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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. "If you wanna be the best you gotta beat the best." And if your gonna beat the best you have to actually be the best..... Aspirations
  2. Back to my point about Rookie Head coaches thinking they have the certain magic that all the others don't to make it work.
  3. Really interested to see if they use him more on slants and crossing patterns. Not all the time but as a nice change up. Not familiar enough with Dennison's Offense to know how he will be used. Also, very interested to see if TT or Peterson can hit him in stride quickly on said slants. If he played with a QB who could do that he could be lights out. Really interested in Peterson for this reason as it's about accuracy and touch as opposed to arm strength.
  4. This team doesn't have enough talent at any position to throw away potential.
  5. Rebuild or not rebuild? Every rookie HC comes in thinking they have what it takes to make a team work. Most don't. I.e. Grego, Mularkey, Moron e and that's just this team during the drought. How did our last rookie GM workout for us? Some will say ok, some won't , very few will sing him high praise. Can anyone argue that a new O and D scheme will come out of the gates week 1 firing on more than half their cylinders? ( except we play the Jets... I get that.) Analytics say our schedule isn't tough??? The Eye Ball test says our schedule is a beyatch!!! I hope this coaching staff gets the most out of these players. I hope they stay healthier than they have in a decade. I hope Sammy plays16 games, Dareus plays to his potential, Hughes doesn't do his bonehead stuff, TT discovers the seam route and Clay is his consistent target, Darby refinds his rookie form, Shady is even better... etc Hope is nothing but comfort for a fool ( Old Jamaican proverb). This has the looks of a six win season and those of us who think so don't hate the team and arent trying to be downers and we'd LOVE to be wrong.
  6. Being stuck in traffic never sucked less👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
  7. Zero argument from me about Chucky but I bet if you go back a couple years on this same board you could find plenty of Rex appreciation rhetoric😉
  8. Rex was a bigger douche and even less talented..... which isn't a glowing endorsement for "Smirky".
  9. As you can see, I never forgave him for the TD drop and never trusted him after it. When he left, I was not sad to see him go. BUT, a 7 th round draft pick has better stats than a double 1 st round draft pick and could be counted on to take the field. I do not think we should pick him back up.
  10. Gotta be in the game to change the game. Honest question: do you think Sammy misses games this year? If so, how many?
  11. We lose that first Jets game and this board will make Trumps crying look like child's play.
  12. Compare his stats during his 3 1000+ yard seasons to Sammy's ....... I didn't love him but at least he stayed on the field and scored more TDs. HOWEVER, that freaking Pittsburg drop still kills me😳
  13. Because reasonable arguments are Sooo welcome here, especially when they don't have us making no the playoffs? 😂😂😂 The OP reminds me of me, last year. Although, I think this is a 6-10 team currently, I agree that we MIGHT be headed in the right direction and I got the ST for free so " What the heck".
  14. What happened if Peterman actually show the ability to Anticipate a receiver coming open. Or, maybe hitting a quick slant Before he has to scramble. The last thing this team needs to do is fight to get to 8-8 with a retread
  15. Agree accept for Gailey. Greg Williams has to be # 2 suckiest.
  16. Warren Moon. He spent at least half a decade in Canada.
  17. Bledsoe had NO D in 2002 and is the sole reason we got to 8-8. He smoked Kelly's single season passing record..... not something we have to look forward to with TT.
  18. Bledsoe ( if it for a little more than one season) was the only real QB we've had since Kelly. When I think back to the level of QB play in the league 20 years ago it is stunning to think how pathetic it has been for a while now.
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