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Everything posted by jaybee

  1. Big #51 was definitely a force to reckon with !!
  2. Once I read that comment I went no further. Off-season blather article. What will it mean 6 months from now? Same as it does now. Not a lot. jb
  3. OMG..I almost fell over in my chair after reading this.....and then listening to that. Holy crap that is some funny stuff !!
  4. .....and something Seattle desperately needs with the departure of Matt Flynn. Not a bad pick-up for them at all given their back-up situation and a weakening FA crop. Thigpen makes sense for them.
  5. Pretty darn encouraging right there. Thanks. jb
  6. He was a good player too. I had his card back in the 60's when he played LB for the L.A. Rams. Rams were my team back in those days. Helluva football career. I believe he coached in the USFL too and he made the college hall of fame back in the 80's. Football lost a good man today. jb
  7. Here ya go... http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/blog/eye-on-football/21989463/browns-trade-colt-mccoy-to-49ers-for-late-round-draft-pick
  8. I like the signing. --> It allows Buffalo to be patient, and not "reach" for a QB. (Although...it is becoming more possible Geno may fall to us at #8 given recent developments). --> He should help our new QB as a mentor. (and I believe we'll draft one rounds 1-3 somewhere, probably 2. --> He is reportedly adept at the offense Hacket plans to run. (read it somewhere, sorry no link) --> I "think" he provides more upside potential than Fitz, although I'm not certain of this. --> He "could" flourish, and maybe "surprise" given his fresh start behind what I think is a better OL than zona provided. --> He should make for a good QB competition at training camp. He may make Tarvaris a better player and vice versa given the competition. ---> I believe he's at least as good as Fitz overall and comes cheaper (and no draft picks surrendered) freeing up a little money for other needs. So I'm OK with the signing. Frankly, I would have preferred Matt Hasselback, but this should work. Thanks for creating the thread, OP. jb
  9. I also found that interesting. They appear a pretty mellow fan base based on that data point. Maybe its that gorgeous year round weather ! LOL !
  10. Nope. They'll take him late in the 1st or early in the 2nd is my guess. Kolb will start 2013 season IMHO.
  11. I dont have a lot to offer here but I will comment, and agree with your number 2 scare. It is my opinion this defense will go from under-achieve to over-achieve in ONE season. **** dude, we've got some great players on this D....and a new D-coordinator that has been right up there for the last few years with the Jets.. I believe Pettine is going to make us VERY happy. A guy that will put our players in position to make plays. I'm thinking the story will not be so much Kolb (although I love this signing), but a VASTLY improved defense. I honestly think Wannstedt (sp?) was a lacking DC. I'd bet my net worth on a .500 season this year, and a playoff appearance next. GO BILLS ~!! jb
  12. Care to place a wager on that ? I say Bills win 3 or more. Care to make a wager ? Easy bet I'd think since you are in the know, right? . No ? Put your money where your keyboard is. Thanx, jb
  13. Therein lies my biggest concern with this kid. He does hold onto the ball longer than he should. Conversely....he does do a decent job of buying time in the pocket....... And....making plays when the going is rough. He does need to learn to throw it away when the play isn't there though. jb
  14. I cant comprehend after all thats gone on, how anyone cannot love this signing. A big fat YES for me. Thanks for putting up the poll I was about to put up. Love it or hate it.....this move makes perfect sense. I'm relieved. We have a foundation now at the QB position. Something we lacked with the release of Fitz. Upward and onward from here. Its all good. jb
  15. Besides, we had nothing. I'll side with OBD on this signing all day long. Hell we've got to start somewhere. And...who knows...maybe he'll even flourish with a new start behind a better OL and a better running game. Nothing says we cant still draft a QB either but clearly this gives us more options.
  16. Pretty much this. So this doesn't cost us any draft picks then ? If true then yes, I'd say a pretty solid FA signing. Thanx. EDIT: But we still need to draft a QB ....................I think?. jb
  17. Good stuff. Just cant help but to like this kid. Really hope he gets a shot somewhere. I'll root for him no matter where he ends up. Thanks again, #34. jb
  18. #34...do you have the "precise" link handy ? (link you posted showed search results on my end) Thanks man. jb
  19. That may well be the case. If Kolb fits the system, man ya just gotta go do it. I'd be much more comfy with a FA pick up like this along with a rookie than just going rookie. Look at Newton. If he were in this class and we had a shot at him we'd all be saying draft Cam. How has Carolina done with Cam? Not all that well. Let Geno slide IMO. Grab a FA, and draft a pocket passing rookie this year...and next. jb
  20. My take as well. With the same HC and OC I've gotta believe Ryan is the most NFL ready rookie. If we could get him at #41 I'd be pretty darn pleased. I'm totally bummed we didn't get Flynn though, along with a rookie...and/or a rookie next year. This is all interesting but to say I'm not becoming concerned would be a lie. We run the risk of Tjax being our starting QB this year. I honestly don't interpret this as a promising thought by any stretch. Lets hope Doug can somehow pull a rabbit out of a hat here. jb
  21. I dont care if the logo is a guppy. We need to go 2-0 against these guys.
  22. Excellent response Stealth. No spin. Not like the rest of these guys who've responded but totally ignored my question above. I grew up in a different era than most here apparently. I am probably the oldest guy on the forum. IMO, schools and the media have brain-washed our youngins rather effectively. This thread is certainly a monument of that. My generation see's it differently. I wont say we are right...and you are wrong. There is no right and wrong here I suppose. BUT...if I had a gay child (and I have 3 hetero's) I definitely would be way too embarrassed to let anyone know. But thats just me. I find the whole deal absolutely disgusting, and even worse...the NFL no-name that is using his status to promote / defend /whatever his sick lifestyle. Well if that isn't crossing the line then there is no such thing as crossing the line. My last post in this thread, so go back to your X box, or whatever they are. I wont respond. I'm done on this topic which the moderators get an "F" for putting it on the Stadium wall. Its off the charts off the wall material.
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