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Everything posted by quinnearlysghost88

  1. Levy had a pretty experienced OC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Ringo
  2. go look at the current O coordinators for other good offenses: http://en.wikipedia....thaniel_Hackett they list them below Hackett's bio. look at their experience. spoiler alert: they weren't assistant LB coaches at UC Davis 10 years ago.
  3. I hated our offense last year. I hated the shotgun-play-fake-option every down. I hated the lack of a vertical game. I hated the under utilization of CJ. I hated the passing on obviously run situations and running on obvious passing situations. I hated 8 yard passes on 3rd down when we needed 10 yards. I hated EJ whipping screen passes at the feet of RBs. I hated being able to tell if it was a run or pass pre-snap from my couch. It was boring, uninspired, predictable play calling
  4. I mean you realize we can watch their practices, right? you don't have to guarantee it. Here are some recaps. Note: EJ does his best work on 7vs7 (subnote: football is played 11v11): The results of the red zone work were mixed. EJ Manuel's first six reps came in a nine-on-nine drill where there was a half-offensive line on the right side. We scratched our head when Manuel was pressured from the right side, tucked the ball, and scrambled to the left. Doug Marrone has previously emphasized the point of the seven-on-seven drill (or its cousin, the nine-on-nine drill) is to throw the ball downfield, so scrambling to the side of the field with no offensive or defensive linemen -- by design -- is a questionable decision. In 11-on-11 red zone work, Manuel was sacked on two of his first four reps and didn't record a touchdown in any of his seven total reps in that period. In the final seven-on-seven series, Manuel's first two passes didn't score points but he finished on a strong note, hitting Lee Smith and Mike Williams for back-to-back touchdowns. There was a heavy emphasis on the red zone in Wednesday's practice. The results weren't spectacular. In his second set of 11-on-11 reps, Manuel was sacked on his first two plays. The second play featured Manny Lawson pulling up in front of Manuel (no contact is allowed on quarterbacks) and standing there as Manuel continued to move his feet and read the defense for another second or two. It was an odd sight. Manuel found Lee Smith on the next play for a touchdown, one of just two we logged for Manuel in red zone drills. Some of Manuel's past problems cropped up Tuesday night, as he appeared to hold the ball too long on some plays while making questionable decisions (e.g. targeting Scott Chandler in double coverage in the end zone) on others. Overall, it was one of Manuel's poorer practices of camp. Following the two-minute drill, the Bills closed out their practice with a 7-on-7 drill in the red zone, as they've done for most of camp. Manuel overthrew Sammy Watkins on a fade pattern, then had Evan Rodriguez drop a pass across the middle. Manuel scrambled on his third play, and Watkins dropped a would-be touchdown on the final play. Not the best series. In an 11-on-11 red zone drill earlier in practice, Manuel overthrew Watkins on one play and was picked off by safety Jajuan Harley in the end zone on another before finding Robert Woods (twice) and Chris Gragg on touchdowns. The Bills offense was all over the map in red zone work. On the plus side, Manuel hit Mike Williams for a touchdown in 7-on-7 and lofted two well-thrown passes to Sammy Watkins and Scott Chandler that were either dropped or broken up. Jeff Tuel followed with a touchdowns to Lee Smith and Chris Gragg, as well as a beautiful one-handed grab by Woods in the end zone. On the negative end, Manuel badly overthrew Williams on a broken play where Williams was open in the end zone. On the next play, Manuel scrambled in the backfield and tried forcing a ball into coverage. He was intercepted by first-year safety Jajuan Harley.
  5. I mean, but don't you expect them to have some kind of planning for the red zone, even if it's a limited game plan? especially in an area were we ranked 25th. Or are we just going wait until week 1 to go live with this stuff? Because that seems like a bad idea.
  6. Reading some things on our red zone woes and this is an interesting quote from Mike Williams, "We've been working on it," Williams said. "We know that’s a point of emphasis. We weren’t ranked high in the red zone last year, so we’ll be working on it. We’ll see this week. We'll see if all the work has been paying off. There are no excuses, but last week we didn’t even have red zone in the game plan, so that made it kind of difficult, but no excuses, we have to score down there and make the catches we’re supposed to. We’ll see this week." Mods, feel free to close this if it's already been discussed.
  7. If there was just a "Rant about this current team" thread. There wouldn't be any other topics on TBD.
  8. Good catch ha. I live in Carolina and somehow forgot we beat them at the last second
  9. I know these are some vanilla, make believe games. But, not surprisingly, many, many QBs (this past weekend) seemed to have good performances. Even with pared back playbooks and positional flux. I think that's where the panic comes from. And EJ has has an extended camp and an extra game. B. Roethlisberger 8/11 128 11.6 2 0 0-0 150.8 A. Rodgers 11/13 128 9.8 1 0 0-0 133.3 S. Bradford 9/12 101 8.4 1 0 0-0 127.4 R. Nassib 11/15 158 10.5 1 0 0-0 129.3 A. Luck 12/18 89 4.9 1 0 0-0 96.8 T. Romo 4/5 80 16.0 1 0 0-0 158.3 J. Flacco 9/17 113 6.6 1 0 0-0 93.5 A. Dalton 8/8 144 18.0 1 0 0-0 158.3 T. Bridgewater 16/20 177 8.9 2 0 1-8 136.9 M. Cassel 12/16 153 9.6 1 0 0-0 125.3 B. Bortles 11/17 160 9.4 0 0 0-0 95.2 C. Henne 12/17 130 7.6 1 0 1-7 112.4 J. Cutler 7/9 75 8.3 1 0 0-0 138.4 B. Roethlisberger 8/11 128 11.6 2 0 0-0 150.8 A. Smith 14/22 127 5.8 0 0 2-18 79.2 R. Fitzpatrick 9/12 97 8.1 1 0 0-0 126.0 Edit: some starting QBs are not listed because they didn't play or had limited reps.
  10. Yeah, I really wish EJ had a better touch for screens. They're a tire fire.
  11. I know I don't have amnesia. I distinctly remember everyone saying this last preseason and the cries were "it's just preseason" and then when we started 0-3, there were literally boards that started: My thing is where are the screens, misdirections, rubs/picks off bunch sets that would free up players just by design? "We were among the best screen teams in the NFL last year...WR screens, RB screens, Middle screens...where are they? Our backs are phenomenal screen backs... We have a mobile QB but rarely use it to our advantage...where are the misdirections or the waggles that send the run action and line one way and then drags a TE or FB back across the formation usually leaving them wide open especially with aggressive, over pursuing teams... No picks or rubs that would especially be effective against teams jamming WRs at the line as you can force the DB covering a WR to fight through four defenders to get to his man, or if they switch, likely cause confusion at some point when one of the 3 DBs makes a mental mistake... This is basic stuff that I saw no evidence of us doing and was very disappointed since this would be the perfect team to do this against... " So, I really don't have faith that there is some magical extended playbook out there that they're just WAITING to unleash on regular season match-ups.
  12. I know a lot is made of this team's playoff drought, and how it's tied to not being able to finish games. With that, I stumbled on the fact that in the past ten years (2003-2013), the Bills have lost 37 games by 5 points or less. That's ALMOST four games a season. I wonder how that measures against other teams in the league over the same time period. And are good teams finding ways to win by small margins in the same way we're losing by small margins?
  13. I mean I think EJ has potential in this league but the rookie passer rating stat...he played 9.5 games last year.
  14. Yes I will fully admit that I didn't read the OPs article. I saw the title on the stadium wall, recalled Friday and posted my experience. And I don't think I'm using completions as a negative. I just think looking at a completion as a measuring stick is short sighted. As decent as he looked Friday, seeing him live didn't instill any confidence in me. There were a few times where he had open wR/Rb but didn't get through his progressions in time or locked on one side of the field. And yes I know that's kind of unfair considering that Carolina had a very competitive d. But again this is just one mans opinion with a few Blue Lights in the barrel haha.
  15. Sorry, I have a job. I can't live on the Bills boards in the middle of August. It was to Woods, I don't recall which of the routes it was. I was sitting with four other Bills fans and we ALL remarked watching the replay how odd it was that he didn't look off. But again, TBD is going to staunchly defend any slight brought against EJ because...why? he hasn't proven anything here.
  16. I was sitting on the 30 in Carolina last weekend and he had a play where he stared down Robert Woods from the second the ball was snapped until he made the pass. It was insane how telegraphed it was. How can you be an NFL QB and actively do something like that? To EJ's credit(?), Woods caught the pass
  17. I really needed to revisit deadspin's "why your team sucks" Quarterback edition, and very few things have changed from 2013: Your quarterback: Jeff Tuel. THE UNDRAFTED JEFF TUEL OH MY GOD THIS YOUNG MAN IS WILLING TO WORK HARD. Think about how desperate you have to be at QB to start Tuel, sign Matt Leinart, and trade (TRADE!) for Thad Lewis. Why trade for Thad Lewis when you can make your own out of felt and Elmer's Glue? We haven't even made it to the regular season yet and already the Bills have already seen one of their QBs have surgery and another end his career. Because that's what happens if you're a QB and you go to Buffalo: your life ends. Of course, Tuel, Leinart, and Lewis are all stopgap solutions for the Bills, who are waiting for first round draft pick EJ Manuel to get healthy again. Take it from someone who roots for the NFC's equivalent of the Bills: Reaching in the first round for an injury-prone Florida State QB rarely works out. Seeing Manuel perform well in the preseason represents the best part of the Bills 2013 season. We've already passed the summit. Nothing but Tuel and empty bottles of LaBatt Blue for the next four months.
  18. To be honest, I would take Losman. I think he wouldn't do too poorly
  19. I see you guys tailgating when i'm walking into tavern for games. it's looks awesome. you wouldnt happen to know (be) the dudes who used to go to jackalopes and were asked to take their fandom elsewhere?
  20. it's 0.7 miles. and no, herns, the service and beer have not gone downhill. it's the same place it's always been. and, really, a windowless bar annexed to the back of another bar doesn't have really far to go downhill from its original iteration. I'll be there at 4:30 as well.
  21. I'll be at the game as well, trying to figure out a game plan as well, though I live in charlotte. the tailgating can be fickle.
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