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Jamie Mueller

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Everything posted by Jamie Mueller

  1. Cannot disagree more thoroughly. I tuned in 550 (rather then the podcasts that I usually listen to in the car) after the 2nd day of free agent signing. I did this specifically because I could not imagine anyone on Buffalo radio not being energized by what the Bills front office had gotten done. God was I wrong. The 2 bozos on the afternoon drive show wouldn't stop talking about how old Frank Gore is... that the new receivers were not really all that good... and that the new O-linemen were all backups. I read a lot of the national coverage... plus places like ESPN and PFW... those places are almost unanimously saying that the Bill have done well. Some are saying that they've done very well. Just don't hold your breath waiting for anyone in the Buffalo media to say anything nice about the Bills. Sal Capaccio (on WGR) is the sole exception that I'm aware of. Sal's certainly not a cheerleader... but he's fair and balanced. Everyone else is a waste of your time. ... and incredibly disrespectful.
  2. A league with no New England team? Sounds perfect!
  3. Quote: "The bathroom outside my section is newer, clean and usually moves quickly. Also, it’s all about timing. Gotta use change of possessions, tv timeouts and the end of the quarter to your advantage. I don’t drink like a fish anymore, so 1st Q & 3rd Q break is usually good enough for me. If there’s like 20-30 seconds on the clock and whoever’s got the ball is obviously not gonna snap a play, that’s my cue to dip out quickly. If you wait for the official to say “that’s the end of the quarter/half” and then start moving, yeah yr gonna wait in line to wizz." This guy shows more planning, strategic and clock management ability than Rex Ryan's whole coaching staff...
  4. My guess is the Anderson is being paid mainly to show the kid what a professional quarterback's work habits look like... and to pass along bits of advice during film sessions... at those points in the off season when the rules allow for organized team activities. I also believe that the Bills will sign an UFA quarterback following the draft... which will likely require a decision to be made during final cut downs next September. Also... let's not forget that Anderson spend a great deal of time with Cam Newton during his indoctrination into pro football.
  5. What are you going to do if the kid gets his bell rung in a game and can't continue that week... wave a white flag? I don't see how we, as fans, could possibly know the answer to that question.
  6. Getting through the line is supposed to be the hard part... maybe someone just needs to teach him to stop when he gets to the quarterback... Let's just see how the kid does in a game before we lose our composure. I have seen a reaction like this since they drafted Allen... a move that does seem so upsetting any more.
  7. From what I'm reading about Orchard... it sure sounds a lot like what was being said about Jerry Hughes when we picked him up. Guys that can get through to the quarterback fairly consistently are worth a lot in today's game.
  8. I love the way that we seem to be in on so many guys... Beane & Co. don't spend much time just sitting around.
  9. I couldn't help but notice that a fair number of the Bills' cuts have been signed to other team's practice rosters... Clay, Boettger, Redmond and Vallejo so far. I guess that this could be an indication that we cut the wrong guys... but I would rather believe that the overall talent level is rising on this team... despite the fact that some media outlets are speculating that we might have the least talented roster in the league. Anyway, I've got a lot of confidence in this management group's ability to acquire personnel. Players like Croom, Neal, Murphy, Phillips, McCloud and Teller are virtually unknown outside Western New York (and Southern Ontario)... but I think that they're all future solid starters at the very least. Discipline and teamwork are going to have to get the job done for the time being... but better days are coming. Go Bills!
  10. Watching EJ play quarterback for the Bills made me feel exactly the same way...
  11. Steadfastly defended Tyrod every time someone put him down in my presence... guess I just don't like it when people are slagged for doing their best. Bills' OC should have allowed him to run wild IMHO.
  12. Thread title had me thinking that KWJ "resorted" to a life of crime due to financial necessity... but he seems to be just a straight up psycho pervert to me.
  13. My point was... it wouldn't be too hard to find a messed up play on tape for any QB who ever played the game. Although the pivot is generally blamed whenever he throws the ball to nowhere... or worse to the other team... it's always difficult to really know who made the mistake on the play. I'll bet we can find at least one play on tape where Dan Orlovsky looks really bad. I doubt that he'd be happy to accept that one play as being representative of his entire career... or his abilities as a quarterback.
  14. Can't seem to make myself vote for OJ (though he was incredible as a football player)... Thurman was a key cog in one of the best NFL offenses ever... but I really admired Joe Cribbs back in the Chuck Knox era.
  15. Orlovsky was one damn fine quarterback too. Makes him an excellent judge of the situation.
  16. Fortunately, there isn't a draft "expert" out there who will have any impact on the trajectory of Josh Allen's career. That's 100% on the Bills' coaches... and on the kid himself. Frankly, listening to the Buffalo media types... and a lot of people on this board... you'd swear that they want him to fail. Regardless of who you may have wanted the Bills to take at #7... this guy's our next big hope at quarterback. I'm hoping like hell that he turns out to be good. Even a Roethlisberger or Bledsoe level of good would make me very happy.
  17. Yes... I'm wondering what the thought process was... "I think that I'll sign-on to be an overpaid marginal player with the Patriots... they have a long history of loyalty and treating guys right".
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