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Everything posted by JAMIEBUF12

  1. i dont remember the bills drafting a linebacker this good since sam cowart:-)
  2. thats what i was thinking last night.grab another tackle and another defensive end for the rotation and mauybe kirk cousins for a developmental qb,id be happy with lineman the rest of the way...go bills!
  3. i'd trade all the way up to 3, thats how you build a team .you go out and do whatever it takes to get the important pieces....go bills!
  4. i think the pick at #10 will be jonathan martin:-) go bills!
  5. well we are going to need depth and we will use a de rotation right? so kelsey and carrington can be rotated in and out? go bills in 2012:-)
  6. i bill........eve we will draft a left tackle as well with the tenth pick.....nix already said the draft is deep with defensive ends...i dont think he wants to take one at ten just to take one...........go bills in 2012:-)
  7. yes!!!!!!! feels great being a bills fan tonight n knowing we finally kept one of our own:-)
  8. i'd sure like to have the 5th spot for that defensive end
  9. i was at the game n sat in 335 n had a very similar exp...overall it was great n most giants fans were kewl n i went with two giants fans.............a heavy set gurl n a wimp of a boyfriend kept jawing back n forth with a bills fan in the row in front of me.................the whole section kept wondering why the gurl was so angry......late into the 4th the gurls boyfriend turns around n starts with me.....i never swore n i never called her names like some others were......finally when the giants made a play he turned to me n started mouthing off n i was like come up here n get some...like ten mins later my uncle tells me to chill cause two security guards are right at the end of our row......they waited for like 5 mins and split.......when the game ended the same guy that was in my face apologized n said he was a little crazy from the game......overall most fans were kewl....a few guys teased ryan n called out harvard when he threw interceptions,but when he made plays i called out harvard and the giants fans chuckled......i did remind that guy that we were in jersey n not in new york!!!!!! go bills!!!
  10. chris kelsay,we will need the roster spot for a olineman we pick up:-) go bills!
  11. i absolutely love these new old helmets...i think the unis r so classy looking.......it puts us up there with the colts/bears as having the coolest unis:-)
  12. i think he is a bust n just think he totally blew the new england game n the dallas game.......
  13. because he would be getting paid 9.5 million to be the third string qb...thats more than we pay our #1 qb
  14. ive got a different take on it.......if there is no football next season crime will go up because all the unemployed football players will be getting arrested left and right!!!!
  15. The Buffalo Bills selected Kelly in the first round of the 1983 NFL Draft......we drafted jim kelly in the first round where do you find these stats?
  16. exactly!!!!! well said...........it took whjat 4 games for gailey to not only bench but cut trent edwards....thats a bill parcells move.they also traded marshawn lynch away mid season.....jauron would have kept playing trent and having those broken record press conferences............we just have to get better and well shucks they are a awfully talented tough team...No jauron was awful and now the bills are a real football team again!!!! go bills!!!
  17. well nix rightly showed ralph that there wasnt a francise qb in this draft.....as far as mallet beating us as a patriot i highly doubt he ever sees the field......he will be suspended for doing drugs or something stooopid long before he gets that chance....didnt he already miss a pre draft interview in denver cause he was out partying?...i see it was crazy easy to pass on mallet and im glad nix and whaley are making the picks and not you!!!!!!! go bills!!!!
  18. I say fire all the players and let the owners set their new rules and draft all new players....the decertification is a scam....the union was filing its decertification papers while still at the negotiating table.i also feel that when all this is over the head of the nflpa should not be allowed to be part of the new union.that should be the terms since they are technically not a union anymore...the players say the nfl locked them out,when in fact they caused this by decertifying.when the last cba was signed the players knew there was a opt out clause.......in the modern nfl players change teams soooo much,that the fans root for the uniform more than the player anyways.....i could care less about the argument that we would be missing the tom bradys and peyton mannings.....if all the players are lesser talent it makes them even so you will still see lots of touchdowns and defense.no different than watching a good college game.... another thing.all this talk about the bills always on the list of leaving buffalo....maybe the nfl should consider moving the vikings to los angelous....it seems every weird nfl case goes to a favorable judge in minnesota.....like pat and kevin williams not allowed to be suspended by the nfl because of laws in minnesota,when the rest of the nfl players that tested positive had to serve their suspensions.the white case against the nfl was in minnesota and now this anti trust case...soooo if the nfl owners were smart they would just solve the l.a problem by eliminating the vikings residing in minnesota............go bills in'2011
  19. robert quinn in the first round and christian ponder in the second round
  20. robert quinn with our first pick and christian ponder with our second pick.........go bills in 2011
  21. bowers or quinn.either one would be a great pick......go bills in"2011
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