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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I got my heart set on T-Pegs...this guy is a Buffalo kid, by his business backround makes me nervous...I would trust that fracker with my team, before some Wall Street guy...
  2. He should save some money for the Bills, and their new stadium! Take the fraking thing out of the equation (and I am trying) he is a dream come true!
  3. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/rapture
  4. Bonds gets more grief from reporters, because he was more confrontational, and defiant when it came to dealing with them. It ain't right, but he that is the way it works, particularly in baseball it seems, so you could say, beyond just juicing, he brang a lot of the scrutiny that he is on, upon himself.
  5. Well, we may never have that data. However, there is some logic that you can apply. I don't know if the Democrats "won independents and some defections", but either more Democrats came out to vote, for some reason (in an area where there are many more registered Repbulicans than Democrats), some Republicans and Independents voted Democrat, or both...it seems pretty logical to assume this abberation in the area politics occurred for some reason. To deny that the Ryan Plan/Medicare issue was a big factor, as Republicans were doing all day, yesterday, is kind of ludicrous.
  6. This isn't something that people are all going to agree on, ever...the courts say one thing, ROB says another...Rob is always right!
  7. Don't assume that the motives here are strictly religious...Perry and company made a pretty nice penny forcing the HPV vaccine on all females in Texas, as well...despite the fact that nobody wanted it...I hope Perry does run for president...a lot of his little secrets are bound to come out. Lets face it, as Texans, this state is, and always will be, controlled by Republicans, good or bad. At this point, there is little difference, other than the financial influence of donors, between the two parties...
  8. I love both sports. This season was one of the rare, in many years, where I had to decide between watching the Sabres or the Celtics playoff games, as the Sabres games were scheduled the same time as the Celtics. I watched the Sabres live, and the Celtics on tape delay. I love both teams, both sports, but I love the city of Buffalo a hell of a lot more than I love the city of Boston...I love seeing the Celtics win a title, but would trade any of their championships for one, undisputed, Buffalo franchise championship. That said, while I love both sports, I never played real hockey (only street hockey, table top, and EASports variety) so when I watch it (and I have for 40 something years), I don't feel like I always feel like an "expert"...I played all other sports growing up, and basketball was, by far, my favorite to play...the only one I ever was maybe, just a tad, a little better at, than other kids my age...of course, I had about 20 pounds, and 3-4 inches on everyone else...my Charles Barklian ass gave me the edge...I was the original "large mound of rebound" way back, and as I could always get my own rebounds, I normally had up to 3 chances to make every shot...career high 14 pts...the good old days...then other kids got as tall, and I only got fatter...but I always loved playing basketball...
  9. Jamie better hope Sanchez doesn't follow him home from work....
  10. That does kind of suck, but, 50-60 games a year is much better than 0. I am sure the travel must be waring...isn't that the reason Lorentz stepped down a few years ago? I have a great feeling about the future of this team, under the new ownership...the chant next season should be "Win one for Rick!" I wonder who will fill in for him on the road...I can say, neither Rob Ray or Harry Neale excite me too much...Neale is okay, but I sometimes wonder if he is watching the same game I am...and Rob needs some vocal lessons...speak from the diaphram my man, not from you sinuses...it is hard to listen to sometimes...but I like him okay... Who will do play by play? For me, an out of towner, I watch on Center Ice, and probably only get the Buffalo broadcast for about a third of the games anyways, so I suspect I won't miss RJ as much as you hometown fans will...I am just happy to see the games at all, most times...
  11. See the "Shoutbox" above, there are some pro-hoops fans here...
  12. He has done a lot for his constituents...I can't stand him...
  13. The coaches (especially Bills coaches) are getting screwed, because of the owners...they should back the players...but, yes, you are right, it is strange.
  14. Oh, throwing Friday Night Lights in a group with the rest of those is harsh...it was a pretty good show...
  15. What is different about an NFL team, during a management imposed lock-out, is that a measure like the Bills are taking, almost implies that they don't think they will ever be making the same money again...the fact that other teams aren't taking the same step makes this reek of chintzy-ness...
  16. Are we talking about the same show? Modern Family? I think you are thinking of something else...I don't watch it every week, but there is no narrator, and honestly, I don't think they have any music at all...it is shot "Office" style. Ed O'Neil? Sophia Vergara?
  17. one bill at a time! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/25/rick-perry-sonogram-bill-center-for-reproductive-rights-retaliates_n_866811.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl1%7Csec3_lnk2%7C65373
  18. I can't believe all the money these domestic beer companies spend on this kind of crap, not to mention the mostly awful ad campaigns that go with them...just make some damn beer that tastes good, and you will have me...until then, beer snobbery for me!
  19. Wow, I think that is a great song..the video is pretty good too...wickedly deceptive song!
  20. Good...for a minute there I thought you were going to say he gave it to Harold Camping...
  21. Turning the channel...never liked Scrubs either...a little too proud of itself.
  22. I guess Ralph wanted to cut off 401K and retirement benefits while he could still get away with it! Anyways, I hope you are right Dr D!
  23. Whatever the motives, it is a classy move by Bonds. Lets' face it, he could use some good PR. I still think he is getting way more **** than he should be, in comparison to other guys from his "era".
  24. That may be the only show that my GF and I both like... she hates pretty much anything I like on the tube... I have to stay up late on Sundays to watch "Treme" in peace...
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