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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Barkley was right about Miami fans..."terrible" Hats off to Dirk, Carlisle and Mavs fans...cannot wait to hear Colin Cowherd's spin on this...he has had his so far up LeBron's ass, he can taste the bril-cream!
  2. Once my team is out of the race, hate is my greatest motivation for rooting, in pretty much any situation...in other words, it is almost never a situation where I always liked the team I am rooting for, but that I hate the team they are playing against.
  3. I hope the Mavs win, but it hasn't happened yet. LeBron James was a monster, in 4th quarters in the previous three series...I am not so sure it is what the Mavs are doing to him, or the product of the Mavs just shooting so damn well...if it is the latter, that can come back to haunt you...I have seen great shooting teams lose their collective mojo for entire games...this series isn't over...Sunday should be a terrific game.
  4. Good move by the Panthers...don't think this can really hurt them at all.
  5. Don't get ahead of yourself...most of this Mavs love is a product of Heat hate! Just kidding...enjoy this...as we Bills fans know, championships, should they fall your way, are to be cherished by true fans of the winning team...LET's GOV MAVS!!!
  6. Ginrich had most of his campaign staff resign yesterday...I don't think he will be in the race much longer.
  7. Okay, dayman, I take it back...maybe Lebron didn't tank it against the Celtics last year, maybe he is much softer than I could have believed. Anyways, this series could still go either way, but the Heat seemed to be reverting to their earlier season form...kind of strange, I think. I would have bet the Heat would have won this series in 6. Not unhappy with what is happening, mind you...just mystified...of course Dallas had one of those unbeleivable shooting games last night, which they can't really depend on for game six and seven...
  8. Out of steam, like the Heat?
  9. Ahh...I guess I am not stating my point very well...I will just leave it at that...you are missing my point, or I am not making it very well...probably the latter of the two...
  10. I guess the difference is, you seem that what he does is great...I accept what he does, but I don't necessarily see anything that lends greatness to him.
  11. Me, pontificating about journalism? Read your own post. "Neo-con" was a reference to one of KD's posts, earlier in the thread about people who watch FOX or MSNBC...I don't think I have ever used that term before this... I get everything you are saying about Brietbart. But what you are missing, is the guy is going around defending himself as if he is being noble. If he was just exposing the left, and keeping his smarmy mug out of it, that would be one thing...but christ, did you see the Weiner press conference? He actually stepped up to the mic and claimed he was only doing this to "help" Weieners' marriage. Then he basically says, "if I was truly a scumbag, I could show you much worse photos than the ones you have seen"... then he goes on "Opie & Anthony" (a true gold standard for journalistic integrity) to show the frat boys his naughty pictures. Congrats Brietbart, you got someone...but don't insult everyones intelligence by pretending you have anyones' best interest at heart. You are kidding yourself GG... the guy is the fat kid who couldn't get a date to the prom, and is now taking his revenge out on the popular kids. Finding dishonest politicians is not that hard, and for you, or Brietbart to act as though corruption is exclusive to one party is incredibly ludicrous.
  12. Sorry KD, but Weiners offenses, so far, have nothing to do with fiscal irresponsibility. You picked this argument. To say that the occaisional Republican hypocracy on social issues isn't all that big a deal to you, in comparison is pretty silly in my book. Republicans have been using social issues as red herrings for years, in political campaigns. To play on voter emotions on wedge issues, and then turn around and not live up to the same standards that you espouse for everyone else is pretty low... I guess I haven't seen or heard anything that makes me think or believe that Democrats are somehow more fiscally corrupt in fiscal matters than Republicans. It seems to me, fiscal corruption goes hand in hand with holding office, for many, both sides of the political aisle. Elliott Spitzer, who was pretty good at his job in NYS prosecuter, was taken down for, essentially, the same charges that Vitter is guilty of...but he never used any sort of "integrity of marriage" bs as part of his election campaign. As for Brietbart, he is becoming a bit of a folk hero to the neo-cons. I would never lump you in with RK, but look at some of the posts concerning how "great" he is.
  13. Somewhere, in my Bills collection, I have a great photo of Fergy getting up off the turf, his uniform partially covered in mud, and his helmet turined almost sideways, after a Redskin player sacked him...he is holding the ball in one hand, and while you can only see part of his mouth, you can tell he is pissed off at someone...a O-linemen no doubt. I love Fergy, but, in the end, it is that "swagger" you refer to that seperates the really good, from the really great most of the time...he was awesome during the Knox years.
  14. I never know when you are serious. More emoticons please!
  15. I think Wiener is a scumbag, which I have already stated in this thread...he deserves whatever he gets. I think his offenses, so far, are really more between him and his wife, and the voters. I am just taking issue with the worship that Breitbart seems to be getting from some... he has now been linked to incriminating stories about two liberals, and yet, can't just take the criticism that comes from the left. First he blamed Beck for the Sherrod thing, and now he is blaming "Opie & Anthony" for the latest? And on top of all that, he hi-jacks Weiners' confessional press conference, to field questtions, demands an apology from someones' career he just aided in ruining, and then has the audacity to go around telling everyone how sanctimonious his intentions are? This guy wants to be taken seriously, but he is just a attention seeking pos, as far as I am concerned. Saw an interview with Larry Flynt last night, he makes Breitbart look bad. Brietbart, like Bill O'Riley so desperately wants to be accepted and respected, he is just pathetic... And, since you are going to the "you guys" thing, I think Weiners offenses, so far, are far less than those of David Vitter, who nobody has demanded a resignation from, actually engaged in physical sex with someone, broke prostitution laws, and still serves, and has fellow (hypocritical) Republicans holding fund raisers for him. It just amazes me how most of the folks here (not really you KD, one of the more reasonable folks here) can't see that you spend your days posting about the hypocracy of liberals/Democrats, but can't see the same from yourselves, or the party you support.
  16. Yes, I realize that...but if this guy was as principled as he keeps claiming to be, wtf is he carrying the picture on his phone for, and wtf is he going on the Opie and Anthony show to talk about it?
  17. No, you were right with the first part, the "attention whore" part...and he blamed Beck for his first questionable run in with ethics, and now he blamed Opie & Anthony for his latest...what Chef (anyone know what happened to him?) would call a victicrat: http://www.mediaite.com/online/andrew-breitbart-opie-and-anthony-completely-violated-his-trust-opie-agrees/
  18. Charles Barkley on the Miami Heat: http://sports.espn.go.com/chicago/nba/news/story?id=6642006
  19. Actually, while FOX still kicks MSNBC in the ratings, Maddow, Schultz, Matthews and the other guy (who took Olbermans's spot) are seeing increased ratings...so, Maddow and Schultz didn't get the same warning? Maybe you are on to something though, last week Matthews was swooning over Michelle Bachman ("there is something about her...very Joan of Arc") like he did Obama a few years ago. Would that make me a neo-tard? It was bound to happen, hanging out on PPP with all you pseudo-tards!
  20. I agree with the senitiment about the uniforms from 1974-1984... best in team history, IMO. I like the current throwbacks okay, but, in some way, they look almost faux-retro to me, cuz they are so clean looking...like when you go to Target and see "vintage" Rolling Stones 1978 Tour of America t-shirts...something just a little off about it. Also, the Chuck Knox era Bills are still my all-time favorite teams. I was born in 1965, not really old enough to remember the legendary teams from the 1960's, although their names and faces were ingrained in me almost before I could walk. Still have my older brothers card collection from the early to late 1960's...those Knox era teams were the first teams that, going into the season, I felt confident were one of the best teams in the league. The first contenders...I was old enough to appreciate the winning, becasue I was old enough to realize the drudgery of a lot of losing...but I was also young enough to really embrace the whole "Talkin' Proud" phenomenon. To this day, my all-time favorite Buffalo Bills are Jerry Butler, Joe Ferguson, Joe Cribbs, Steve Freeman and Ben Williams. That is not to say I didn't enjoy the hell out of most of the 90's...
  21. Link? They actually did a story on how easy it would be to hack someone's twitter account...she never said she was "sure" it was hacked, just giving him the benefit of the doubt. When he made his pathetic confession, she criticized him as soundly as she will criticize anyone...she ranked his offense as one of the top 3 political sex scandles, post Clinton, on the "creepiness scale"... I am not a huge fan of Rachel Maddow, but please, stop putting words into her mouth...all you who boo-hoo about "libtards" crying about FOX are guilty of doing the same thing...you don't actually watch, but think you know what they "will say"...I hate FOX, for the most part, but I watch it, at some point, almost every night, as I do MSNBC. Chris Matthews was probably harder on MW than anyone, doing these sort of shows...and this was before he officially confessed. He used the old "looks like BS, smells like BS, it most likely is BS"... MSNBC is as partisan as they come, but, I think they are much more critical of their own than the other guys, to the right of the dial are...
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