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Everything posted by jaybee

  1. Thanks man. It occurred to me after I asked. I'm not all that swift. Preciate the response. jb
  2. Not following this one. "Trade" noted above. Do you mean they will trade a player for an additional round 1 pick?....Or...? Why would they have two 1st round picks ? Thanx, jb
  3. Yea. I thought it was common knowledge. I just hope they dont start measuring it at the combine. "I could just hear it now: He ran a 4.4 40 and has a medium rare thick superior tulcous hippopotamos. (or whatever its called) LOL !!
  4. On one hand, folks get upset that there are no big name free agent signings. On the other, some get excited about trading away arguably one of the top 3 safeties in the NFL. Kinda crazy if you think about it. No way in hell would I let go of Jarius, a proven great player just to take a chance on a draft pick or 2. Highly doubt Pettine would ever buy into this. jb
  5. Got to agree with this. I would also add that Wilson, as fun as he was to watch will not have as productive a season this coming year. I believe defenses will figure out schemes to keep him in the pocket. By keeping him in the pocket his height will become more of an issue. jb
  6. Does anyone here know if by chance there has ever been any documented cases of a bear defecating in a partially wooded area ? Thanx, jb
  7. Or....to put it in laymen s terms......Its On like a MOFO !!!
  8. I enjoyed your interview. Pretty much agreed with what you and JD had to say. I think I've got EJ ranked a little higher than you but I'm probably wrong. Liked that San Fran trade down scenario you presented. Not sure who would be left at QB at #31 in that scenario but with Ogletree already in the bank I'm certain Doug would be ready to pull the trigger. Perhaps on EJ, or maybe Ryan if they're still there. Good stuff brother. Its gonna be an interesting draft, thats fer sher !! Let us know when you are on the air again. Sounds like that's gonna happen from what you guys were saying. jb
  9. No question. IMO, we get so wrapped up in FA signings (or lack thereof) and who will they take in the draft that we forget the biggest free agency signing of all.....a new coaching staff. Its easy to say...we've been down this road before...no luck. True. But...this is the 1st time in a while we've gone with some fresh new non-re-tread blood at the coaching position. Rightly or wrongly I have a good feeling about it. Think positive fellas, think positive !! I wanna see this team of no-names shock the hell right out of the NFL. It could happen !! jb
  10. I'll go with Kevin Kolb. Then EJ Manual in relief of Kolb. Then I'll go with Russel Wilson !!
  11. Thats great. Good for him. Hope he makes it and watches his team put a big time stomping on whoever the unlucky opponent is !!
  12. This thread is a Victory for the talking heads that make these wishy-washy rankings public. Gets and keeps folks talking about it during a yawn-fest off-season. None of them know any more than us and the OP is spot on with this thread. I'm beyond the point of caring who they draft at QB. Hell, I'll be happy if Kevin Kolb is the starter. I'll be happy if Orville Reddenbacher is the starter. All I hope for is a noticeable improvement of the 2013 Buffalo Bills and I'm damn sure that's what I'm gonna see in 6 months. I apologize for being optimistic. And.....No, I dont anticipate playoffs this year. I do however anticipate a noticeable change in blue-print...and an improvement in overall performance...and a GREAT defense. It's gonna get us started in a playoff run that starts in 2014 and we go deep into the playoffs in 2015. This team is gonna be the juggernaut of the NFL. Out of no where. They'll surprise us all and silence the critics. You watch ! Go Buffalo !
  13. Oh no question about that. And...from the limited air time I've seen of Takeo on the network....I believe he has a promising future in communications. Listening to his analysis on the network a few weeks back was just plain solid and refreshing. He sounded GREAT IMHO. Hard not to love the guy. jb
  14. He absolutely does. No argument there. Frankly he's probably right too....given the current state of our franchise. I will apologize for calling him out on his statement. But man, I just get so annoyed here on this site (not with him), but the masses here that say "no" "pass" "etc" and all that crap when someone suggests a player. I have no choice but to trust the FO at this point. I'm as an avid a Bills Fan as any one out there. Rightly or wrongly I hold out hope each and every year. I just hate it when an innocent fan makes a suggestion and the same people jump all over their sh*t. And they know no more than any of the rest of us. I'm good, and I'll shut up....and won't reply to the 300 quotes of this message. Thanx. jb I love conversation about my beloved Bills as much as the next guy but man, most of what i read here is hard to take.
  15. Well there you have it. Professional advise from the basement of mommie's place. Mods, kill the thread. We have our answer. God bless anyone that makes a suggestion for a player on this silly site. Hey atbiullsfan...tell Takeo he is done. To his face. See how that works out for ya.
  16. Yea OK. So lottery players are the bar we are comparing to then ? Gotcha. 10-4. The lottery was designed for the mathematically challenged. Dumb asses and lazy people. Welfare and disability recipients abound. Faking injuries. Thats who plays the lottery. Mostly. You are right though. Many people simply do not know how to manage money. Its an expensive lesson to be learned over ones life and then its too late. NFL players that go broke after making millions? Sorry man, go elsewhere for sympathy. If you're that stupid you deserve to be broke.
  17. Lets face it fellas. As much as we love watching these guys on Sundays, they will never be accused of splitting atoms in their spare time. The football machine rolls on. Snagging as many dumb-ass athletes as it can push thru the system. Listened to an interview lately ? 75% of em cant even speak fluid English. Its a stand-up comic act and I'd imagine there are a whole lot more "challenged" ex-nfl players that are bankrupt than this list here.
  18. Eventually you're gonna be right. What, like 300 different draft simulations now ? You can come back afterwards and say...see I told ya so !! And of course link the one that was right. Hope your site is getting the hits you are working so hard for. You are what you are. A child in the basement making guesses I suspect. I'm patient. I'll watch what the front office does and I'll support it. jb
  19. . . . Damn straight it could happen. May aggrevate half the people here too. I'm not one of em. I'll take Marrone's pick over the nay-saying populous of tbd.
  20. Its a good question. If you asked me 2 years ago, I might say Fitz, who by the way I also supported. It is hard to say what happened to Fitz toward the end of his tenure with Buffalo. His accuracy suffered. Maybe Lee (QB coach) messed him up ? Hard to say. He tried to carry the team on his shoulders, but just couldn't get er done. I like Fitz and wish him all the best. He's a good man. Bottom line is we'll find out. What I read is Kolb is well suited to the offense Buffalo (allegedly) plans to run. He has a decent line. A decent running game. He needs more targets though. He's hungry and wants to prove himself. I am of the opinion he has a good coaching staff. I anticipate a "dink and dunk" type offense. Hopefully an efficient one. So...If I had to guess, and I was a gambling man I'd say that this upcoming season Kolb is probably a better QB...for us. He might even be our starter 1st half of the season. Likely will be in fact. For now we can only speculate. Me...I hope he's a hundred times better than Fitz !!!! That would make me real happy. jb
  21. 4.52. 4.55. 4.65. Please note these are unofficial times. jb
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