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Bookie Man

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Everything posted by Bookie Man

  1. NFL officiating is complete garbage. With all of the video and replay capabilities, it would be very easy to come up with a better system. Kind of like the security system of Best Buy. But instead, let's have a bunch of fools running around, making morons out of themselves. Can someone please make a facebook page or something, called NFL CHUMPires so people from all teams can really bring attention this joke of an officiating system?
  2. And I don't think you should pin this loss on the coaches. No, they weren't crisp and didn't manage timeouts very well. But I felt the gameplan was sound. They ran the ball and played good D. Gameplan was good enough win. TT once again left plays on the field. And then Leodis happened. Coaching B- Tyrod C-
  3. Ok I've seen a few times referenced here that Leodis fumbled twice before getting put back out there on his last return that he bobbled. Help me out, I can only think of the one around the 30. And everyone is saying Gilmore was the cb on the inadvertent whistle play. Was it not Darby?
  4. Sort of a double edged sword. Not many turnovers, but also leading the league in 3 and outs. Maybe being overly careful with the football. He tends to only throw if the receiver is college open, rather than throwing a guy open.
  5. Just get him off punt returns. I'm fine with Denarius back there. I'm not kidding.
  6. I like Tyrod, even liked watching him at VT. But he lacked anticipation then and he still does now. He can run around and make plays, but he'll never be that qb that can pick you apart with those short quick passes. Anticipation and pocket presence are IMO two of the most important traits of a quality NFL qb.
  7. I knew after that "holding" call on Graham it was going to be a great night. Flag was only about 15 seconds after holding would have occurred.
  8. And they can quit saying that would have a TD by Amemdola on the inadvertent whistle. Darby was right there for the tackle .
  9. Why keep throwing 2 yard passes over the middle.. Im starting to question Tyrods football IQ...
  10. Sense of urgency maybe? Tyrods just like "I can't hear you bro. I said I can't hear you." Take command dude!
  11. Kudos to Rex and his defense starting to look legit. I missed this thing called pressure.
  12. D was solid tonight. Hopefully can carry that on to next week and not have a ler down
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