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Everything posted by Coastie

  1. Aw man, I play on DraftKings, now I know every game I enter I am putting a little money in those jackholes' pockets? That bums me out.
  2. Hall of Fame is better than good and as to Coughlin being better, I won't agree to that but I will not say you are wrong for holding that opinion. Coughlin made half as many Super Bowls (in 19 years) as Levy (in 12 years) but won two while Levy lost four. And even if I were to concede Coughlin is the better coach, leadership and coaching are not the same. Leadership is a subset of coaching and I maintain Levy is the better leader. As to better overall coach the 2-0 vs 0-4 records in the Super Bowl can not be overlooked, especially since many agree Levy was beaten in the Xs and Os aspect of those games.
  3. Only six times in NFL history has the losing team in the super Bowl gotten back the next year. Marv coached three of those. I always thought that fact showed how effective a leader he was because those players could have quit anywhere along that run and they didn't and I have put the credit for that in Marv's lap. I just haven't seen anything from Ryan that leads me to believe he is a good leader. Now the situations are completely different of course so that must be taken into consideration in any discussion but Marv is the simplest comparison since most here are old enough to remember him and he is our guy and a Hall of Famer to boot.
  4. I didn't either, I searched but couldn't find anything saying they did narrow the goal posts except an article said they were going to experiment with it for the 2015 Pro Bowl. If they did I am surprised there aren't even more missed FGs, that drastic a change removes 25% of the target area.
  5. That is my biggest fear. The refs CAN call a penalty on every play for something. Give the refs the belief that the Bills are dirty and undisciplined and there is no reason to hesitate to pull out the yellow hankie. Reminds me of the Raider teams that, while they earned the reputation they had with the refs, it was a dead certainty that every "should I or shouldn't I" moment the refs had was going to go against the Raiders. I hope we don't end up in that situation.
  6. My exact thoughts at the time. Cutting back towards two defenders while down two scores and just one step from the sideline is a bad choice. No matter how much you want to make the big play and be the hero, a well disciplined player realizes that choice is rife with tragic outcomes. After getting stopped by the two defenders and not realizing it is time to get down just makes the first mistake all the more painful.
  7. jumbalaya, on 05 Oct 2015 - 10:08 AM, said Same way when I am bowling I may pick up a 5-7 split then miss a 4 pin.
  8. Would their replacements have won? I don't know but I do know Hughes and Brown didn't get us this win so maybe benching them may help them focus better next time. Does make me feel a little better to know it isn't just our guys doing dumb things, I watched the Saints special teamer dance around celebrating his tackle while the ball lay on the field two feet away. I mean he literally could have bent over, picked it up and taken three steps to the end zone. I laughed out loud when I thought about what they are going to say when they watch the film. But then the Saints aren't my team so it's easy to laugh.
  9. I know, I was yelling get out of bounds as soon as he caught it. I appreciate the desire to get yards but down two scores you can't cut back into the field of play towards two defenders.
  10. I know it is an excuse and I hate making excuses but the Giants staff had extra time to prepare for us since they were the Thursday game last week. I hate playing teams coming in with extra time to rest and prep.
  11. Yeah, I remember mumbling maybe his hands are clay. He did finish strong and that was a relief because I think Taylor is going to need a player he is comfortable going to when the chips are down and I think Clay could be that guy kind of like Witten is in Dallas.
  12. Marv's teams were by no means perfect and there are certainly instances where they made dumb mistakes but I remember those being the exception rather than the rule though 2 decades can blur memories. In the admittedly very small sample we have of Rex's Bills, dumb mistakes seem to be the rule, not the exception.
  13. Leadership has a large hand in determining the "corporate culture" of an organization. Rex Ryan has a very foot-loose and freewheeling leadership style that is not conducive to developing self control or mental discipline, at least in my opinion. That said, Hughes and Williams are grown men and the fact their leadership is undisciplined does not mean they have to be, it just means it is easier for them for to be.
  14. I agree, Rex has always seemed kind of petulant to me and I think he will put a large chunk of the blame for the loss on Carpenter (and not entirely unfairly) and I expect there to be some free agent kickers in camp this week. Wish I knew what changed from last year, he was money.
  15. Haven't seen anyone mention it but the play that left me with my jaw hanging open was when the Bills got a lucky break on the kickoff and the ball did not bounce into the end zone. It took a perfect backwards bounce and for a second was just laying there at the two yard line and somehow the Bill's coverage team allow it to be scooped up and returned to the 30. I was flabbergasted.
  16. Dang, the NFL won't let me start using their playoff scenario tracker until week 11! Welcome to the ESPN.com NFL Playoff Machine Start making your 2015 playoff predictions after Week 11 of the NFL season (Rest assured I bookmarked it )
  17. I got 99 problems and the Bills are one.
  18. If we win this week, I think you are right about a possible let down. How the team comes out against Miami will be very telling. If they come out and try to crush Miami from the first snap, oh baby I will take back much of what I have said about Rex Ryan. If they come out flat then I can only hope they take it as a learning lesson. If they lose to the Pats, especially if it is a close loss, I think Miami bears the wrath.
  19. My thoughts as well, the gain on returns is less than the loss on offense were he to get hurt in my opinion. Now there may be a point where we have to go all in and risk the injury but I don't think we are there by any means.
  20. I always found a reason to hope but if I truly look at it objectively then it has been awhile since I honestly believed.
  21. Every season since 1973, I start with hope, I start with dreams of the Bills winning a Super Bowl but if the Bills start 2-0 this season I think for the first time in 10 years I will actually BELIEVE we can make it to the Super Bowl. Not saying we will, not even saying it is probable but I am saying for the first time in recent memory I will able to look at my team honestly and say we can win it all. I know two games is not a lot but what will push me over the edge into belief is we played five games against teams with ten wins or more last year and won three of them. So I am like Fox Mulder I guess, I want to believe and if we can pull off the win this week, I will.
  22. I watched the football life about Flutie last week and I caught myself thinking... what could he have done with the team we have this year? Would it have been his chance to actually prove what he had in the tank? Sorry Doug, you were here 15 years too soon.
  23. Too many people are viewing this as a zero sum equation. It is not. It is possible that both the Bills and the Seahawks are doing the right thing here as both teams improve their positions.
  24. Now that is a bit much, I lived in Renton for 5 years and I watched them live whenever I could. Only game I went to in person was the Romo fumbled snap playoff game and I couldn't have scripted a more enjoyable finish to a Cowboys game.
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