Put a deposit down today for the new pool, set to be installed in the next few weeks. Getting a jump on a few items before then, to make sure we don’t cause any delay to their timeline.
Initially we were hoping to get it in early enough to hydroseed the entire regraded and messed up areas. We are leaning towards just laying sod in some of the more immediate spaces to allow the dogs access to the rest of the yard for the rest of fall and winter while keeping a temporary fence around the remaining mess. We’d follow up with seed in the spring.
Our largest issue remaining is the access to the dig site. We have large trees in the front of the property, along with some other obsticles. We have three options: Get permission from the neighboring property owner to enter our yard from theirs, using about 20’ of grass on their side. 2) Significantly trim one of trees (take off half of one side) 3) allow driveway access (20 year old asphalt).
Anyone ever have experience with large construction vehicles over your driveway? I am trying to avoid it at all cost. Our driveway is 125’ and in great condition so really not interested in risking potential repair.