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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. Yes sir, that’s exactly how I see it as well.
  2. I’ll say Josh will have as good as a year as last year, (hard to be better) but his stats wont be as good. Just cause I think the bills are going to put a little more emphasis on running the ball compared to last year. “Little more” being the key words as I still think the bills will be a pass heavy team
  3. Ya That’s exactly like something I was thinking. Anything over that, no way.
  4. If they even pay half of that amount to him...
  5. The chargers say: “Ya special teams is so overrated, who needs to focus on that”.
  6. Do the eagles actually think they are going to get a ton in return for Ertz? Like weren’t they potentially going to cut him and still possibly might if they can’t find a trade suitor?
  7. So true. Has like back to back 1000 yard seasons or something close to that at least, and they bring in Gordon . Has another descent year in a terrible offence, and then they release him lol. I don’t get it.
  8. Golladay would be the clear number 1 in cinci IMO as he is way better than Boyd and Higgins
  9. Bills aren’t going to pay Fuller 10-12 mil a year even on a 1 year deal. And I don’t think fuller would want to come to Buffalo to be the 2nd/3rd option. Sure his stats may be comparable say if he went to the bengals, but if he wants to get number 1 receiver money he has to prove it as the number 1. And playing as the 2nd or maybe even 3rd option in Buffalo would do nothing to help that.
  10. Still need a QB though. Love Fitz, but there’s only so far he can take them
  11. I think the part you’re missing though is he wants to prove he can be a dominant number 1 so he can cash in. And he will never have that opportunity in Buffalo regardless if his stats are similar if he went to cinci.
  12. Do you think someone like golladay, fuller, or Samuel would want to come to Buffalo where they would be the 2nd or 3rd option though? (Diggs and Beas) I think part of them wanting to take a 1 year prove it contract is them knowing they will be the clear 1 on the team with a lot of balls coming their way. Especially someone like golladay
  13. I think that’s well said. In saying that, I still hope the bills can find an upgrade over Levi. Draft a CB day one or 2 and hope he takes the reigns. While Levi is a serviceable player and plays hard, he’s still a mediocre CB2 IMO.
  14. I hope draft. I really don’t think the bills need to do that much more at TE. A lot of signs show Knox should progress a lot year 3, and the bills run a ton of 10 and 11 personnel. So 2 TEs on the field at the same time doesn’t seem like it will happen too often.
  15. Unfortunately this is very true ^. Hoping someone can beat him out this year. I know Levi isn’t terrible and he has good games, but you would think someone would be able to beat him out lol
  16. Still want the bills to draft one at 30, or in the 2nd round
  17. Lolll who is this guy on twitter...The guy is acting like he is Ian Rapoport
  18. 6 mil for sanders, uggg. Not horrible but I would have preferred them just keeping smoke. Either see if they could have got him to take a pay cut, or extend him and move some of the cap to 2022.
  19. Oh I agree. But that’s a very bold strategy , to essentially go all in on one year. Don’t wanna be like Houston in a few years where you have an all pro QB and absolutely nothing around the player.
  20. I just don’t think the bills have the cap room to make it work. I get it, they can re structure tre and dion. But with Josh’s contract coming up, got to be careful about backloading too many contracts
  21. So this was the huge rumour Cynthia frelund was talking about!
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