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Everything posted by timtebow15

  1. I don't think anyone is worth trading up for. We were 6-10. One player won't fix that. Manzeil is overrated. Most of the hyped QBs coming out of college haven't. He's a product of the college game. If Tim Tebow couldn't succeed why do we think Manzeil can? I know I'll get attacked for that but we will know for sure in a couple years. Trade back and get another couple picks! Right now the O-Line will be our Achilles heal. We need OL help, a TE or WR, a DE, LB and Safety help. Oh, and we need to develop a RB. We need as many picks as we can get!
  2. As many have pointed out this news is meaningless in terms of wins and losses but it's about all Manual can do that time of year to try and help during the season. Why be negative about it? The guy's trying. And while it is true most of the great/good QBs do the same thing and many of the poor ones do as well there are some out there that aren't working as hard. We all hope it translates to wins and are worried it won't because we've been disappointed before. But I am happy to root for Manual. He seems like a decent guy doing all the right things even if it doesn't work out for him. I think this team is shaping up to be a fun, interesting team to root for and that's better than the alternative.
  3. When did they pick Gragg? Wasn't he supposed to be the athletic TE they were looking for? I hope they trade down a bit and get an extra 2nd rounder. We still need a lot of players to develop and the more picks the better the odds of finding a few they really turn out to be good NFL players. It's nice not to have a bunch of holes so that we can afford to do that.
  4. I am frustrated by this signing because it's all about value. If only the contract were a bit lower it would make sense to take a flyer on Williams. With the contract they gave him they will start him if only to justify their commitment. He'll have to play absolutely awful or get hurt not to start. Likely he'll be another below average stop gap they will pretend is performing well enough. I know that's a little pessimistic but that's not just a Bills scenario. I wish they would have spent just a bit more and got someone who is more likely to build a stronger line. Someone as good as Levitre at least. I guess this will show just how good the Bills OLine coaching is!
  5. A lot to take in over the last couple weeks. First, Schwartz does scare me and seems a little like Wanny. The new NFL requires confusion and schemes and I just don't like it when he suggests they don;t try to be too scheme oriented, Every coach says his team is going to be aggressive and attacking so I don't place any faith in that. However, I think we were overrating Pettine a bit. The D was improved but inconsistent and especially showed some gaping holes against the good teams. New Orleans made them look pretty bad as well as New England and Atlanta. They played pretty well at home. Obviously run D was hit and miss. So my hope is that Schwartz has learned from his mistakes and will be an improved DC his second time around. I think he is better than a lot of our other options and he will improve the run defense. Also, because he did not wow in Detroit I don't think he'll be stolen next year even if he has a good season. I think Pettine's biggest draw was that he hasn't failed as a HC...yet. I did not follow things that closely but heard Schwartz was more involved in the D this year and Detroit played some pretty capable offenses this year so if they were even average I think that's a pretty good sign. It's probably more important that Hackett and Marrone grow this year on the other side of the ball than worrying too much about Scwartz's D given his experience. Wish we could have seen what Pettine would have doen in year two though!
  6. Good point, however, it all depends what portion is guarenteed and the smart players exchange a bit of the total contract for more guarenteed money. The owners are honoring the contract in the sense that they have to follow through on what the player agrees to do. I think that's where good agents come in that actually care about the player. I know Byrd is very good and gets to the right place at the right time but he has also been part of a team with a horrible D against the run. How is Byrd in run support? Someone like Troy P (Pitts) in his prime made a difference in all parts of the game and really messed with an offense's game plan. That's a difference maker. I don't see that out of Byrd. That's why I think top 5 money is fair for him. The reason NE wins is they never overvalue their players but move on. The difference is they know how to fill and adapt to the holes they create. They develop people to fill the gaps or find a different strategy. The true genious is in their adaptation not that everything always goes perfect for them. This year is a perfect example. They would never chase after a player like Byrd. In my perfect world we become an organization like New England as much as I hate to say it.
  7. Will Byrd even play if he is tagged? Look what he pulled this year. I don't want a repeat of that. He is a solid free saftey but not spectacular. Okay, he is excellent. But $10M a year? We have other more important needs at linebacker and guard. Interceptions are overrated as an indicator of play. Sometimes they are caused by pressure, sometimes by tips. As it was pointed out Leonard had five! With Gilmore, McKelvin and Williams we looked pretty good. I'd let Bryd go as a necessary evil and find more depth in the secondary. Just my opinion and I hated the attitude he displayed this year. His agent is what's wrong with the game. You play by the league rules and when you sign a contract you honor it. I can't stand when these guys complain about getting the tag and making a ton of money. If you don't want the tag sign a long term deal but stop whining about it! The Bills offer was fair and they are just using the strategy that exists under league rules when you choose not to accept it.
  8. I don't think Pears is that bad. Remember, the guards were so bad it's a wonder the line held up at all. I think we try to renegotiate his salary and between Hairston and Pears we are okay. Bring in one very good free agent guard and draft another to compete with the young guys we have that Marone says he likes. We have a lot of holes to fill so, as much as we'd like, that's probably our best case scenario. They aren't going to get a high-priced guard and tackle in FA. Remember that always doesn't work either (Dockery and that other guy!). Legursky needs to be replaced and, in a perfect world Urbik is a depth guy. The line wasn't horrible. The run game was okay and they had to protect QBs that weren't a whole lot of help as far as knowing what to do with the ball quickly.
  9. I agree with this 100%. When the Kolb option fell through they were in a tough spot. That was on the front office. I think Marrone has potential to be a good coach. They need another good draft but they also need an experienced option at QB in case Manual doesn't progress as hoped. After next year we'll know.
  10. I also think he's a year away. Despite the improvement the Bills gave up too many big plays, had a few ugly games and gave up too many rushing yards. But turnovers and sacks were gaudy numbers. I think the Bills would have to shut down a few high powered offenses for him to really get consideration. They had a nice start against the Saints, for example, but looked ugly after that. Here's one question - how well is he getting along with Marrone and Hackett? I think our only hope is that they like each other enough to see how good they can become together. I think the odds of that are small and Pettine, assuming another successful year, will leave after next year.
  11. Well, I said "great players in their own right". I guess it depends upon your definition of great. Mine is they are much better than average which may be what you mean by good. I think they are winning players and not as easily replaced as some people seem to think. CJ would have looked a lot better this year without the injury. And they seem to support each other which I like. A great duo.
  12. Someone mentioned Marrone is taking some risks and I agree but it is needed. I think it is similar to early Belichick who had to establish control in the beginning. Because he wins no one complains about it but he is definitely in control. As much as I can't stand him he is a great coach. Look how he is winning this year with plenty of adversity. It's because he LEADS a TEAM. Marrone can't get there if he doesn't try to establish himself. If it doesn't translate into wins he'll just be another Williams but... Everyone responds to different motivation and Dareus just might need a kick in the rear more routinely. As far as surprises I am 90% sure Stevie Johnson is the one that's gone and a perfect example of the me first player who makes mistakes at the wrong time. We can lose without him but can't win with him.
  13. I'm tired of the excuses. We've had five years to get used to the Toronto game as a home game. It's certainly not an away game. At worst it is a neutral site game. We lost the game because we fumbled it away like we have done at home plenty of times when we were in an important game. If a game a year helps keep the team in Buffalo than I'm all for it. And the players need to make it their home just like they need to win at home and learn how to win on the road. We are so close to being a good team and it shouldn't matter where we play!
  14. I've been reading a lot of nonsense about Spiller and Jackson. They are both great players in their own right and a great complement to one another. They have both played hurt this year. Especially CJ. I think he's showed tremendous heart to be out there this year. Do you realize how annoying it must have been to play with that injury and keep re-injuring it almost every game? I hope we keep them both a couple more years until the o-line and passing game can catch up a bit and maybe we can put together a winning season. UNfortunately we have had so many losing seasons we end up trashing even the players that don't deserve it. With the exception being Stevie Johnson who cost us two games by himself this year and is a head case.
  15. This seems to be a great signing because it takes away leverage from Carrington. We can now afford NOT to overpay for Carrington. If he's too expensive, and with that idiot agent he probably will be, then they can let him walk and replace him through the draft or elsewhere. Branch is a fine player and a high character guy. The type that helps the team add up to greater than the sum of its parts. We need more wise front office moves like this. This is part of the reason why the Patriots win. They don't let players hold them hostage.
  16. Who is Byrd's backup? Searcy? Things are clicking with Byrd but we may be better off using those dollars for a real hole. To me it depends on the draft. We need a TE, LB and 2 OL let alone keeping other key players. At some point you have to have drafted someone capable of stepping up. Pittsburgh seems to be able to do that if someone gets away. I've been impressed with Searcy. I think we need to use resources elsewhere. Just like Stevie Johnson. They are going to have to let him walk when he's due I think and Woods is going to have to be ready by then.
  17. They should lead the team onto the field! Bring a real stampede. Could you imagine getting them to run and then trying to get them to stop?
  18. Yes, 2 for 2 already! And very important games. I'd say the other two winners we need are Cinncy and Indy. Cleveland isn't really a threat and the Jets or Dolphins losing will help either way. If the Jets win I don't think Gino is good for too many more wins anyway and if the Dolphins win we can take care of them if need be. Of course, there is that other important game!
  19. I stand corrected then. It just seems like they are stronger and Atlanta and Tampa worry me. Maybe it's just that the AFC has so many average teams a game below .500.
  20. I have actually surprised in a good way by the line. I just wish the front office had addressed the G position offseason instead of trotting out the awful first guy Colon Brown who blew. LT looks good, C is solid, RT okay, one G ave and one still below average. Depth is poor. Pass blocking has held up. Run blocking marginal and can't open holes against an elite run D. We are like a baseball team that always goes into a season with a mediocre rotation hoping no one gets injured and everyone has career years. Those rotations always end up average which happens to the Bills o-line as well. I hope they really address the line next offseason so maybe it can be a strength even if there is an injury or two.
  21. Falcons become first team eliminated from playoff contention. That news may actually help the Bills a wee bit
  22. I am sure enjoying the Jests implode and Gino looking like I expected. I was not at all sure Manual would be a good pro but I was 90% sure Smith would not be and I'm glad it's looking like we made the better pick.
  23. I so much want to let myself think playoffs but this happens like every year. There's a point around now where, if we win out, we can make it! But there are a lot of teams in the same boat and we have three problems: 1- this team hasn't learned how to win on the road yet 2- the rookie QB and team itself is very inconsistent and 3- the NFC seams vastly superior to the AFC making the Falcons and Bucs tougher opponents than I think their records indicate. Really, if we win 3 of 5 it will be encouraging. I suppose anything is possible and if we can win the next two it will ger real interesting.
  24. You guys are obviously passionate Bills fans so i hate to see you argue. I know I am always asking people to be objective meaning to be uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices. That's really hard to do. Really, most everything we do is subjective, or a personal opinion. I try so hard to be an optimist regarding the Bills but I am a terrible fair weather fan because I've followed the Bills for thirty-five years and its become impossible to be objective. Hope is eternal though and I hope Brandon has learned a few things over the years and now has more freedom to put that knowledge to use, I am hoping Whaley was mostly responsible for the best decisions the past few years and is learning and Nix was responsible for most of the poor decisions and that Marrone will learn on the job as well (NO MORE PUNTS FROM THE OPPONANTS 36 YARD LINE). The truth is only time will tell. I will say I think they are headed in the right direction and the early returns are favorable. But I have hoped that many times before and I am like most of the other posters - if Manual has a bad game I'll be concerned he can't perform on the road and will always be inconsistent and if he looks good I'll think we may have found and answer at the position. I do know a couple things...I LOVE watching the Jets and Dolphins lose (Pats too but that rarely happens) and Gino Smith suck! I also hate to see Bills fans argue.
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