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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. Adams if he's there. If not, then Williams. I don't touch Peppers.
  2. Yeah, I don't want to see him not be able to walk away from the game or wind up with serious mental issues after leaving. There are a lot of players who will sacrifice their bodies and brains for the kind of paycheck that AW is set to get this coming season. Many are looking to take the best care of their families that they can. And I should note that a lot of other people in this world make similar sacrifices for a lot less money for the same reason. Still, I don't want to see anything tragic happen to AW for my entertainment. Yeah. The Bills might need to make a business decision here. He is a great player to have on the field and we are so thin at safety it's very tempting to keep him, but he doesn't do us any good on IR. He has a $500k roster bonus that the Bills can decline if they want out of the contract. He will count $4.85M against the cap if his bonus is declined. He will count $6.625M against the cap if they retain him (plus an additional $2.425M of unaccounted for cap hit in 2018). Full details: http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/aaron-williams-7749/
  3. I agree. Taylor would fit there well and Denver is good enough all around that they could win with Taylor.
  4. Has to do with Jim Johnson, a DC who was a friend of Brad's. Here is part of the article: But with his 60th birthday approaching, Childress kept thinking about a conversation with the late, great defensive coordinator Jim Johnson, who was pondering his future around the same age during their days on Reids staff with the Philadelphia Eagles in the early 2000s. He just said, Im going to tell you what now, Brad, Im not going to do this (expletive) forever. I want to retire, and (wife) Vicki and I are going to play golf and go back out to California and visit with my grandkids theyre the joy of my life, Childress said recently at the Chiefs training camp. But he did it til he died. When we played them in the (January 2009) playoff game, that was the last game he coached standing on the sidelines. They beat us and went on to play the Giants in the Meadowlands. He was upstairs in the press box. He was already sitting on a golf cart. He couldnt move around. And he was dead in (July 2009, at age 68 from a cancerous tumor on his spine). I'm not saying this kind of stuff doesn't happen, but it would be a forfeiture of a meaningful draft pick if the Bills were caught.
  5. I doubt it. Maybe McD would like to have him here, but hasn't contacted him yet. Without KC's permission it would be tampering to discuss a job with Childress or his agent.
  6. - Totally agree that Rex didn't match his scheme to his talent. - Gilmore isn't Revis of a few years ago, I don't think anyone is saying otherwise. But Gilmore and Darby as a pair should be far more than adequate talent-wise to run an effective defense. This is more of an issue of Rex failing to adapt his scheme to his talent. If you need Revis and Cromartie to run an effective defense, then you're not very good at it. You know who can do well with talent like that? Pretty much everyone. - As for stopping the run, yes players have to play. I saw a lot of times where the defense was gashed because a player did not fulfill their responsibility. Failure to keep contain on the edge, failure to contain cutback lanes and filling the wrong gap happened far too often. Miami killed the Bills with the zone run. Adjai was patient and simply waited for a crease. Some of this is definitely on the players, but some was surely due to confusion caused by Ryan's complex scheme.
  7. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/chiefs/2016/08/19/brad-childress-kansas-city-chiefs-minnesota-vikings/89001000/ Seems like Childress may retire soon. It's difficult for me to see him taking another coaching job that isn't HC.
  8. He had 4 receptions for 95 yards yesterday. He's a competent WR as he showed. He's not a stud and he's replaceable in this league, but he's capable of contributing. No need to disparage him.
  9. For sure. I noticed it too. I couldn't tell what was causing it, but Brady was throwing a lot of ducks. Not every pass, but way too many. Hopefully the end is nigh.
  10. One big issue is that the current coach must be released from his contract. Even promotions do not release a coach from a current contract unless he is moving up to head coach. An expiring contract would be the likely situation, but even then the coach would have to want to leave a playoff team and/or not be wanted back by that team. I'd rather the position get filled before the supply of quality coaches dries up entirely. Who knows? Maybe there's an agreement in place with a coach, but it hasn't been announced yet.
  11. http://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Inverse-power-law-h1.jpg Probably a Power Law Curve with the tail on the left and head on the right. The average cashier steal little to nothing while virtually all of the thefts are from a very small group. Dareus certainly sits at the very far right of the curve.
  12. This is what we're all hoping for, but my biggest fear is that Watkins has injury problems through the next two seasons (through his option season), moves on to another team and then finally stays healthy and tears it up. I could live with him busting, but watching him light it up in Miami/NY/NE would be particularly tough to take.
  13. Smart of Taylor to call McDermott and smart of McD to respond as he did. It isn't likely to impact the Bills from moving on from TT if that's what they've decided to do, but it was good to see that interaction.
  14. Executive search firms are commonly used to place high ranking executives in virtually every industry, including the NFL. Nothing uncommon here.
  15. Well said. Yeah, he's a pretty good coach when he has a massive advantage over the majority of his competition. Otherwise, not so much.
  16. I think what gets me about this in general is his arrogance. he so offended by having to answer this question that he doesn't even come up with a reasonable response. It wouldn't have to be true. He could even just give some generic a boilerplate answer. How hard would it be to say "After meeting with the Bills new ownership I didn't feel like I was in the long term plans there so I decided to move on immediately."? But he's too arrogant for that, he has to play the this-is-beneath-me card. Again, F him.
  17. Often the media hype around certain coaches is just their agents pimping them through their media contacts.
  18. I do think that most coordinators are looking for the job that gets them the eventual big contract as a HC. But if a guy isn't looking to be a HC - perhaps they have already failed as a HC or just don't aspire to that position for whatever reason - then more money probably is a big deal. Also it's a way for less desirable destinations can compete with better ones. And, yes, it is happening now in some cases.
  19. Blows my mind that anyone would intentionally listen to Cowherd. Seems like something that'd be going on in Guantanamo.
  20. I'd pop it in sometimes. If it wasn't interesting I'd keep it one, if it wasn't I wouldn't. But I always liked that it was there. I'll miss it being there.
  21. Typically this would be a one year contract with an option. If the option expires without being picked up, then it's simply a one year contract that ended. A comp pick is in play. However, if the contract is worded so that he must be cut or the option automatically kicks in, then that's a different story. He'd need to be cut and the Bills would not get a comp pick. But that'd be very unusual.
  22. I'll take the talent that comes with production rather than the talent that doesn't. You can have the "what ifs".
  23. This. $18.75M is way too much to eat to gain a better draft pick than what we'd get as a comp.
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