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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Funny, my two favorite film franchises are The Godfather and Planet of the Apes...in both series, I like #2 best, just slightly ahead of #1...that would be "The Godfather 2" and "Beneath the Planet of the Apes"... Maybe it is an age thing, but I loved the original "Star Wars" (I was 12 when it came out) but didn't really like any of the rest of them..."Empire" was pretty good, but the freshness of the series was already old, for me, by the time it came out...I thought "Return of the Jedi" was pretty bad, and I hated the 4th one (or the first one, if you will, "Phantom Menace") so much, I never saw the final two. I have heard, they are both pretty good, but I have zero interest in either...that first was pure magic though...I have never been as captivated by a movie, before, or since...much like I would imagine kids of all ages were dazzled by "The Wizard of Oz" back in 1939. I have never seen a "Harry Potter" or "Lord of the Rings" movie...I have been tempted a few times, but always pull away.
  2. Speaking of which, if you see The Dean, tell him to stop by here...he is missed...I hope he is okay...
  3. There is another band out there, right now called Dale Earnhartdt Jr Junior...we sell concert tickets at one of my jobs...they were here over the weekend...sold quite a few tickets. You would be amazed by how many people called to ask "Is Dale Earnhardt really going to be at EMO's?"
  4. Better days...things that stick out (besides Parcell's gut...jeez I gotta go on a diet!) the amazing speed of Cornelius Bennett, and the arrogance that comes with being really good, as displayed by Kelly and Reed, most notably...Reeds amazig 25 yards in YAC on one of 3 TD's...and Russell Copelands awesome punt retu return to ice the win...and, oh yeah, the sack where Bruce lights up Drew Bledsoe, "welcome to the NFL rookie!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAcy3a3eBKE&feature=related
  5. AJ...one of the few good guys left on TSW...happy birthday!
  6. :thumbdown: Now you are the arbiter of the value of someone's life? If it has no value to you, it shouldn't have value to anyone else? Again, if you don't give a !@#$, then really don't give a !@#$.
  7. For those who might care...another classic Bobby Wheeler (Jeff Conaway) moment from "Taxi"
  8. Okay...we got it...you would think from the clever title of the thread, you and Dante would have not even cared so much, to open the thread, and let everyone know you don't care...when did TSW start becoming such a miserable place?
  9. Cheeseburger, I live in Austin, and am familiar with Barton Springs...I stay away from there...it attracts Austins most pretentious element. I don't know you, or what happened, but I can believe your side of the story...about 10 years ago, a friend of mine came to visit. She wanted to go swimming, as it was disgusting hot, as Texas normally is...I took her to Barton Springs...not only were we "exposed" to two different dudes, on bikes, riding around in thongs, as I get in the pool, I notice my friend isn't getting in...I ask her what is up with that, and she points to a woman who is swimming with her dog, in the shallow end...the dog has diarrhea, and is shitting up a storm...there are loads of people around. I said something to the lady like "uh..do you think you should be letting your dog **** in the water?" She got very indignant...a few minutes later, out of the water and baking in the sun, a park official comes over and asks me if I "have a problem". At first, I didn't know what she was talking about, and then I said, "Oh, you mean the dog?" She just stares at me, through her sun glasses. She doesn't say anything. Uncomfortable, I said, "Do they allow dogs to **** in the water?" Apparently, using the four letter word for defecate was enough to get me tossed from the park. I honestly didn't raise my voice to anyone, I didn't even make that big of a deal with the dog owner, but I had to say something...I haven't been back there, for a swim, since... good luck...
  10. I guess it is because he is somebody we are familiar with...like I said, "Taxi" was one of the really great sitcoms of it's time (still holds up damn well)...to look at it your way, why would we care when anybody dies? Or don't you?
  11. Can't say I was a huge fan of all his work or anything, but "Taxi" is one of my all-time favorite shows...and he was funny as the struggling actor.. http://www.popeater.com/2011/05/27/jeff-conaway-dead/?ncid=webmail One of the funniest bits ever...remember my dad almost choked on a piece of pizza when we were watching this...Bobby trying to help Jim cheat on his driving test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6FmbMiIxws&feature=related
  12. He isn't saying Lebron will be traded...he is predicting that Lebron will get his ring next year, with whatever team he is with wherever he is playing...which will obviously be Miami. If Lebron were still in Cleveland, crayonz would be saying that the Cavs would win it all next year. His theory is that the NBA has been scripted sounds a little absurd, but, I have been having the same argument as you, with him since 2007-08 season, and he has been pretty much right, all along. If you believe it (and you don't, I understand), it seems that the NBA isn't necessarily always scripted so certain teams win in a given year, but so that certain players, and certain rivalries are highlighted, as it is good for the game, in the business sense. Certain dynamics have been good for the league. The Celtics return to relevance, after taking almost 20 years off, was very good for the NBA. Having the Lakers and Celtics face off twice was good for the leauge...I was more shocked by the Celtics second finals appearence (the one they lost last year) than I was the first one...anyways, I am not saying I buy it all either, but more than any other sport, there have been times when I have wondered what the hell I am watching during the NBA playoffs. I still believe, whether it was a self-imposed "sit down", or league mandated, that Lebron James tanked the ECF finals against the Celtics last year. It just didn't seem natural.
  13. I swear, I have seen that show about a dozen times, and don't remember a narrator at all...it almost sounds more like the show that comes on before it, "The Middle"...which has some off-beat elements which I like, but by no means a great show.
  14. Hockey heaven!!!!!!!!!! Imagine if they win a playoff series!
  15. So, Dallas is going to beat Miami? Let me ask, this whole NBA postseason has not had a lot of drama, as far as long series go...does Dallas win a quick one, or is it drawn out to 6 or 7? The ratings for the Miami/Chicago series were amongst the highest in cable televisio history...NBA playoffs(or that series in particular) have been pulling NFL ratings. Would Dallas upseting Miami (it would be an upset) only ensure better ratings for next season? I will give you your props crayonz...crazy and smart!
  16. Did Chef get banned too? I haven't been demoralized in a week or two...I don't want to get used to it...
  17. Yeah, I agree on all points...some very bad intel going on there.
  18. What I don't like about it, the guys profession. He can say he doesn't care about losing money, and he loves the Bills, but at some point, I fear, muscle memory kicks in..."gotta sell before I lose everything"...I want to trust, but I just don't like the way it feels...I realize that may not be completely rational...but I trust the Fracker over the bonds guy!
  19. A guy with an assault rifle...not sure about the 60-70 shots, or not allowing him to be helped for an hour...
  20. Yeah ...that is what makes it so sad...my dad was a cop, I am always a little conflicted about stories like this.
  21. Honestly, at this point (I am 46, been a Bills fanatic for about 40 of those years) I think I would say "good riddance" if my choice was a life-time of 2-7 win seasons forever...I never thought I would come to that point. I was very entertained last season for the most part, but the 3 seasons prior, I really started to question why I cared anymore...for me, if the Bills ever did cease to exist as the Buffalo Bills, the thing I would miss most is the bond with other Bills fans... I really don't mean that to come off as negative, though I am sure it does. I am still going to watch every game, every season (I have missed one game in 23 years...the infamous 1989 game where Jimbo called out House Ballard, for getting him injured, against the Colts), but, at some point, I want just a little payback...a reason not to feel like I just wasted 4 hours on my only day off... Like I said, though the victories were few this past season, I finally started to feel like there was good minds at work at One Bills Drive...I just hope we don't miss too much of the upcoming season...we (Bills fans) deserve better than we get, I think... I will give Ralph Wilson his props, to a point, but, I am old enough to remember a lot of this teams history...striking gold (or was it silver!) in the early 90's kind of bought Mr Wilson some good will, but that is starting to seem like a long time ago, and the recent decade of malaise kind of feels more like the late 70's and mid 80's all over again...I just need one of those short little Chuck Knox-era reprives from the misery...is that too much to ask?
  22. Didn't want to put this on the PPP, as I am not even sure what to think...just a sad story. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/25/jose-guerena-arizona-_n_867020.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%7C66223
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