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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. What are the chances TT throws for 56 yards this week and half the Cleveland fan base still supports him as a “franchise” QB?
  2. TT passed for 56!!!! Yards the previous week . Starting Peterman was a no brainer. Especially if he was looking better in practice.’ He wasn’t ready for prime time and TT had a fire lit under him. Sounds like decent coaching to me.
  3. We do know. NP outplayed JA in the preseason using the standard metrics as well as the eye test. Was watching JA score those passing TDs awesome? ABSOLUTELY!!!!! But, that doesn’t make him ready. He also missed on a bunch and. Loooked. Like he couldn’t get the ball out under pressure, NP looked like he could. Hopefully NP can.
  4. Disagree He gave TT a long leash last year and TT seemed to earn it by not losing games..... even though his lack of production did. If NP moves the ball more effectively through the air he will get a decent amount of slack also , even if the Ints go up a bit. Allen simply isn’t ready.
  5. lit·er·al·ly ˈlidərəlē,ˈlitrəlē/ adverb in a literal manner or sense; exactly. "the driver took it literally when asked to go straight across the traffic circle" synonyms: exactly, precisely, actually, really, truly; More informal used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true. "I have received literally thousands of letters" Not Hypebole.....Kapeesh?
  6. Was at the Panthers Pats preseason game a few weeks ago. A Pats fan was shooting his mouth off about “ You can’t stop Brady, he’s so accurate!” At the end of our row. So, I got up and started Booing him and the Panthers fans were giving me dirty looks. Lamest freaking fans in Charlotte!!! No, I wasn’t drunk or swearing. Just typical loud cheering for the home team? Whine and Cheese crowd.
  7. https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/37802796/im-not-gonna-say-i-told-you-so-but-i-told-you-so.jpg
  8. Thanks. We get the 3 lb bags of them when we go back and freeze them . They are good for about 4 months in the freezer but usually don’t make it past 2. Harris Teeter sells them ( expensive) if we are in a bind. ALWAYS have Weber’s in the fridge and pantry ?
  9. The Legend of Peterman continues its inexorable journey to the ....... SUPER BOWL BABY?????
  10. I felt last year exactly like I feel this year. A rebuilding year with no shot at the post season. Id like to see both QBs surprise us in a good way. Im hoping we get some O-line help from someone else’s scraps or in a trade. I’m hoping Star eats up blockers and just coasted this preseason Bruce Smith style. 7 -9 seems about right with 5 wins seeming more likely than 9.
  11. 7-8. A ballcontrol Offense with NP able to consistently hit the underneath stuff and an O- line that has some ability to run Block for a decent stable of RBs. A middle of the road D in points allowed..... the only stat that matters
  12. For all the people who piss and moan about NPs lack of arm strength, watch some video of Saint Flutie trying to throw a 10 yard out while wearing a Bills uniform ?
  13. I felt the same way last week before watching JA get mauled behind that line. lets get that protection settled down a bit and I’m with you.
  14. You need a pocket to have pocket poise. NP’s first game is known as the “ 5 interception” game. It was also the game that a number of Bills fans were suggesting as a plausibility that the O- linemen were intentionally letting defenders through due to the horrible blocking. Put Nate in NE behind some of Brady’s SB season lines and he’s a playoff QB. Brady hasn’t had a terrific long ball since the Moss year. On the contrary, he’s below mediocre past 20 yards.
  15. I’m not calling him Brady but What makes Brady, Brady is his ability to know the mismatch presnap and get the ball there quickly with accuracy. Daboll has some experience with that offense and Peterman has shown the ability to know where to go, accurately with the ball. 20 picks? Nope.
  16. Was at the Panthers game...... BRUTAL offensive showing.
  17. Peterman. All day!!!!! The only chance any QB has behind this line, on obvious passing downs is a quick release. Hopefully , JA gets there but he is not there yet.
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