be pandemonium!
  14. I want to go on record before the game. I will be rooting for the Bills at Jimmy's Tavern in Herndon VA but I don't have a good feeling entering the game. I think the Bears will win. I hope I'm dead wrong and you guys can give me crap!
  15. The players have no choice but to praise him. First of all they haven't played their first real game so the crap hasn't hit the fan. Second, like it or not, he is the starting qb and they have to make the best of it. You can't win with a divisive locker room. It's bad mojo.
  16. Keep those posts coming Bill. I know they take some effort on your part but I really look forward to your insight regarding the latest Bills game.
  17. I think Marrone has handled Kouandjio and Urbik correctly. Neither one has impressed me so far. The Woods situation is one where I thought there might be an internal situation that has remained private so far. Let Marrone coach.
  18. Say what you want about Brady and you are probably right. I hate the Patriots but at the same time I admire Brady. He prepares for every game and situation. He gets on his guys if they are not playing well and demands all out effort. He is a leader and we would all love him if he played for the Bills.
  19. This is spot on. The Bills have pretty good depth and talent on the roster but the qb situation over the past 2 years has been a bleeping mess. I honestly don't know what to think of EJ but to not have a decent backup who can challenge EJ and maybe even start is ridiculous. Orton could be decent but it is going to take some time to learn the plays and get timing down with the receivers. EJ played about as mediocre as you can get in preseason and he is the starter. OUCH!!!!
  20. I don't like the options. EJ's job is safe for as long as it takes Orton to learn the playbook. Once that happens, Manuel's job is on the line. Paying Orton $5 Million is a huge sum for a backup. The Bills FO and Marrone must have little confidence in Manuel. Why else pay that kind of money?
  21. Over. I think EJ is on a short leash. Too many open receivers in preseason not getting the ball.
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