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Jamie Mueller

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Everything posted by Jamie Mueller

  1. Agree with this I think... the real question with anyone outside the top 4 QBs in the draft is what do you do while waiting for them to develop? I don't mind thinking about Lamar Jackson leading the Bills after he's had a chance to learn the pro game... but anything other than moving up means finding that "caretaker" quarterback for next season. Most people on this board seem reluctant to keep Tyrod for another year... but if we're not playing in the Cousins sweepstakes, the alternatives are pretty sketchy.
  2. Doesn't the way that TB got hurt (without any contact)... and the extreme seriousness of the injury make you think twice about this solution? After all... the team that knows about his situation the best seems fairly lukewarm on the guy.
  3. Alex Smith trade set the price... 3rd rounder and a starting player. However, that was for a seasoned starting quarterback. For Foles, perhaps just the pick.
  4. I'd love to see them go get Frank Reich... he'd immediately become the best quarterback in the organization.
  5. I think that the title on this thread is a little bit harsh. I'd have no problem with Tolbert being on the team to help teach the young guys how to be good professionals. The only problem is that the coaches keep putting him on the field.
  6. All through the Tyrod era... the horrible 3 and outs in the second half that leave the defense hung out to dry repeatedly. I want a new quarterback with experience behind center next year... plus a top two round quarterback from the draft.
  7. Wonder if the Pats get this call. Just kidding... of course they will.
  8. On a brighter note... the Pats don't seem particularly interested in playing today. One solid half of football might get it done.
  9. Is there some NFL bylaw that says the Patriots must get the benefit of every single replay call that's ever made?
  10. Boy... one career back-up... albeit a very good one (Reich)... a guy who had one pretty good year in Buffalo (Flutie)... and a guy who mainly played for another team (Lamonica) on many of the lists here. Completely agree with the sentiment that Joe Ferguson was criminally underrated though. I'd rate him second... behind only Jim Kelly.
  11. Bills challenge... as I see it... is to bring all parts of the team up to this level. Last season there were far too many crippling penalties, poor communication between the players on the field, questionable coaching decisions... and ultimately a defense that couldn't seem to stop anything when it mattered. I just don't see this myopic focus on one position. Production at QB was generally far better than many other positions on the team. We'd have easily made the playoffs if all starters had played as well as Taylor did. No question in my mind.
  12. You mean the scouting department that's not here any more?
  13. Rosie would make a good edge rusher... JL not so much.
  14. If the Bills add a 4th quarterback before training camp... it's likely to be someone who falls through the upcoming draft..
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