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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. With all these great shows, I always find it odd that the majority of the fans of the shows take away is that the female lead is always the "bad one". With "The Sopranos" everyone hates Carmella..."Breaking Bad" has Skylar.....now "Better Call Saul" has Kim.
  2. Ah...man, I want to say something...but I will drop it. You are a brick wall.
  3. Actually, never read the book...but the movie! Jennifer O'Neill was hot!
  4. I have no opinion on this specific story...but I don't think Shady is the greatest guy.
  5. Again, context should mean something....but I know, you are Chef Jim... I am condescending...and you are pompous. And it appears to me that you have a real lack of self-awareness.
  6. It really wasn't ambiguous, it was a direct response to a comment from somebody else...if it was meant to offend anyone, it was that person....but being that you are overly-sensitive and hysterical, you took offense for yourself, and 50% of your friends and family. You know what you sound like, don't you? You sound like one of those libs who you accuse of taking everything Donald Trump says out of context, so you can get yourself worked up. Oh well, not worth re-hashing any further. I just never thought I would see the day that Chef Jim was admonishing someone for being condescending... I've seen it all now!
  7. B-Man: we have been going the "thoughts and prayers" rout for decades now. Just look at any thread on PPP regarding gun rights...any idea that is thrown out, is immediately aborted by the gun-lovers who, lets fact it, are holding our country hostage. It's all so cliche' at this point... but gun advocates are quick to deflect blame on everything but guns, and the gun-worship culture that many Republicans embrace. Governor Abbott (the useless vessel from Texas) yesterday jabbered on and and on about how this is all a "mental health issue"....but he has routinely cut his Texas budget at the expense of mental health services. He, like many GOP leaders, is still bowing to the antiquated bull#### from the NRA. So, yeah, I guess we are just stuck with bull#### prayers and crossed fingers, hoping our lives away. According to your lot, there is absolutely nothing that can be done (short of arming everyone)...it isn't even worth exploring.
  8. No, being a non-believer isn't confusing...in fact, it is a sign of intelligence. Just not sure why you got so offended by my comment (concerning thoughts and prayers for his precious guns, which he seems more concerned about than the humans that are killed using them), and insisted that context was irrelevant. It was just strange.
  9. Okay....I feel like I am talking to two different people under your moniker, in this thread.
  10. This is pretty hilarious. All of you tough PPP guys are constantly telling us that libs are too emotional and hysterical about everything. So now, because you are emotional and hysterical about the gun issue (you people are so ***** up!), context doesn't matter? You are all over the place on this one...
  11. That was not directed at you...it was for Ardymus Ryno
  12. The scenario you are talking about is far different than what we have been seeing in the news recently. I have nothing against you having a gun in your home to defend your home and family.
  13. Okay... you are probably too hysterical and emotional for this. I will pray for you and your guns!
  14. Gee...there was no way we would have known any of that stuff, if they didn't tell us. Glad they held a press conference!
  15. Jim, poll after poll, for decades now, show that the majority of Americans favor stricter gun laws. Both Democrats and Republicans. Yet, we don't get them, because of these extremists on the right. They are the folks that embrace, and are embraced by one party, not the other. Not denying there are extremists in both political parties (that is another issue), but in this particular case, where guns are concerned, the opposition is going to come from the right. I think your suggestion was completely reasonable, but who is going to decide when somebody warrants close watch? Local law officials? The government? I live in Texas, I am worried about my state, thank-you. Is the fact that you carry supposed to be of some comfort?
  16. So these idiots should probably be a little more concerned about their state, huh?
  17. Sure they do. Does that make it substantive? Why hold a press conference to let us know how sad they feel, but offer nothing else? It was grandstanding to the highest degree. Trying to change the subject, and take attention away from the criticism that they are receiving for openly fostering a gun-worshiping culture. They are the two most powerful men in the state...they got nothing but culture wars. O'Rourke (obviously in a losing battle) is showing them up...letting people see what absolute empty vessels they are, and letting people know, btw, there are alternatives. They can gerrymander the state as much as they like to assure the ultimate re-elections, unless people just finally get fed-up with their bs.
  18. I don't disagree with what you posted, but what you are proposing is exactly the kind of thing far-right extremists flip-out over...the very reason they feel it is their god-given right to have guns.
  19. Isn't it grandstanding for Abbott and Patrick to hold a press conference to say how sad they (and their spouses are), but essentially assure everyone that there is nothing they can do?
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