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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. Klein isn’t re structuring. He has all the leverage in the contract .
  2. You don’t like Williams, or thinking cap space? I thought he was outstanding last year
  3. Play him where though? I am hoping for a D Williams re sign! And got Dawkins cementing the left side.
  4. Fair enough buddy. While I agree on some things you say, I differ on a few so we’ll have to agree to disagree on those. I Appreciate your well thought out and respectful posts 👍
  5. I really don’t think having a great TE is the missing piece to the offence. Would it help? Sure but at what expense? Letting darryl Williams walk? Not worth it IMO. They got to be able to run the ball against light boxes and they just couldn’t do that last year and the chiefs exposed them On it. When the other team has 6 dbs all game and you can’t run again 5-6 man light boxes, that is by far the biggest issue.
  6. I think we are in agreement that adding ertz would make their offence better and more versatile. I just don’t think it would be wise to add a player who’s going to be making a lot of money , when there really isn’t really a big need at the position. I am not saying Knox is the answer yet. But they did invest a fairly high pick on him and he’s still fairly raw, so I think you got to bet on him on year 3 that he’s going to have some big improvements. (Josh Allen for example taking the big step year 3 who was a raw player out of Wyoming )
  7. Thank you for your detailed post. Here is what I will say though. 1. They are going to be paying Allen somewhere in the 40 mil range- whether they extend him this year or next remains to be seen- So in saying that, he is the franchise guy needless to say, and I think they should absolutely run schemes in which he is comfortable/excels in. 2. You just said it- the bills run schemes in which matches that personnel. Well that personnel and scheme they ran resulted in what, the 2nd or 3rd ranked offence in the NFL? And thats with Josh playing with a shoulder injury for multiples games and their WR2 being injured for the majority of the year. So my question to you is. Why would you want to change that? lol. And that doesn't even speak to the financial side of things and trading assets to get a player like ertz. He is making 11 million right now lol or somewhere in that range- eagles are going trade him not release him- Sure they may take some salary, but that's why i said 8-11 mil. The reason the Bills got crushed by the chiefs was because a variety of issues. 1. The couldn't run against super soft boxes 2. The o line got blown up all game 3. The Wrs were injured and ineffective., 4. Josh didn't have his best game.
  8. Do you really want to spend 8-11 million on a player who would basically be a luxury and not a "need" though? I get it, they would be better with Ertz. How much better is the real question. Especially when they Bills do employ a lot of 10-11 personnel, and keeping in mind they are tight against the cap as is with much bigger holes to fill. (Darryl williams or replacement, Felciano or replacement, pass rusher, potential CB2, potential milano replacement)
  9. Ya I see what you’re saying. I just don’t think the bills are going to switch up what they do best though , which is 11 personnel. Will they use 12 some times or some games? Sure I think they will as daboll is a very matchup based coach. But Allen is most comfortable in 11, that’s what they do best in, and I can’t see them bringing in a veteran TE who is going to cost a lot when they are already pressed up against the cap. Just my opinion sir, I could be wrong.
  10. Bills are a heavy 11 personnel offence though. You add Ertz and you have to go 12 personnel if you want ertz and knox on the field at the same time which really doesn't fit the bills offensive identity.
  11. Hoping John brown doesn’t get cut. Would much prefer them signing him to an extension to free up a little room this year.
  12. hahahaha I am laughing more than I probably should but that was amazing
  13. He’s been playing pretty well though and recently he said he wants a place where he can compete for a starting job. I thought he would be back in the league and maybe be a bridge guy for a team like Jacksonville, or whoever drafts a QB in the 1st round
  14. Dak for Rus Wilson seems to make sense. (With other stuff maybe thrown in the deal) Win/win situation for both teams IMO.
  15. Yep. Or Ford competes at RT if they don’t sign Williams. Which I pray does not happen.
  16. Drew brees SB ring, multiple all pros, and basically better stats all around compared to rivers. They really aren’t comparable at all.
  17. That’s true. Maybe I am putting my own beliefs of what constitutes as a HOF er. Im more on the baseball side of things where I would only put in the best of the best.
  18. A potential first ballot HOFer and a lock for a guy with no Sbs, mvp awards, or all pros? If rivers is a first ballot HOFer and is considered a lock to make the HOF, that really taints the hall of fame IMO.
  19. Regular season HOf er for sure. But he never really played that well in the playoffs and never even got to a SB. Now I’m not blaming that all on him as it’s a team game, but he never played his best football when it mattered the most.
  20. Rivers just retired but that is an interesting one to me. I think he is going to be right on the border. For me I would vote no, but I think he has a legit chance of getting in
  21. I was meaning to say he inherited an anemic offence in 2018, I’m aware he was the OC then. And to be Frank , I didn’t like him the first year. In saying that, I don’t think any Oc would have success when kelvin benjamin was the starting WR1 with Zay being the 2nd..
  22. Well considering he took an anemic bills offence from 2018 to top 3 in the league, and with a QB that had came 2nd place in mvp voting after coming out of college with huge flaws, how can you really argue otherwise? Daboll was a big part of Allen’s growth (among other factors of course) . if you don’t watch cover1 from Erik Turner, I would highly recommend you checking that out, as some of the game plans and play calls/adjustments daboll has is brilliant.
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