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Everything posted by quinnearlysghost88

  1. I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but Lewis has started 1 NFL game. By watching him for two years, do you mean preseason and practices? Because if so, that's speculation. Preseason and practice is not game-day. Ask Tuel.
  2. Vic's opinion is based upon the same information we have. It's blind optimism.
  3. I agree that the D needs to create opportunities for us, but solely relying on that is a bad plan. Whether we run a hurry up or a traditional offense, they're going to stack 7-8 in the box and dare Thad to beat them. Which is kind of hilarious after what they just did to a HOF QB.
  4. Just watching the Bengals/Pats game, their defensive line is one of the best in the league. They were all over Brady, who has arguable the best o-line in football. So, while I get slowing the tempo down and taking a more calculated approach, we need to have an up tempo offense. The Bengals were in QUICK. I realize that the Pats had a lot of dropped balls, but they were most effective when they forced the Bengals to hustle to the line. Adding on, they held Brady without a touchdown for the first time in 52 games. And the Pats had zero penalties. ZERO TDs. And we have Thad Lewis starting. Just saying. They held the Pats to 82 total yards and had 4 sacks and 8 QB hits.
  5. God intervened on that final drive. It poured for the most important Pats possession, and then it was clear when the Bengals intercepted.
  6. It seems that when this season started, everyone has realistic expectations for this team. probably a 6 win team, many said, maybe 7 or 8 wins if the defense plays well. we have a rookie qb and coach, this is definitely a rebuilding year for the future everyone knew. i just want to see some competitiveness and keep games close was the consensus. BUT somewhere between those restrained preseason predictions and a 2-3 team, all of the sudden everyone is EXPECTING excellence and WINS. where did this come from? two months ago these boards were happy to have 6-8 wins, NOW they want hackett gone and pettines not blitzing enough and we should have won this game, etc. every player or personnel has been thrown under the bus at least once this season on these boards. i just dont get it. we're a 6-8 win product and that's it. don't get mad when they meet those expectations, just temper your own.
  7. So I hear the concussion issue everywhere now, but I have to ask: who is actually pushing the issue? aside from the media and players/family of the affected players. i know fan in SF or fan in New Orleans or fan in Pittsburgh LIKES his/her players, but if they have lingering effects 15 years after their careers are over, these fans aren't losing sleep at night. No one ACTUALLY cares. So this drumming up of lawsuits and attention isn't being pushed by the fans, in my opinion. Go to any message board and you see fans complaining that they're taking the violence OUT of the game. I just find it curious that Goodell has to appease the fans with a letter like this. When in actuality fans understand that you can only make the game so safe and that it's a dangerous, life-threatening sport. There are inherent risks. I don't need it safer, it is what it is. EVERYONE knows this. But because the game has mass, mass appeal and it's in every corner and fiber of America, there seems to be this invisible hand pushing the sport to make it more acceptable to a contingency of fans that don't exist.
  8. The biggest key is reducing penalties. I can't tell you how many big plays we've had called back. It's to the point where I don't celebrate a big play until 5 seconds after it happens.
  9. I'm confident about this game. If we rush as much as we did last week and get penetration from our front 4, we're going to win. It's as simple as that.
  10. I like it all. But I'm going to be BOLD and say, if we're healthy in the secondary and Byrd is back, we beat ATL.
  11. Eventually, maybe two or three years down the road, I'm going to win an award at two bills drive. it's going to be the most sarcastic posts that caused casual board readers to create an account to blindly comment back in rage. I hope it fits on the trophy.
  12. It was sarcasm. the error in my sarcasm was assuming people would get it. i even capitalized RAW and REMOVED. and said that he could occupy 3 players from the secondary, which is obviously crazy.
  13. moderators please remove this member IMMEDIATELY. no one talks bad about Graham. Most teams would KILL for a WR will that much speed and RAW talent. The kind of game-breaking end that can occupy a CB an SS and an FS on a single go route. ONLY A BILLS FAN would want that kind of pure unadulterated speed REMOVED from the field. And for who? Marcus Easely. A preseason hero. Everyone's a hero in the preseason.
  14. I mean if I was serious about it, I feel more like saying this to the Bills after they lose: ( language)
  15. Maybe this board is in worse straits than I had previously thought. The fact that anyone is even considering this to be anything but sarcasm, kind of scares me.
  16. When I was on these boards during the preseason, I couldn't wait for the season to start because the conjecture and hypotheticals were at a fever pitch. And now that the season has started, it's worse. I actually just miss reading camp updates.
  17. You probably wont believe this, but I shaved a good two paragraphs off the initial post. I was going to go big, but then it just started getting too over the top.
  18. Moving up the AFC East ranks if we just get Tuel under center!
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