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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. My parents are in their 80's...it is no longer their world...but Republicans have always been !@#$s, long as I can remember!
  2. Not to further worry CBIP, but as high-brow as Austin likes to fancy itself, it does have a weekly rag, filled with nothing but mug shots, and the associated charge...its' called "Busted In Austin" (clever huh?)...I find it depressing to look at (mostly deranged looking folks busted for PI, and lots of DWI & DUI charges), but did recently flip through one at a local pizzeria, sitting on the table...sure enough, I spotted a friend of mine, on the "busted beautys" page...DUI! http://marlomc.wordpress.com/2009/09/10/busted-in-austin/
  3. Barton Springs does have a reputation for attracting "sightseers"...one has to wonder if all of the stories are true, or if a lot of them are innocent bystanders, as you seem to be.
  4. Yes, there are two such repulsivos in the downtown area, constantly flaunting their junk...we are "exposed" to them a couple of times a week at my job... Keepin' Austin weird man!!!
  5. Sorry...no offense...it just takes away from the dramatic effect to say "the rest of Texas, (except San Antonio)!" I like SA a lot...but for different reasons than Austin!
  6. That is the problem with talking out of your ass...you usually end up talking ****. Socialist controlled media? WTF are you talking about? Rachel Maddow did some silly "creepiness scale" of post-Clinton political sex scandals last night, and while John Edwards ranked highest on the creepy scale, Weiner and Spitzer (all three guys are Democrats, in case you didn't realize) were right behind him...your boy Craig was at the very bottom, on the "less creepy" side...Lee was somewhere in the middle. You do realize, the reason Lee went without a fight, he was soliciting transvestites...and had a fascination with cross dressing? Honestly, resigning doesn't make you any more honorable, if you have nothing else to hide. If Wiener, or Lee, for that matter, come out, confess to their transgressions, and nothing else comes out, I don't see why they should be so obligated to resign. The world is running out of type-A personalities who do nothing wrong, ever...and most of them are too busy posting here, to have time to be public servants. Chris Matthews has been slamming Wiener as a "liar" since the story first broke, before there was any mea-culpa on the politicians part. Lets stop pretending that either side on this issue is somehow better than the other. I honestly think it is blown out of proportion all the way around. Most people have parts of their lives they would be embarrassed to see the light of day. Why would anyone want to run for office?
  7. Kinda takes the wind out of the sails of the PPP, huh? Pissing matches and dick jokes...
  8. TMZ has always been an !@#$! Weiner has always been an !@#$ as well. Nobody wins in this situation. I just find it ironic that so many of you are praising Breitbart, as if he is somehow some kind of god. Weiner has only himself to blame. He is stupid as hell for thinking none of this would get out.
  9. Breitbart is an !@#$. I hadn't really seen a lot of him being interviewed in the press, until yesterday, and a few weeks ago on Real Time. He kind of reminds me of Bill O'Riley. Not stupid, by any means, but just desperate for people to like him, and wanting his "just due" on everything. Weiner has nobody to blame but himself for his current situation, but pretending his intent is anything beyond just wanting to "take people down" is giving him too much credit.
  10. I like how Brietbart, in his faux press conference says "I could have released x-rated photos"...implying that he didn't, so that makes him a decent guy, but then tells everyone that they exist...Weiner is an ass...Breitbart is an ass. We live in a world where both things are possible!
  11. In the Lee case, texting a shirtless picture of himself was the very tip of the ice-berg. He went away quickly, because it was going to come out that he was soliciting trans-gendered and transvestite types. If it had just been the regular stuff, we would have likely seen a Weiner-like performance from Lee, as well...
  12. Marv Albert that is! Has signed on to do games for CBS! I like it. I think Albert is one of the best...despite his cross-dressing ways! Call me crazy...reminds me of better days for Buffalo Bills football! http://thebiglead.com/index.php/2011/06/06/marv-albert-joins-cbs-football-coverage/
  13. The same happened with June and Johnny Cash... He didn't quite make it to a year...funny thing is, we both had real bad respritory problems, they thought I was the one who wouldn't make it, initially... I know they say I am too young to remember, but I have one vivid memory of Daniel, pulling himself up in the crib, and flipping the light switch on the wall on and off, and getting very exoited...would have liked to gotten to know him better...I have a nephew, named after him...we get along great...
  14. Yes, there are some good analysts out there, just not as many as there are NFL analyst jobs, it seems. I don't get to hear Schein on Sirius, would love to get NFL Radio! I am talking more about the ESPN characters, and, from the limited amount I have seen/heard, quite a few of the NFL Network guys fall into the same category...like, they have to talk football, they know they have to say something about a lower profile team (like the Bills), so they just pull something out of their ass that is either based on something that happened years ago, or is inconsequntial to the current state of the Bills. For some, the Bills stopped existing after losing their fourth Super Bowl...
  15. You knowm billsfreak, all you say is true, but, for some reason, I like Gailey. Even though they lost more games, I found the effort and game day competance so far above what we had grown accustomed to, under Jauron. Funny, Jauron was always labled as some "great teacher", but I would sum up his tenure the same way they are criticizing Gailey here. I don't think in all the time Jauron was here, any player really improved. I suppose Jason Peters would be the only example. Guys would come in, and show some flashes as a rookie, and then, they never made any real impact, anywhere, except maybe, special teams, if we were lucky. To me Gailey, albeit after only one year, seems like such an improvement. When he talks, he sounds like a football coach, and he sounds confident. His track record may be spotty, or mediocre, but he has pretty much always been in dysfunctional situations. When he was HC in Dallas, his owner was always looking for a bigger name, and he had a hard time getting established vets (namely Aikman) on board with his game plans.
  16. Exactly! Just as many here have a right to love the Buffalo Bills, but to think they are being run by an iferior owner. You don't agree? So what? Bunch of kiss asses!
  17. True, the players got more of what they wanted, last time around...but I am not sure that was so much Upshaws' steely resolve, as it was the fact that Tagliabue had one foot out the door already, and gave his impassioned speech to the owners to settle so he could retire from his job, looking good... it wasn't 48 hours after the ink dried that everyone started predicting this lockout was going to happen.
  18. Yes, the intellectual juggernauts of the TSW time is much better spent on other things...
  19. The owners could always depend on Upshaw to bend over for them...it's not so easy for them without him in the picture.
  20. Yeah, I think even Paul would find that funny...if it wasn't so insulting.
  21. And the rest of Texas will be pissed off when Rick Perry gets outed....
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