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Everything posted by jaybee

  1. Bottom line: Nobody knows if Geno will live up to all of his manufactured hype. Come September we'll have an idea. Beyond this I've got nuthin. jb
  2. So, the gay parade marches on. So all you gay lovers, if your child is a homosexual and gets married to his / her lover, you'd be totally comfortable at the wedding reception then? I know you'll all say no problem...He'd make me proud, move on society, I raised him right etc....BUT you cant tell me you wouldn't be a little uncomfortable. Sure, you will say you are fine with it.....but me thinx not. jb
  3. Matt Flynn is an NFL ready QB. 27 years old. Acquiring him would solve the problem of drafting a QB in a year where the only one(s) available have question marks. Now you can use your remaining picks to draft BPA, other positions of need. IMO, if we were able to get Flynn I wouldn't even bother drafting a QB this year. You've already got a reasonable back-up in Tjax. If Flynn doesn't work out (or even if he does) draft a QB next year. I haven't read through this whole thread. I'd guess many are saying Flynn sucks if its like most threads here. Problem is, it is very possible that if we drafted a QB at 8 or 41 that they might suck just as bad, or even worse. Acquiring Flynn (if its even possible) does make sense to me. jb
  4. ......and I'll say it because nobody else will. You don't have to shower with em after a game. Using this great game to promote a lifestyle, and a political "football". You go ahead and get brain-washed by the media. I wont, and never will. Disgusting.
  5. Given your scenario, I say "yes" absolutely draft the QB on top of your board. Now...if there were an opportunity to trade down (which your scenario doesn't offer) they'd have to consider that as well...depending of course on how far back, who you expect will be left etc. IMO, waiting till the 2nd round in your hypothetical would be too risky. We're down to bare bones at QB now and if we lost out on the guys we targeted by waiting, there would be riots at OBD ! LOL ! jb
  6. On the other side of the coin, the "big name" receivers mentioned here might be unknowns if they had a bad QB throwing them the ball.....I suppose. jb
  7. No problem Kdub ! She is studying to be an architect. I forget the exact letter designation, (I'm a blue collar guy !!) but its a 5 year program and she's on the home stretch. Thanks. jb
  8. Man, that is really sad. Says a helluva lot about this kid's character. jb
  9. +1. Yea...neat stuff there fer sher. Many thanks for putting that up. jb
  10. Thanks guys. Some sensible input here. After reading all of this my initial thoughts of finding a free agent QB AND drafting one no longer make sense really.....given what is left of the FA QB crop. And Hopeful..I totally agree we released the best of the bunch for helping along a youngster. OT1960...you (and others) also make a good point that the drop-off from RF to Tjax isn't all that big. Maybe just drafting one QB is the most sensible option. And...I like the UDFA idea as well. Two things really whack me on all of this: 1) GM's make a good dollar 2) They have a damn tough job. Thanks again fellas. I appreciate your thoughts. jb
  11. Its a positive development. We need a TE. We'll find someone to throw the ball to him. The more reliable targets our new QB has the better. I'm in the git er done camp on this one. jb
  12. I'm thinkin Lonnie Johnson should make honorable mention.
  13. Agree. Just curious as to why the Bills have more opportunities than 90% of the teams. Not disputing this, just trying to understand. Thanx, jb
  14. Cool ! Thanks for keeping an eye on this kid for us.
  15. Right on, Saint. In regards to your comment about the competition committee, and since I'm in kind of a "whiney" mood today. Are there any NFL active players on the competition committee? I'm not certain, but I "think" the answer is no. Maybe there should be? Its pretty easy for a bunch of execs to say this or that about rules but IMO, the players should also have a say. Or, at least a player rep or 3 involved in that process. Thanx, jb
  16. Popular Science, January 2013. "The Helmet Wars". Decent article on concussions and the research and development of lids to save the game of football. Recommended reading IMO. I watched a piece of the "Tuck Rule" game on the network this morning. Saw several running plays where the runner lowered the boom on contact. Wondered if those plays would have been 15 yard walk-offs by the zebes. I dunno, man. I'm all about safety for the players but as an old-school fan I love the running game and I really hope this rule doesn't compromise it too much. Additionally, it puts a lot of pressure on the refs. In large part..... subjective calls. The refs already have a very difficult job. There will likely be a lot of bad calls. The refs can only watch so much. They will blow calls potentially changing the outcome of games. And...you are asking backs to change the way they've run their entire career. To conform to regulation. I suspect the league is trying to protect itself from litigation here. Understandable. BUT.....as a rabid fan of the game of football............... I really don't think I like this rule. jb
  17. .........should they draft both of them? Maybe one at #8 and one in a later round...say maybe 4th or 5th round if someone is still there that shows promise ? Or.... Should they pick up a veteran free agent AND draft a QB? Or... Screw that, just draft one and go with TJ as your "probable" back up ? Curious what you guys think. I "think" I'd like to see them draft one (in the 1st round) and pick up a free agent. The free agent would need to be a good student of the game and offense they are running. One that could help along the youngster. One that could play half way respectable should the rookie get hurt, or struggle badly. Is having a mentor veteran QB over-rated? I would think not but I've been wrong before. Probably a dumb question I suppose, but I'd be interested in your opinions. ps.... Mods: merge it if you must, didnt see a thread out there but I'm not a good searcher either. Many thanks, jb
  18. 100% agree. My only point was that 40 yard dash numbers are nice, but over-rated IMO when evaluating QB talent. EDIT: I remember way back when... Steve Tasker was commenting on 40 yard dash times. He was saying some guys, while not having the best 40 yard times have good "game speed". I guess film study is the only way to evaluate that. jb
  19. I would like to know this too. If I had to guess, my guess would be that its more of a character assessment than a workout. A lot of interviewing and discussion about various schemes / systems and such. Probably a few patterns run and a few balls thrown too ? Of course I'm probably 100% wrong on all of this ! LOL ! jb
  20. Nice post. 8-8 to me would be fantastic out of the gate with this bunch IMO. I would "like" to think this could be done even if we entered next season with zero personnel changes....exact same roster. A better record based on coaching alone.... getting the most out of their players and using schemes that take advantage of the personnel. I dont know if my expectations are too high at 8-8 or not. Sure hope not. If I'm wrong I hope its because they went 10-6...and made the playoffs. Good grief I'd have a pig roast to celebrate if that happened. jb
  21. Pretty easy to say that now. After the fact. I don't know if there's a way to "ignore" a poster here but I'll look and if there is....Astrobot will be my 1st. I'm sorry folks, this guy Astrobot is a stand-up comic act. I've seen enough. Not buying his "in-the know" nonsense. For me, starting this thread as fact seals the deal on this so-called expert.
  22. Absolutely. Posi-lutely. Hopefully the moderators can fix this nonsense. Guess I'm not the only one that doesn't care what a draft guesser has to say. He, like the rest of us doesn't know what the plan at OBD is. Thought there was news. jb
  23. Kind of like the Manning brothers. They'll never make it at this level. jb
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