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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. We play NE twice, I can predict those.... losses. The NFC South is a good division. We would be lucky to come out with 2 wins . By my way of thinking we already have 5 losses between those two. Raiders... loss Chiefs....,.loss Broncos... loss Do we beat Miami twice? 1 loss Just like last year and the year before that. We preseason prognosticators have unfortunately been correct far too often with this team😳 P.S. 6-10
  2. Ding, Ding, Ding No more callers !!! We have a winner!!!
  3. The sadness of its truth is what kills its humor...... PS. I work at Wendy's. I have some self respect😉
  4. A guy at work laughed at me when we took him. He called him soft, said Clemson players in general are soft. Then I started to think about Bills/ Clemson players and I couldn't argue. Joke: What do you call Sammy Watkins if he were a RB? CJ Spiller😂😂😂
  5. Yeah, but they are now giving it away for free?! I didn't think that had been the case in the past. It never was for me. I've cancelled it before and never had it given back for free.
  6. My Dad used to bug me to go to games when I was about 8. He was a nasty drunk and I was afraid of him but there was something I sensed as a kid; that it was important to him. After a few years of him asking me I said yes..... First game he took me to was Miami, the first time we beat them in a decade. I was ten. Needless to say I was hooked, he took the time to explain it to me, didn't yell at me, bought me hot chocolate.... he was a Dad. The Bills were the only thing we ever shared. The only time he was nice to me. I went to every game during the Chuck Knox era except Pittsburgh ( held Bradshaw to 9 yards passing or something) because I was sick. He died when I was 14 having his second liver operation. No boo hooing. One thing I learned as a boy was how to be a parent by doing the exact opposite of what my parents did. My boy John LOVES football. He's the one I go to if I have NFL questions. We share other things though, guitar and fishing to name two. Someday the Bills will win a Super Bowl and we will celebrate it as a family. I will hug him and tell him I love him. Having a kid is such a privilege.
  7. So, I'm sure many of you have great stories about sharing your love of the Bills with your Dads or sons. Bring them on: Stories, traditions etc Today, my wife is out of town on a trip. My son John and I sat down and watched the No Punt game that was shared in an earlier thread. John has been raised as a Bills fan but the team has sucked his whole life. It was cool for him to see Kelly and Young slinging it as well as how much rougher the contact was back then. We go to every Bills Panthers game( we live in Charlotte) and plan on doing that the rest of our lives.
  8. Man, I been thinking I wasn't going to share this because I don't want to ruin a good thing for myself but the cats out of the bag. My kid turned 16 in November and got his drivers license in May. My car insurance went up over $1000 every six months. Needless to say, I started looking everywhere in my budget to save. My DTV bill went UP that same month to some ungodly rate so I called them. I've had DTV for 19 years which gives me cache. I cancelled the Ticket last year as Rex was a buffoon. When I called, it was just about lowering my bill. It had nothing to do with the Sunday ticket. I lucked into some high level lady in " retention ". She halved my monthly payment for the next 12 months and SHE brought up the Sunday Ticket. I told her I wasn't planning on getting it this year again as my team wasn't looking good( this was a lie , I was going to make my annual call as it got closer.) She offered it to me for free!!!! I'm sure it is the base Ticket but Hot damn.... A couple thoughts: The times they are a changing. DTV possibly has a failing business model. With the competition from all these other streaming services they may well be on a downwards slide. I'm a dinosaur, in terms of technology, and am comfortable with what I have. My wife actually got a Firestick a few months back but my surround sound couldn't be used with it so we took it back. I see that it( or something like it) will be the way to go in the future as DTV gives me a million channels I have no use for. In the near term, I'm afraid if we all start calling asking for The Ticket for free but paying full price is ridiculous.
  9. Myth: Tyrod Taylor has 37 TDs to 12 Ints and better passer ratings than many other starting QBs so he IS a good QB who just hasn't been used correctly or had enough talent to win or the defense sucked etc.
  10. That was a heck of a year. The New Orleans game was great also in a Caveman sort of way. Sitting out at my pool on my third beer. Going in, taking a nap and then watching this👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
  11. Damn straight!!!!! 8 catches for seven TDs at one point in his career. My wife and kid roll their eyes every time I say, " Call the Butch Rolle play."
  12. Looking backwards never helps you move forwards.....but he is my most beloved Bill since the SB era.
  13. Was thinking of a different place....Harpers maybe. I've gotten Pizza from Hawthornes in Mint Hill on 51. Have to agree about the Sterility. Between the strip mall feel and the whole " Southerner" thing it can suck sometimes but it is as much home now as Depew ever was. Not sure we will stay here for retirement but it is a good place to have raised my son. He's a much better kid than I was at his age due to lack of bad influence in this area😝
  14. When I first got here, I was managing at the IHOP on 74 in Matthews and then the one in Pineville. I can't remember at which one but one night in walks Pete Metzelaars with four kids in tow. He would take under privileged kids out as a community service/ church mission sort of thing. I chatted with him , just a little. Heck of a guy!!! I thought Hawthornes was over by the Mall in Pineville? Been a while. We've lived in Union county since 99
  15. We moved here in 98. Local sports were dominated by NASCAR and Basketball and College sports. The NFL was new to the town and the predominate fan base was Washington. Local talk radio was mostly other fans calling in about their team( this is where I got the name Buffalo Boy) 19 years on Panthers talk predominates and cogent arguments are made and discussed. Are they tough? An annual discussion here is " How do we get a home field advantage?" This is a symptom of a corporate "Wine and Cheese" crowd due toPSLs and Southern manners. I have no fear of going into this stadium wearing my colors but that doesn't mean that Cam and Kuechly and Co. don't have more backing than at any time since we came here. Expectations are high here this year and the home opener should be raucous and well attended.
  16. We've been to both Bills Panthers games here and The Bills contingent has taken over the stadium both times. The Bills pasted them both times. Not sure about this year and the Panther's fans have " matured" into more football savy fans and will be out in force for their home opener. We just need to pick a decent lot( with portapotties) and start early👍🏻
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